Data from short-term flights should be used forextrapolation to longer missions.
Information from clinostat experiments is considered susceptible of extrapolation to low gravity conditions because the threshold period for gravitational triggering is relatively long.
If in spite of this it is applied to continuous things or magnitudes in the narrower sense, we must bear in mind that it is just as much a case of an extrapolation to the non-existing ideal instance (p.
In controversion of this it must be said that the ulterior justification of such ideal extrapolation is not yet feasible.
The overall decrease in Norwegian colonies of the common murre is, thus, near 5% per year; the few cases with a positive trend are based either on very small figures or on extrapolation from old, inadequate censuses.
It would seem a small extrapolationto attribute a fault origin to the continental slope.
On the basis of the extrapolation shown in Figure 22, the structural benches in this area have been correlated with the formations encountered in the Hatteras well.
Between sounding profiles the relief is speculative, based on extrapolation of trends noted in the profiles.
After all the tracks in a large area are sketched in this way, the major trends are estimated, and the diagram is completed by interpolation and extrapolation (Fig.
The miraculous stem cell cures in this story are essentially an extrapolation of research well underway that has been the subject of magazine covers and is possibly the most promising and, yes, problematic field of medical research.
It was merely an extrapolation of the kind of heart procedure that had worked such a wonder for Emma Rosen.
Unless very good documentary evidence is available for such areas, there is no recourse but to fall back on the method of extrapolation and area comparisons.
As a result extrapolation by area is almost unavoidable.
It might possibly turn out that this extrapolation has no better warrant than the extrapolation of the idea of temperature to parts of a body of molecular order of magnitude.
It was to be re-run with a popularization of the technical details by West, and a lurid extrapolation of things to come by Jamison.
An extrapolation from the fact that there was vegetation below.
He braced himself and worked up some choice phrases of his own to scream back at the colonist for neglecting his duty--getting Extrapolation Headquarters here on Earth all worked up over nothing.
I suspect even our means of extrapolation are too limited, too based on the relationship of things and forces to each other, too set in the notion that only physical tools can affect physical things.