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Example sentences for "comradeship"

Lexicographically close words:
compyled; comrade; comradely; comradery; comrades; coms; comth; comun; comune; comunes
  1. He needed something that she could still give--the comradeship which was all that they two might ever know of love.

  2. McPherson had been mistaken in his opinion, and that there might yet remain many more good years of the happy comradeship that existed between herself and her guardian.

  3. This being so, Whitman never suggests that comradeship may occasion the development of physical desires.

  4. But Whitman does not conceive of comradeship as a merely personal possession, delightful to the friends it links in bonds of amity.

  5. These eighteen months will always be lit up for me by the memory of a great comradeship between men of Allied nations.

  6. And already, from breathing the Northland air, he had come to like her for that comradeship which at first had shocked him.

  7. Stafford rose and grasped his hand, and a light of wonderful friendliness and comradeship shone in his eyes.

  8. They were derelicts of life, with the comradeship of despair as a link between them.

  9. A high and equal comradeship is the one thing that can save those families which are the tottering cornerstones of society.

  10. It is the extraordinary spirit that animates the women who are working for suffrage, the sense of comradeship and community among them, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, old and young, mothers and daughters.

  11. Men have admitted women into intellectual comradeship and the opinions of educated women can no longer be ignored by educated men.

  12. Then indeed did Frithiof's gloom take flight as he sat by Ingeborg's side or with her roamed the woods and fields, living over again the days of their happy comradeship and building hopes for an even happier reunion in the future.

  13. With so much satisfaction did King Bele look upon this comradeship that when Ingeborg was but a small child he gave her into the care of her foster-father, Hilding, under whose guardianship Frithiof also had been placed.

  14. It is inevitable, and in all true comradeship it makes for truth, and generosity, and freedom.

  15. More than all else, comradeship teaches us to walk humbly with God.

  16. Comradeship is one of the finest facts, and one of the strongest forces in life.

  17. So I would live and laugh and love until my sun descends, And share the joyous comradeship of honest first-name friends.

  18. There's nothing like the comradeship which warms the lives of those Who make the glorious circle of the Jacks and Bills and Joes.

  19. If but this comradeship may last Until I end my earthly task-- Your hand and mine by love held fast-- Fame has no charm for which I'd ask.

  20. I want to walk these lanes with you and keep the comradeship of trees, Let you and I be happy here, nor seek life's gaudy luxuries.

  21. And she pushed away the splendid picture of a life of ease and reached out for comradeship with a man of toil, of dreams and hidden powers.

  22. Meanwhile her comradeship was sweet to John Dutcher.

  23. But in the midst of my castle building comes the chilling thought that I am taking everything for granted and the fear that I have been presumptuous in mistaking your dear, loyal comradeship for something more makes me fairly tremble.

  24. They often rode in silence, but it was the silence of comradeship and understanding; it was nothing like this which was lasting for a mile or more.

  25. It's each fellow doing his own work, and not that close comradeship that there is in the small school.

  26. Yes; a comradeship after a fashion; Marjory is just like a nice little boy.

  27. Their mental comradeship was full of mutual respect.

  28. The fine spirit of liberality which grew up among the chaplains of the various faiths, reflecting as it did the comradeship of the men themselves, should not and will not be lost.

  29. If a man may not open his mouth without running danger of expulsion, then all comradeship is at an end, and I take it that good comradeship is the pivot on which this organization turns.

  30. We have written a charter of comradeship which all have signed except yourselves.

  31. By the iron Cross, Greusel, he has forsaken this misbegotten lot, and it serves them perfectly right, prating about comradeship and carrying themselves like cut-throats.

  32. The prime requisites for effective combination are a spirit of comradeship and mutual trust, knowledge and self-restraint in the disposition of united force.

  33. He found the steps to the higher consciousness and its power only through slow self-conquest and comradeship with pain, and this was the inheritance he handed down through the centuries.

  34. He lives in glad comradeship with God, in joy and perfected self-expression, both in the objective and in the subjective world.

  35. He had known Avice Caro so well of old that his feeling for her now was rather comradeship than love; and what he had said to her in a moment of impulse that morning rather appalled him in its consequences.

  36. In this way work becomes profitable and a spirit of comradeship and friendly emulation develops among the prisoners.

  37. But this at least is part of what he meant: that comradeship and serious joy are not interludes in our travel, but that rather our travels are interludes in comradeship and joy, which, through God, shall endure for ever.

  38. JUNE 3rd I remember an artistic and eager lady asking me, in her grand green drawing-room, whether I believed in comradeship between the sexes, and why not.

  39. The feeling of comradeship that I had experienced in reading his books was realized in his presence.

  40. Carmen professed to like good comradeship and no nonsense.

  41. Perhaps he did not see exactly what it meant, this being on confidential terms about his wife with another woman; all he cared for at the moment was that the comradeship of Miss Tavish and Carmen was agreeable to him.

  42. Speaking as one who had done his part by Ireland, with the confidence that counts upon full comradeship he assumed the generosity of Ireland's response.

  43. From those who cherish Redmond's memory, and especially from those who were nearest to him in comradeship and affection, I must only crave the indulgence which should be accorded to sincere effort.

  44. Yet Redmond had implicit faith in the ultimate effect of comradeship in danger, and here we know he was right.

  45. Your national unity has not been evolved from the comradeship of arms for defensive and offensive purpose, or from partnership in raiding adventures, dividing among each member the danger and spoils of robbery.

  46. But this desire for a common bond of comradeship among the different races of India has been the work of the spirit of the West, not that of the Nation of the West.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comradeship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.