In order to give our readers a more lively idea of this potentate, we have, as the frontispiece to our second part, introduced a Lord of Misrule to preside over the Christmas sports therein described.
In the frontispiece to this volume the artist has represented the old man like another magician, summoning his spirits from the four winds for a general muster; and we hope that the greater part of them will obey his conjuration.
The frontispiece has chief reference to the same chapters; but seemed, in its three divisions, properly introductory to our whole subject.
Constable's, on the left in the frontispiece to Mr. Leslie's life of him.
With coloured Frontispieceand sixteen other Illustrations.
With coloured Frontispiece and thirteen other Illustrations.
With coloured Frontispieceand twelve black and white Illustrations.
With coloured Frontispiece and numerous other Illustrations.
With colouredFrontispiece and other Illustrations.
With coloured Frontispiece and eight black and white Illustrations.
With coloured Frontispiece and many other Illustrations.
Frontispiece and Vignette Title, and Engravings of the proper Flies, beautifully coloured, in exact imitation of the originals, 15s.
Printed in Gold and Colours, in the Missal Style; with Ornamental Borders by Owen Jones, Architect, and an Illuminated Frontispiece by W.
The frontispiece of woman runs from top to bottom like that of a book, and her feet, which are most important to every man who shares my taste, offer the same interest as the edition of the work.
The frontispiece to the book is a reproduction of a portrait of Madame Blavatsky, painted by H.
It is not known who the painter was of the portrait forming the frontispiece of this book, which is the same as the frontispiece to “The Lady’s Monthly Museum” for March, 1799.
The book has for a frontispiece a very fine vignette portrait of Dr.
None will deny the successful bookseller the right to the Latin motto with which he has adorned the frontispiece to the first edition of "Memoirs and Confessions," viz.
Illustration: The Frontispiece to 'The Ladies' Library' of Steele.
The catalogue has a very curious engraved frontispiece of an oak-tree felled, and persons bearing away branches, with a Greek motto signifying that, the oak being felled, every man gets wood.
Another point of interest in connection with this burlesque is the frontispiece which Hogarth supplied to the edition of 1731.
The frontispiece represents Borel himself sitting at his table with bared neck and arms, a Phrygian cap on his head, and in his hands a broad-bladed dagger, at which he is gazing, deep in thought.
Library 12mo, cloth decorative, with a frontispiece by Frank T.
The Prisoner of Mademoiselle With frontispieceby Frank T.
Cloth decorative, with a colored frontispieceby A.
With fifty illustrations, including frontispiece in color and cover design by Charles Livingston Bull.
Cloth decorative, with a colored frontispiece by Frank T.
The Interference of Patricia With a frontispiece from drawing by Frank T.
Cameron of Lochiel Translated from the French of Philippe Aubert de Gaspé, with frontispiece in color by H.
The Grapple With frontispiecein color by Arthur W.
Cloth decorative, with a colored frontispieceby John C.
Library 12mo, cloth decorative, with a frontispiece by W.
The frontispiece is "The Last Outpost" and the last picture is "The Empty Saddle.
The book is embellished with portraits, the frontispiece being a portrait of the distinguished author.
Ross: consult "Fur Hunters of the Far West," chaptres 6 & 7 andfrontispiece for picture of the Fort.
Crown 8vo, with Frontispiece and Vignette, in elegant wrapper printed in colours, price 1s.
Just ready, in crown 8vo, with Steel Frontispiece and Vignette, handsomely bound, cloth extra, price 5s.
With 50 illustrations, including frontispiece in color and cover design by Charles Livingston Bull.
The picture from which our frontispiece is taken appeared to be a replica, of somewhat later date, the colors being fresher, but an inscription on the back says "Charles W.
A reproduction by Illman were a fit frontispiece for Cheetham (what satirical things names are sometimes), but ought not to have got into Gilbert Vale's popular biography of Paine.