In her action and the sharp intake of her breath he felt his doubts resolved.
Suddenly, with a sharp intake of breath, Garth turned, grasped Nora's arm, and drew her back.
It must have been somewhere below the present site of the great Government dam at Intake that the buffalo began to appear in vast numbers.
In a steady but ever slackening current it took me about four hours to pull the thirty miles to the Intake dam.
Finally the completion of the dam at Intake and the distribution of water to the most extensive irrigable area in the Yellowstone Valley provided a tributary agricultural territory of great wealth.
A wooden skiff of the size of my steel one would have required at least four men to lift it up the forty-five degree slope of the bank above the intake of the power canal.
Standing up on the thwart in an endeavour to get a better view, I was warned by the accelerating undulations of the skiff that I had floated right onto the intake of a riffle which I had assumed was still several hundred yards distant.
Margaret cried, with a swift intake of the breath that was almost a sob.
Miss Hugonin turned to Mr. Woods with a little intake of the breath.
When, due to climatic change, evaporation exceeded intake by streams, the outlet was cut off.
Crater Lake has very littleintake except direct rainfall and snowfall, and its water is fresh.
Get the measurement of that valve and intake pipe at once, and I'll get them when I go in this time.
It needs repacking, and it needs a bigger intake pipe.
Shortly after the injury difficulties in standing and walking set in, with headache, noises in the left ear, difficulty in the intake of ideas, excitability, and poor memory.
The picture was of unilateral increase of tendon reflexes, accelerated pulse, disorder in the intake of ideas, difficulty in finding words and delayed associations.
He showed a retardation in his intake of ideas, and his voice in answering sounded absent-minded.
This would be doing only what the race is doing with every intakeof alien blood.
But unfortunately, the one weakness in their civilizing process, the overestimation of minor conventions, such as the wearing of clothing, only left an opening for the intake of diseases and defects of our civilization.
Yet all the romance which brightens the pages of European history and its intake of Asiatic culture is ordinary beside the mysterious silence that steeps the origin and age of the cultures of the Pacific.
To-day it was as if with each intake of breath the sweet air reached for the first time the most remote corners of his lungs.
Coming," she answered, with a quiet intake of breath.
The intake of I-131 will have its greatest impact the first few days to weeks following a nuclear explosion.
When required to operate in the CB mode, the fresh air intake on the FDECU is closed and the CB filter blower is turned on drawing fresh air through the filters to support the FDECU and to provide clean air for the CPS.
Do not | | exceed a fluid intake of 12 quarts per day.
The intake manifold or passage was placed over the intake valves so that the intake charge flowed directly into and through the valve cage around the open valve and into the cylinder.
By means of the proper webs, brackets and bosses, the crankcase would also carry the crankshaft, the rocker arms and bearings, and the intake manifold.
The water was piped to a horizontal manifold running along the cylinders just below the intake manifold, and a similar manifold on the other side of the engine collected it for delivery to the radiator.
Basically, the intake charge was fed to the cylinders by a round gallery manifold running alongside the engine.
With the valve box, or housing, cylindrical, the task of locking and fastening the intake and exhaust valve guides and seats in place was easy.
The cylinder was completely revised, the intake being moved to the camshaft side of the engine from its position adjacent to the exhaust, so that the two ports were now on opposite sides of the cylinder.
The intake and exhaust valves were identical and of two-piece construction, with the stems screwed tightly into and through the heads and the protruding ends then peened over.
Essentially it was a manually controlled mechanism whereby all the exhaust valves could be held open as long as desired, thus preventing any normal charge intake or compression in the cylinder.
He went back to his machine and drove clear up to the intake from the Valley Irrigation Company's canal.
Knowing those twists and swirls, Foster had designed a small jet unit with air intakeslots and jet-pipes which utilized the air-flow through the gravitor field.
The air intake had to be designed to work on the disturbed air-flow.
It could be scrambling ourintake flow," Foster acknowledged pensively.
Over the top of his retaining wall still poured the foul water which was to leaven all this, and he gazed upon it with a sharp intake of the breath.
In April, 1907, the headworks and intake on Mill Creek were installed.
She tried to put it aside, but at such times it would rise up till I could read it in the look of her eyes, in the very intake of her breath.
The heavy demands of these two branches, coupled with the fact that infantry wastage was practically exceeding the intake of recruits, threatened a gradual disappearance of the principal arm of the Service.
As he ran, the sharp intake of icy air made his lungs seem to contract.
Carmena jumped her pony across the intake canal and loped ahead toward the cliff house.
All we had to do was rebuild the intake dam and clean out the ditch.
Trina wrenched from him with a sharp intake of breath, frowning with pain, and caressing her shoulder.
She answered by frowning, with a sharp intake of breath, putting her fingers over her closed lips and nodding her head.
The intake plant has a capacity of 100 tons of wheat an hour, and includes six automatic grain scales, each of which can weigh off one sack at a time.
The whole intake and wheat handling plant is moved by two electro-motors of 35 H.
The vein opens directly into the auricle without any valve between; the auricle opens into the ventricle with the intake valve at the point of junction.
Both the intake and outflow valves are composed of stout but thin sheets of membrane, so that very little pressure is required to operate them.
The intake valve, in order to operate properly, should be located between the auricle and ventricle, and this is where it is.
It is now generally believed that the first sound is partly the result of vibrations set up in the contracting heart muscle and partly due to vibrations from the sharp closing of the intake valves.
By the contraction of the muscles the heart is emptied, the outflow valve being open, and the intake valve being closed to prevent an escape of blood backward into the veins through which it flowed in.
Each of the heart pumps consists, then, of a chamber, which alternately fills and empties itself, and two valves, one on the intake and one on the outflow side.
In order that it shall not empty itself back through the pipe from which it filled there must be a valve in the intake pipe which shall close as the pump is being emptied.
The intake valve on the left side of the heart, which is composed of but two flaps, is known as the mitral valve.
In case the intake valve leaks, there will be a backward jet of blood from the ventricle into the auricle with every beat of the heart.
As soon as the beat of the ventricles is over and the ventricular muscle relaxes, the blood which has accumulated in the auricles presses the intake valve open and blood begins to flow through it directly into the ventricle.
One struck at his face, and the fingers were stiff; one arm was cast over his shoulders, and Andy heard the intake of breath which precedes a shriek.
For a time there was a harsh sound filling the room, the rough intake of the man's breath; he was for the time being paralyzed and incapable of any effort except the effort to fill his lungs.
The intake from the Tigris of this and other canals evidently silted up, and thus enormous volumes of water, usually carried off by them in times of flood, helped to swell this river till, bursting its banks, it inundated the whole country.
This piling up of mounds has been caused by clearing the silt from the entrance to the intake of the canal.
The roofs of the main road and intake have fallen in, and Number Three Working is cut off--with eight men in it!
The intake and main road appeared to be blocked from end to end.
The tide of battle rolled out of the intake into the cavern formed by the face and its approaches.
Respectful intake of breath on the part of the congregation.