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Example sentences for "equalizing"

Lexicographically close words:
equalization; equalize; equalized; equalizer; equalizes; equall; equalled; equallie; equalling; equally
  1. The revenues of the road were not even curtailed by this law; on the contrary, by equalizing rates, i.

  2. These figures show plainly that the lowering and equalizing of the rates not only increased the roads' business and income, but also their net earnings.

  3. I will now offer some suggestions as to the best method of administering them with a view to equalizing the circulation.

  4. One who believes in equalizing the condition of men; a leveler.

  5. That the arrangement for equalizing the reserves, adopted in 1873, would have availed to prevent suspension on subsequent occasions, is highly probable, indeed a practical certainty.

  6. The banker is an equalizing agency in the situation.

  7. The arrangement for equalizing reserves therefore diminished the likelihood of the banks working at cross purposes--a danger which the use of clearing-house certificates alone cannot entirely remove.

  8. The law equalizing the division of property to the fathers and mothers of children dying without wills, was secured by Representative T.

  9. Mr. Ernst, in behalf of the association, prepared a bill equalizing the property rights of husbands and wives.

  10. In California, where the climate is so dry, no first class pack could be made without thus first equalizing the raisins.

  11. Those producing cluster or layer raisins (if they have not already been equalized) are first stored in the equalizing rooms.

  12. The equalizing effects of large bodies of water on temperature, warmer winter and cooler summer, are so well known as scarcely to need comment.

  13. The difference in cost is the price of transport; and machinery, applied in various improved ways, is every year lessening the cost of conveyance, and thus equalizing prices throughout the British Islands.

  14. Taxes levied without consideration of these principles are defended as means of checking extravagance or vice, as equalizing other conditions of welfare, or as correcting inequalities from other existing methods of taxation.

  15. Second, they can serve as an employment bureau in furnishing information of places where work is wanted, thus equalizing the advantages as well as the burdens of their associates.

  16. From the preceding statements it will be observed that carriers have another important commercial function beside that of equalizing industrial conditions.

  17. Equalizing of business opportunity, under full and free competition, must be a prime responsibility in the reconversion period and in the years that follow.

  18. It should continue its historic role of leadership and advice and, for the purpose of equalizing educational opportunity, it should extend further financial support to the cause of education in areas where this is desirable.

  19. The Recruiting Ukase of 1827 and Juvenile Conscription The ukase announces the desire of the Government "to equalize military duty for all estates," without, be it noted, equalizing them in their rights.

  20. The system of repressive and discriminating measures must give way to a graduated system of emancipatory and equalizing laws.

  21. That therefore it was the interest and duty of Congress to impose this tax, or it would not be doing justice to the States, or equalizing the duties throughout the Union.

  22. What methods of equalizing opportunity are possible?

  23. The unearned increment would be so widely distributed that it would be needless, for purposes of equalizing distribution, to bother with it, though it might still be appropriated by the State as a means of increasing its revenue.

  24. They possess large warehouses in which to make up their orders, or keep in store articles purchased during periods of depression; thus acting as a kind of flywheel in equalizing the market price.

  25. Truth is beauty, and is always proportionate; the light equalizing the dark, precisely as in the perfection of art a mass of shadow is balanced by a proportion of light.

  26. The Spiritualistic religion resembles the Catholic in its breadth and amplitude, and in its humanizing and equalizing influence.

  27. Tincture or fluid extract of aconite root may also be employed, to assist in equalizing the circulation, and also to secure its anodyne action.

  28. This system of equalizing rollers terminated in two which applied the ink to the types.

  29. The simplest machine for equalizing the leather which can be employed, is that which I saw operating in MM.

  30. The Sky-Bird was acting much better now, since her equalizing of weight back at Para.

  31. They now set to work equalizing the gas supply in the wings of the Sky-Bird and reducing that in the fuselage to the proper pressure for perfect equilibrium, which they were able to get by the use of the pressure-gauge and a little figuring.

  32. Trade is now equalizing itself among all classes.

  33. States, or equalizing the duties throughout the Union.

  34. The aid of tribunes, right of appeal to the people, the acts of the commons made binding on the patricians under the pretext of equalizing the laws, the subversion of our privileges, we have borne and still bear.

  35. The first consideration in position adjusting should be directed toward equalizing the time in the two horizontal positions.

  36. By making the cuts more central the length of the segments are reduced, thereby causing less curvature of the extreme ends and more nearly equalizing the extent of curvature both ways from the concentric form.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equalizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accommodation; adjustment; changeable; convertible; coordination; equal; equalizing; equation; equivalent; even; evening; integration; interchangeable; interchanged; mutual; reciprocal; retaliatory; returnable; standard; transposed