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Example sentences for "evolution"

Lexicographically close words:
evoked; evokes; evoking; evolute; evoluted; evolutional; evolutionary; evolutionism; evolutionist; evolutionists
  1. In this era of machinery the forces of technical evolution decisively joined hands with the older forces of marketing evolution to depress the conditions of the wage bargain.

  2. Apparently, Marx took for granted that economic evolution is inevitably accompanied by a corresponding development of an effective will to power in the class destined to rule.

  3. The next phase in the evolution of the market rendered the separation of the journeymen into a class by themselves even sharper as well as more permanent.

  4. The failure of cooperation proved a turning point in the evolution of the American labor program.

  5. The evolution to a fighting unionism had become complete.

  6. Indeed we may say that the shoe industry epitomized the general economic evolution of the country.

  7. It makes the evolution and logical being of the question perfectly clear.

  8. The godlikeness of man develops more and more through the evolution of the human race.

  9. Indeed, the modern view of evolution in place of creation has the grave danger of leading to pantheism, to a conception of the cosmos which sees in God only an eternal energy (or substance) devoid of free volition and self-conscious action.

  10. We live in a world immeasurable in terms of either space or time, a world where evolution works through eons of time and an infinite number of stages.

  11. The theory of the mental mechanisms and evolution of these states is given in the attached quotation, which is taken verbatim from Clark's paper.

  12. If this is one to which the organism is accustomed the resulting complex in the highest nerve centers fits the subject, but as evolution proceeds and environment and capacity for sensation grow more complex, new stimulations occur.

  13. Here is this matter in a nutshell, and the evolution of cosmology in the last few years makes this argument and this plea greatly more persuasive still, for it forges one more link in the actual knowledge of continuity.

  14. It can be asserted with justice, however, that the genetic method of investigation which is exemplified by Darwin's study of evolution is an imperfect method for discovering the aims of human beings.

  15. In the history and evolution of Hellenic thought, we find two tendencies of inquiry,--one dealing with the objective manifestations of the universe, and the other directed towards the study of the mind.

  16. A study of the origin, nature and evolution of these is not only not out of place, but on the other hand finds a distinct place of honor for purely scientific purposes.

  17. The Landsknecht was the prototype of the infantryman of the 16th and 17th centuries, but his right to indicate the line of evolution had to be wrung from many rivals.

  18. Maude, Evolution of Infantry Tactics and Attack and Defence; [Meckel] Ein Sommernachtstraum (Eng.

  19. But it must be noticed that from the opening years of the 12th century date the beginnings of a decided evolution in the canon law, continuing up to the time of Innocent III.

  20. Assuredly they are a spectacular illustration of that sublime, romantic contempt for law and for human life which, to a European, is the most disconcerting factor in the social evolution of your States.

  21. These are the people who make the link between the academic traditionalism of Cambridge and such excessively modern products of evolution as their own mayor, Mr. Shanks, protector of the poor.

  22. The picture of this evolution is given as a picture of life, not with any evident purpose.

  23. Chaplain and Assistant Master at Winchester College Author of Evolution and the Need of Atonement, Evolution and Spiritual Life, Evolution and the Doctrine of the Trinity, etc.

  24. I have endeavoured to offer suggestions on this matter in my earlier books, and especially in Evolution and the Doctrine of the Trinity.

  25. Evolution and Spiritual Life and Evolution and the Doctrine of the Trinity.

  26. Evolution and the Doctrine of the Trinity.

  27. Passion is undoubtedly stimulated in simple natures by the beautiful, and we shall see when we come to discuss the evolution of aesthetic sensibility that this fact is of the profoundest spiritual import.

  28. VI, and Evolution and the Doctrine of the Trinity, ch.

  29. Evolution and the Doctrine of the Trinity, ch.

  30. Evolution and the Need of Atonement, ch.

  31. The reaction goes on, with strong effervescence and copious evolution of dense white ethereal vapours.

  32. That is where the evolution of heat is caused by the electric spark, or by the electric discharge taking place through a substance which offers very great resistance to the passage of the electric force.

  33. This sonata marks the consummation of his evolution toward the acme of powerful expression.

  34. It is the sanity of the leading poet of the nineteenth century, and the greatest poet since Shakespeare, who saw clearly the inanity of so-called scientific conclusions and godless theories of the evolution of mankind.

  35. By evolution you can not explain language, much less religion.

  36. The attempt to account for religion by evolution is a piece of sorry sarcasm.

  37. The four volumes of the Evolution of Expression taught in this college represent the four principal steps in the unfolding of the powers of the orator.

  38. The first volume of Evolution of Expression deals with each composition as a whole in its various aspects.

  39. In the third and fourth volumes of the Evolution of Expression we deal with the direct relation of psychology to Oratory.

  40. Its evolution is secured by the relation of its organic tendency to its environment.

  41. Every day in our work here in the Evolution of Expression, we are obeying the true pedagogy of vocal technique.

  42. If we recognize that the spirit of God is our most immediate environment, the study of evolution is safe.

  43. We cannot understand the doctrine of the Evolution of Expression until we first see evolution written on the broad expanse of nature.

  44. The doctrine of evolution is one of the latest, and if well understood, and looked at from a sufficiently high point of view, appears the grandest of all the revelations which science has given.

  45. We are now prepared to consider the Evolution of Expression, the study of which involves the technique employed in this college for the cultivation of the voice as well as oratorical expression.

  46. As at the present stage of evolution the senses are five only, it unites the five sensations into one idea.

  47. The whole evolution is one in its essence.

  48. Forthgoing and Returning It will help you, in doing this and in changing your desire, if you realise that the great evolution of humanity goes on along two paths--the Path of Forthgoing, and the Path of Return.

  49. Evolution is the homogeneous becoming the heterogeneous, the simple becoming complex.

  50. This last process of evolution is called "Yoga.

  51. The principal criterion is the knowledge of the canon law; quite what we should expect from the history of the evolution of Islâm.

  52. If social evolution takes the right course, the practice of polygamy will be abolished; and the maintenance of its lawfulness in canonical works will mainly be a survival of a bygone phase of development.

  53. There was no absolute stagnation, the evolution was not entirely stopped; but it moved at a much quieter pace, and its direction was governed by internal motives, not by influences from outside.

  54. The work of conquest on the mainland was accompanied by the evolution of government and the establishment of Spanish civilization, just as had been the case in the West Indies during the earlier stages of the struggle.

  55. In the evolution of the cabinet system the machinery of colonial government also changed.

  56. The battleship of to-day is the outcome of a gradual evolution extending over forty years.

  57. But, secondly, on the other hand, answer must be made, that under no theory of atheistic and merely materialistic and naturalistic evolution can the objective existence of moral law be logically or rationally maintained.

  58. Except in the materialistic and atheistic form of the hypothesis the theory distinctly presents evolution not as the cause, but only as the mode of the creation of man with all his now given endowments.

  59. In this case the "obligation" can be only acquiescence in the fatalistic onward evolution of nature with its inevitable events.

  60. Can evolution account for it, or even allow any place for it?

  61. Much has been written in late years about "the evolution of the moral life," by writers who seek to account for it through the action of merely naturalistic forces in the human constitution and in its physical environment.

  62. I am a Space Wanderer, an explorer from a super-universe whose evolution has proceeded without variation along the line of your amoeba.

  63. For this reason, our evolution has unfolded harmoniously along one line of development, whereas yours has branched out into diversified and grotesque expressions of the Life-Principle.

  64. The evolution of the style was undoubtedly derived from the experience gained during the Chain Mail Period, when that defence was proved to be ineffectual against the terrible effects of lance and sword.

  65. The sword does not appear to have been contemporaneous with the early thin dagger, but was no doubt a subsequent evolution based upon the dagger.

  66. The bavière was a relict of the mentonnière of a previous period, and the close helmet may be regarded as a direct evolution from the armet; indeed it is at times difficult to differentiate between the two.

  67. Before the evolution of the socketed celt the latter was inserted in a cleft stick and projected from one side at right angles, being firmly bound in that position by cross-lacing.

  68. Hume's empiricism, combined with a belief in biological evolution (derived from Herbert Spencer), was the chief feature in English thought during the third quarter of the 19th century.

  69. We must not indeed suppose it to be a general law of religious evolution that "theriomorphism" must always precede anthropomorphism and that the latter transcends and obliterates the former.

  70. It contains, besides, a vast amount of information about the symphony, its evolution and structure, with sketches of the composers, and a detailed technical description of a few symphonic models.

  71. Not the least interesting feature in the discussion about the theory of evolution is the prominent part taken in it by clergymen of various denominations.

  72. It was simply a telling rhetorical device, intended to point a sarcasm directed against the biblical commentators who have been trying to extract the doctrines of evolution from the first chapter of Genesis.

  73. The evolution of political democracy is the distinctive glory of England.

  74. And the evolution of the northern dialect into the "Scottish" of a separate kingdom showed that, if England were united, English-speaking Britain remained divided.

  75. Extremely--any places which are saturated with the evolution of man and nations are interesting, I think.

  76. Then they talked of many things, all in the abstract, evolution and ethics and aspirations and theories, and at last Katherine said: "How glorious to be you!

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evolution" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accomplishment; addition; advance; advancement; amplification; approximation; development; differentiation; division; elaboration; embellishment; enlargement; evolution; evolving; expansion; extrapolation; flowering; furtherance; growth; integration; interpolation; inversion; involution; maturation; multiplication; mutation; notation; perfection; practice; progress; progression; proportion; reduction; refinement; rise; seasoning; subtraction; transformation; transition; unfolding