As the Greeks received their Gods from Egypt and Phoenicia, Rome hers from Greece, and we ours from Rome, Judea and Britain, by the law of interfusion we are ripening into a cosmopolitan faith, with its Pantheon for all races.
And as a veil in which I walk through Heaven I have wrought mountains, seas, and waves, and clouds, 25 And lastly light, whose interfusion dawns In the dark space of interstellar air.
But at the other end of the rainbow, where the gray rain was tempered along the grass and leaves by a tender interfusion of violet and gold in the meadows beyond Lambeth, what think you that I found instead of a mitre?
Perhaps it formed another element of interfusion among the various Celtic races that the supremacy of the Scoti was solely as warriors.
And in such studies some interfusion of the extremes of beauty and terror shaped itself, as an image that might be seen and touched, in the mind of this gracious youth, so fixed that for the rest of his life it never left him.
The historical facts traced which have been gradually leading to interfusion between the English-speaking people.
The gentle waves were just a stronger grey than the sky, perforce of an interfusion that shifted gradations; they were silken, in places oily grey; cold to drive the sight across their playful monotonousness for refuge on any far fisher-sail.
But knowing that he had gratified his personal tastes in the act of serving his master's interests, an interfusion of sentiments plunged him into self-consciousness; an unwonted state with him, clogging to a simple story.
It ought rather to talk of an interfusion of states, the only condition upon which the cosmopolitic Areopagus would be possible; yet it inevitably falls into the traditionary lines.
And then still more wonderingly, with a kind of interfusion of terror and mystery, did he love the woodlands of that forest country.
There seemed something direct, authentic, and divine about the message of music in such moods; there seemed no interfusion of human personality to distract, because the medium was more pure.