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Example sentences for "singleness"

Lexicographically close words:
singeth; singin; singing; single; singled; singler; singles; singlet; singling; singly
  1. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 47.

  2. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the Temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people.

  3. Its success must depend on the singleness of purpose in the contracting Powers, and on the wisdom, the tact, the abilities, the good-will of men entrusted with its initiation and its further control.

  4. It is true, that Unitarians, agreed respecting the singleness of nature in Christ, differ respecting the natural rank of that nature, whether his soul were human or angelic.

  5. It is not want of an ample sphere, it is not poverty of means, it is not mediocrity of talent, that makes most men so inefficient in the world; it is a want of singleness of aim.

  6. I will try and look at the very facts themselves, with singleness and 'innocence of the eye,' trying to see nothing more than I really see, and trying to see all that my eye falls on.

  7. Singleness of purpose is the dominating characteristic of the French classical drama, and of Racine's in particular; and this singleness shows itself not only in the action and its accessories, but in the whole tone of the piece.

  8. Against the singleness of this perfect love enchantments fail, and swords and lances break.

  9. Indeed, no fact has such narrow or compelling singleness of significance or actuality that all its truth can be put in any statement!

  10. Servants, be obedient to them who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.

  11. Love him and serve him, in the singleness of your heart.

  12. Skipper Ed had seen to this with singleness of purpose.

  13. He should not fear to do him ill service because of not receiving his wages, but his service should be in singleness of heart—an honest, upright purpose—as unto Christ.

  14. Servants are under obligation to obey their masters: “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as unto Christ.

  15. In what play of Euripides is singleness of interest more completely preserved than in that noble tragedy?

  16. They who soar in the heaven of singleness and reach to the sea of the Absolute, reckon this city—which is the station of life in God—as the furthermost state of mystic knowers, and the farthest homeland of the lovers.

  17. He looketh on all things with the eye of oneness, and seeth the brilliant rays of the divine sun shining from the dawning-point of Essence alike on all created things, and the lights of singleness reflected over all creation.

  18. Devoted solely to the work of the Lord, his fiery soul and unrelaxing energies were directed with absolute singleness of purpose to advancing the kingdom of heaven upon earth, according to the light which was in him.

  19. Our helplessness in the presence of grief proves this fundamental singleness of human life.

  20. But at the same time we dare not lose sight of the fact of the singleness of human life, if for no other reason than that, otherwise we have no moral appeal to make on behalf of those ties and duties.

  21. Singleness is the ultimate fact of human life.

  22. But with it all, in spite of the fact of the community of human life, there is the other fact of the singleness of human life.

  23. Now, as I have said before, all singleness of character is lost.

  24. Whether his companion put full faith in his sincerity and singleness of purpose or not, does not much matter.

  25. The Fortune-teller no longer possesses the singleness of mind or purpose necessary to a clear reading of the symbols he or she consults.

  26. He applied himself with singleness of purpose to the study of the Word of God.

  27. The Puritan zeal for reform possessed him, and he tried to do by his pen what Wesley was doing by his preaching, without, however, having any great measure of the latter's sincerity or singleness of purpose.

  28. No other in his age studied the art of poetry so constantly or with such singleness of purpose; and only Swinburne rivals him in melody and the perfect finish of his verse.

  29. Perhaps it was these things, quite as much as his singleness of purpose and his spiritual fervor, that drew Dr.

  30. Probably it did not occur to him that women take a different view of this in the singleness of their purpose and faith.

  31. If this is the duty of a citizen, he had discharged it with singleness of purpose; but no other duty of the citizen had he undertaken, if we except his private charities.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "singleness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.