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Example sentences for "wholeness"

Lexicographically close words:
whol; whole; wholehearted; wholeheartedly; wholemeal; wholes; wholesale; wholesaler; wholesalers; wholesom
  1. She had so shifted and wound about, and so pulled her heart to pieces, that she could no longer sanely and with wholeness encounter a shock: she had no sensation firm enough to be stamped by a signet.

  2. It must have the same wholeness which nature has.

  3. God is my inner sense of wholeness and peace, melding me with all creation.

  4. Only through undiluted awareness can one develop wholeness of character.

  5. Their immense proportion, viewed against the surrounding pines, deluged my senses with an all-encompassing wholeness and an aura of well-being.

  6. Instability appeared to be the rule rather than the exception as my body and mind secured various realms of adulthood yet failed to grasp the elusive wholeness of maturity.

  7. What it then produces may indeed be picturesque, melodramatic, sensual, but it will not be beautiful because there will be no imaginative wholeness in it.

  8. Worship, then, is the attainment of that inward wholeness for which in one form or another all religion strives by means of contemplation.

  9. And nothing short of this consciousness of Perfect Wholeness can satisfy us.

  10. We cannot impress upon ourselves too strongly that reality consists of both an inside and an outside, a generating principle and a generated condition, and that anything short of the reality of wholeness is illusion on one side or the other.

  11. Thus it is that the principle of the present age can have no part in that principle of Perfect Wholeness which the Great Master embodied in His teaching and in Himself.

  12. Its parts dovetail, and what at first appeared to lack direction and connective significance finally is seen to possess that wholeness which makes it a work of art.

  13. Nothing to us proves Nicoll's heart-wholeness more than the way in which he talks of his benefactors, in a tone of simple gratitude and affection, without fawning and without vapouring.

  14. The only checks are those which health and wholeness demand.

  15. I had a sort of wholeness then, because I was blind.

  16. And now that I see, it's a better wholeness and a safer gift.

  17. There must be wholeness of a sort if life is to come through; harmony of a sort, and faith.

  18. We have seen the cosmic workings of the Law of Wholeness in the discovery of the planet Neptune.

  19. In direct praxis, the wholeness of the being is externalized.

  20. The relation between the wholeness of the being and its parts is subject to maintenance, just as the automobile is.

  21. Individual, relatively stable, wholeness was replaced by a faster and faster changing community- related wholeness.

  22. But let us examine by what management of the details themselves this wholeness and vastness of effect are given.

  23. And herein is another reason for the vigor and wholeness of the effect of Turner's works at any distance; while those of almost all other artists are sure to lose space as soon as we lose sight of the details.

  24. That only is a complete picture which has both the general wholeness and effect of nature, and the inexhaustible perfection of nature's details.

  25. Perhaps the simplest way of describing this wholeness is by saying that it is a "we"; it involves the sort of sympathy and mutual identification for which "we" is the natural expression.

  26. In that it was thus without seam, was symbolised the wholeness and absolute integrity necessary to him who should bear the high priestly office.

  27. Just as, though all are bound to love God with their whole heart, yet there is a certain wholeness of perfection which cannot be omitted without sin, and another wholeness which can be omitted without sin (Q.

  28. The wholeness or Integrality of the structure then consists of the composity of these Two (Limitismus and Substancismus), as the wholeness of the Body consists of the Flesh and the Bone.

  29. Many people would have gone away considering this an insult, whereas it was only a sudden flash from Turner's earnest requirement of wholeness or perfectness of conception.

  30. But at each moment the wholeness of mind is spiritual and aesthetic, the wholeness of a meaning or a picture, and no knife can divide it.

  31. The near and the remote are head and tail of the same law, and good writing unites them, giving wholeness and continuity.

  32. Analogy is the highest form of expression, the poetry of speech; and is detachment carried so far that it goes full circle and gives a sense of unity and wholeness again.

  33. I have no doubt that if Ireland was granted the essential freedom and wholeness in its political life it desires, its mood also would be turned.

  34. Wholeness or holiness means simply harmony, and harmony inside and outside gives health.

  35. And with him also, the wholeness of the scholastic purpose finally broke.

  36. The premature attack upon the method came from Roger Bacon;[615] the fatal breach in the scholastic wholeness resulted from the constructive, as well as critical, achievements of Duns Scotus and Occam.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wholeness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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