With the West, however, it became possible to establish reciprocity in tariffs; that is, for example, to trade a high rate on wool for a high rate on textiles or iron.
Thus it is plain, that a high rate of wages does not import a high cost of labor, but rather the reverse.
Hence came poverty, made worse still by a severe law of debt, and by a high rate of interest extorted by the Patricians, who advanced money.
As it was moving at a high rate of speed between Bellevue and Menden, the axle of the foremost of these two locomotives broke, letting the body of the engine drop to the ground.
A notable one is that employed in the Miehle presses, which have gained much celebrity, run at a high rate of speed, and are used in many printing-offices in this and other countries.
There is a heavy pressure on these rolls, and the paper goes through at a high rateof speed.
Since then hundreds of rotary presses have been made for magazine and book printing, most of them equipped with attachments for folding the sheets as they are printed, and all having a high rate of speed.
These enjoy, in common with himself, the benefit of a low cost of labor, and have accordingly a high rate of profit.
If a high rate of wages in the first of these States be consistent with a low cost of production, why may not a high rate of wages in Pennsylvania be consistent with a low cost of producing coal and iron?
In general, a high rate of interest gives a large motive to save, for as the discount on the future is large, so is the reward for waiting.
Sidenote: A sacrifice sale involves a high rate of interest] 5.
But in a new and favored country like America, a high rate of interest is a strong stimulus to saving.
Where goods are sold at forced sale or sacrifice, it is equivalent to a contract loan at a high rate of interest.
The distance which the propelling feet hurl the animal through the air depends, as with other movements, upon a variety of circumstances; at a high rate of speed the distance will be about one-half the total length of the stride.
The center of gravity of a horse trotting or galloping at a high rate of speed will preserve an almost strictly horizontal line, the undulations being very slight.
As it was moving at a high rate of speed between Bellevue and Meudon, the axle of the foremost of these two locomotives broke, letting the body of the engine drop to the ground.
The train was a long one, consisting of the locomotive, three baggage and express, and seven passenger cars, and it encountered the broken rail while rounding the curve at a high rate of speed.
Upon that day, in 1841, a train, while moving through a thick fog at a high rate of speed, came suddenly in contact with a mass of earth that had slid down upon the track from the slope of the cutting.
In consideration of all the blessings attending a high rate of wages, we may well be induced to put up with a certain and frequently inconvenient external defiance of the lower classes which is wont to accompany it.
These tests are made for 15 seconds at a high rate.
This cycle is repeated at a high rate of speed, causing the regulator points to vibrate rapidly.
In either case, the test consists of discharging the battery at a high rate for a short time, and taking voltage readings and making observations while the battery is discharging.
This travels at a high rate of speed and makes a loud roar, thereby adding to the confused din of the hammers and other machinery.
The passengers, too, are always delighted to find themselves being whirled along at a high rate.
The cars of melons, moreover, had to be hauled on special trains at a high rate of speed to get them to the markets before they spoiled.
This presumably arose from the insecurity of capital, involving the payment of a high rate of interest or dividend.
It is extraordinary into how many fragments either a Lee-Metford or a Mauser bullet may break up if it strike a hard body while travelling at a high rate of velocity.
This would be of importance, since the clean puncture of cancellous bone was no doubt favoured by a high rate of velocity.
There is another fine type not so well adapted to our civilization, which is easily exhausted, but can accomplish very much in a short time; in other words discharges energy intermittently at a high rate.
Some are so constituted that they can constantly discharge their energy at a high rate.
Engineer Tibbits, Conductor Perry, came along at a high rate of speed, and ran into this open switch just east of the home signal, colliding with engine No.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "high rate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.