The IMF would not have achieved these results because its control mechanisms are flawed: they rely to heavily on local, official input and they are remote (from Washington).
But the important inputis the wetware, the brains.
The IMF cannot rationalize spending in Russia because its control mechanisms are flawed: they rely too heavily on local, official input and they are remote (from Washington).
The "orbops" team, orbital operations, was busy running up orbital and attitude numbers, readying their input commands.
He sighed, tugged at his wisp of beard, and called up the data inputfile for SORT.
In any case, it had to be redone since the crucial payload parameters were going to be new, a substantial weight differential that would impact the power input controls.
While the emperor retains his throne as a symbol of national unity, elected politicians - with heavy inputfrom bureaucrats and business executives - wield actual decisionmaking power.
Machine comprises input and output, process, control mechanisms, and the expectation of predictable functioning.
A circular relation corresponded to the reduced scale of the incipient species: no growth, input and output in balance.
Both elements already discussed-the significance of the smallest changes in the input on the result, and the quality aspect of digital vs.
At times, they appear so esoteric to us that we cannot even fathom what the input of this machine is and what the output.
We now take these distinctions for granted, surprised when children ask for tighter qualifiers, or when computer programs fail because we input information with insufficient levels of distinction.
To incorporate the input of the Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis with respect to performance appraisals, bonus or award recommendations, pay adjustments, and other forms of commendation.
He had been sitting there waiting for that green line to move a full minute after theinput signal had ceased.
Accordingly, the output must equal the input minus the losses.
This is due to the various losses which take place, and the difference between the input and the output is equal to the sum of these losses.
To measure the efficiency of a transformer directly, by measuring input and output, does not constitute a satisfactory method when the efficiency is so high.
Since the input side consists of a synchronous motor, the speed is governed by the frequency of the alternating current supplied, and the number of poles.
It is connected in series with the input circuits on the converter.
Half the electric input into the motor part is, therefore, turned into mechanical energy to drive the shaft, the other half acts inductively on the armature winding, generating currents therein.
This denotes the ratio of the total watt hour output of a transformer to the total watt hour input taken over a working day.
As it happened, she had convinced him the previous spring that they ought to collaborate on a book about the growing use of smart robots in the workplace, but for some reason his input had never made it past the talking stage.
Well, you are aware we've occasionally received input from MITI's Industrial Technology arm.
Temperature tests are usually made on small induction motors by belting the motor to a generator and loading the generator with a lamp bank or resistance until the motor input is equal to the full load.
The power factor is obtained by dividing the actual watts input by the product of the average of the voltmeter readings × the average of the ampere readings × 1.
Similarly, in making a test on a small motor, the motor is loaded with a dynamo and the load increased until the input current reaches the normal full load value of the motor, the test being conducted as for a small dynamo.
In this method of measuring the input of a single phase motor of any type, the ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter are connected as shown in the illustration.
The input may be found by running the generator as a motor at its rated speed, loading it by means of a Prony brake.
Several methods exist for calculating the amount of heat input necessary for normal development of a clutch of eggs (Ricklefs 1974).
Lack 1968), and therefore require greater heat input to the eggs.
Bering Sea, represent a considerable input of energy from fresh water in the form of prime forage fish for other fishes, marine birds, and mammals.
However, as the influence of the sun on the atmosphere is variable, the input of heat and the extent of the major high-pressure areas vary, as does the path of the jet stream.
As you already know a fourth operation may be carried on by amplifiers which give on their output sides currents of greater strength but of the same forms as they receive at their input terminals.
You will also probably want a weaker coupling between tickler and tube input than you are at first inclined to believe will be enough.
You can tell whether or not it is going if you suddenly increase or decrease the coupling between the tickler coil and the input circuit of the audion.
Illustration: Fig 118] Now you must change the frequency at which it is oscillating by slowly changing the capacity in the tuned input circuit of the tube.
It is sometimes called a "feed-back" circuit because part of the output of the audion is fed back into its input side.
In both types of amplifiers there is, of course, always the chance that the output circuit of one tube may be coupled to and induce some effect in the input circuit of one of the earlier tubes of the series.
In addition to this rapid machine processing of input data used in reports, still more speed is achieved by the rapid preparation of programs to produce the reports.
Input/Output Control System This system provides the programmer with a packaged means of accomplishing input and output requirements.
We just introduced a new term as "input reality" or IR.
His transmitter consisted of a single metal 6L6 crystal oscillator with an input of about 7 watts.
With aninput of around 5 watts I was able to achieve W.
These standardinput and output locations can be changed by the user; they could be the screen, the keyboard, a file, even a network connection.
Controlling Input and Output Throughout your experiences with Linux, you will most likely find that manipulating application input and output can be a very powerful thing to do.
For example, you can connect the standard output of one command to the standard input of another.
The standard input is one source of the process's data; the standard output is one place the process sends data; and the standard error is a place the process can send error messages.
Under the hood, cat < myfile means that the shell opens myfile and then feeds its contents to the standard input of cat.
When you run a program from the shell, usually standard input comes from your keyboard, and standard output and error both go to your screen.
This section describes some of the things that controlling input and output can do for you.
An organization grounded in the assumptions of person as described in Chapter 1 would not support arbitrary and capricious decision making in which the input of all persons has not been discerned.
Sally Barhydt of the National League for Nursing offered understanding and thoughtful inputin the early stages of this process and we thank her for her invaluable support.
This information is the primary input to the Control Element.
Input Mode tyi iot 4 This operation is completely asynchronous and is therefore handled differently than any of the preceding in-out operations.
REAL TIME CLOCK A special input register may be connected to operate as a Real Time Clock.
They can also be used to synchronize various input devices which occur at random times (see Input-Output, Typewriter Input).
In the turbidostat, regulation of medium input and cell concentration is controlled by optically sensing the turbidity of the culture.
The state of the motor centers of the spinal cord, as affected by vestibular stimulation, has been tested by dorsal root and other sensory input interventions.
Increased energy input and decreased energy output both cause a reduction in efficiency.
By referring to the minimum input curve, it will be noted that if the machine be running at full load minimum input current and load is taken off, the current will be leading or vice versa.
It will be noted~ from the limit of stability curve that the lighter the load on the machine when it breaks down from lack of sufficient excitation, the greater the current input at this point.
These curves show~ the current input to the motor at various loads with constant voltage and varying field excitation.
XII On Mount Everest, the sullen stream of off-and-on responses that was "mind" to the Pyramid had taken note of a new input signal.
Input to him was a display of small lights on a board before his vacant face; and also the modulation of a loudspeaker's liquid-borne hum in each ear.
Output from him was the dancing manipulation of certain buttons and keys, prompted by changes in Input and by nothing else.
Between Input and Output, he lay in the tank, a human Black Box which was capable of Rashevsky's Number of switchings, and of nothing else.
Note that the INPUT procedure does not make type checks between the data and the program variables.
It is strongly recommended that not both READ and INPUT be used in the same program.
INPUT The INPUT procedure is used to input numbers and Hollerith information in accordance with Fortran-type formats.
Formats and the Format Declaration The two input and output procedures remaining to be described make use of formats.
Each INPUT statement causes at least one card image to be read.
Lists and the List Declaration The input and output procedures described in the rest of this section, as well as the binary read and write procedures, make use of the concept of a list.
The READ procedure will input data from the standard input medium only.
For input into a Boolean variable, the truth values true and false are accepted; also, a non-negative number or a plus sign is interpreted as false and a negative number or a minus sign is interpreted as true.
Furthermore, each INPUT statement causes at least one card image to be read while a READ statement may not cause a new card image to be read.
Carefully glued-on input and output leads ran to it.
There was a sharp fall-off on both sides of the input so direction could be precisely determined.