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Example sentences for "identity"

Lexicographically close words:
identifiers; identifies; identify; identifying; identities; ideo; ideogram; ideograms; ideograph; ideographic
  1. And what am I to think of the Brown, now that I remember that the woman who has chosen to hide her identity under another name is a Frenchwoman.

  2. Yes, in the one gallery; but in the other, shadowy figures are visible among the arches at one end, with whose identity we shall probably soon be made acquainted.

  3. He decided upon the northern one, which you will remember was the one holding the tapestry; since, to find anybody there, no matter whom, would certainly settle the identity of the person responsible for that flying arrow.

  4. According to this argument, the recurrence of the same words constitutes identity of style; the want of such recurrence implies difference of style;—difference of style in such a sense as compels us to infer diversity of authorship.

  5. Much speculation in regard to the identity of the seventh man, whom we shall call the Unknown, has been indulged in, and the question has been asked, Was it Jesse James?

  6. Of course nothing was thought of the circumstance at the time, but subsequently the red bandanas afforded "a clue" to the identity of the robbers of a train on the Union Pacific railroad.

  7. There were two others, the identity of one of whom has never been discovered.

  8. Though some difference exists in the motions executed in Wied's sign and that of (Oto and Missouri I), there is sufficient similarity to justify a probable identity of conception and to make them easily understood.

  9. There is no conceivable identity in the execution of this sign and Wied's, but his sign for horse is nearly identical with the sign for ride a horse among the Otos.

  10. Examination into the identity of signs is complicated by the fact that in the collection and description of Indian signs there is danger lest the civilized understanding of them may be mistaken or forced.

  11. The possibility that the discrepancy between signs was formerly greater than at present will receive attention in discussing the distinction between the identity of signs and their common use as an art.

  12. Colonel Dodge takes a middle ground with regard to the identity of the signs used by our Indians, comparing it with the dialects and provincialisms of the English language, as spoken in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

  13. Analogy of climates is often found in the two continents, without identity of productions.

  14. I have doubts of this identity of the species; the pain caused by the sting of the two insects appeared to me different.

  15. The only plausible objection to the identity of the presbyter and the bishop is that first suggested by Calvin, on the ground of 1 Tim.

  16. A different and less satisfactory view is presented in Dorner's Eschatology: "Identity involves: 1.

  17. If the seed had been annihilated, and then ripe grain created, we could not speak of identity between the one and the other.

  18. For this kind of criticism there has even recently been claimed an actual identity with creation.

  19. So Sybil at length discovered that her identity was known, to some persons certainly--to how many she could not even conjecture.

  20. As to the figure next to him, it may equally well be Judith or Esther: her identity is doubtful; there is nothing that can help us to determine it.

  21. There is no mistake as to the meaning and identity of pulex irritans, confound him!

  22. Identity of sentiment, difference of opinion: these are the known elements of a pleasant dialogue.

  23. The attainment of space-consciousness or the space mind, which contrives the understanding of the identity of mind and space also annihilates the consciousness of space as a separate notion from the mind.

  24. But the advocates of the n-dimensionality of space have illatively asserted the identity of space and its dimensions.

  25. Mikrocosmic consciousness denotes a still higher form of consciousness, as that which enables the Thinker to become conscious of his living identity with the life of the world or the planet on which he lives.

  26. The mind now recognizes space as something apart and separate from itself only because of its unconsciousness of the identity existing between it and space.

  27. There is, therefore, no form nor ensouling principle whether of life, mind or sheer dynamism which can exist outside of His being and be, even in the slightest degree, absolved from an eternal identity therewith.

  28. Quinalonga, and there can be no doubt of their identity with the Quihindonga (Kindonga) islands of Cavazzi.

  29. They are the Anzicanas of later writers, about whose identity with the Bateke there can be no doubt.

  30. In the course of these demonstrations and deductions he anticipated Descartes' position of the identity of mind and being.

  31. Of the identity of the words alarm and alarum there is no doubt.

  32. But exactly the same affinity or identity of names is found in a locality that suits the place we are in search of: in an arm of the Mediterranean stretching from Greece northwards; viz.

  33. Asako Fujinami had spent days rejoicing over the arrival of her presents, little interested in the identity of the givers but fascinated by the things themselves.

  34. In the other plays, your identity is equally diffused over all.

  35. The sameness of the end and the equal fitness of the means prove no identity of means.

  36. Chartres represents, not the Trinity, but the identity of the Mother and Son.

  37. His doctrine consisted in affirming the perfect identity of the essence in every individual of the same species, so that according to him there was no difference in the essence but only in the infinite variety of accidents.

  38. The name tells nothing, even if the identity could be proved.

  39. There was no possibility of reviving the old fiction of the identity of the freshly-imported inhabitants and the countrymen of Scipio and Caesar.

  40. From henceforward, identity of speech was to be considered a more enduring bond of union than the mere inhabiting of the same soil.

  41. He would discover, no doubt, the identity of the two travellers; that would not be difficult.

  42. I knew if I fell ill or met with accident, to reveal my identity meant every care and comfort, the speedy coming of a loving wife, kind relatives and friends.

  43. I resolved not to reveal my identity to anyone, and was taken half a block down the street, where a patrol wagon was waiting, in which were seated seven other unfortunate, homeless men like myself.

  44. The monuments themselves have taken different forms in different countries and ages, but the identity of their symbolism becomes clear under careful investigation.

  45. She can, no doubt, establish the King's identity beyond all question.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "identity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accordance; affinity; agape; agreement; alliance; amity; analogy; approach; approximation; assimilation; balance; charity; closeness; coincidence; color; combination; communion; community; comparison; compatibility; concord; concordance; conformity; congeniality; congruence; correspondence; differentiation; disguise; disposition; empathy; equality; equation; equilibrium; equipoise; equity; equivalence; esprit; evenness; fellowship; fusion; harmony; homogeneity; identity; imitation; individualism; individuality; integration; integrity; justice; kinship; likeness; love; metaphor; mutuality; nature; nearness; nominalism; nonconformity; oneness; par; parallelism; parity; particularity; peace; persona; personality; poise; proportion; purity; rapport; rapprochement; reciprocity; resemblance; sameness; semblance; sharing; simile; similitude; simplicity; simulation; singleness; singularity; solidarity; solidification; solidity; soul; symmetry; sympathy; symphony; synonymy; understanding; unification; uniformity; union; unison; unity; wholeness