All mental action is ultimately reducible to "the continuous differentiation and integration of states of consciousness.
Government develops as a result of war, and its function of protection against internal aggression arises by differentiation from its primary function of external defense.
Although an integral portion of the gut, it has ceased to assist in alimentation, its epithelium undergoes vacuolar differentiation and hypertrophy, and its lumen becomes more or less vestigial.
Brutal treatment of conscientious objectors is neither civilized nor necessary, but a differentiation is created by such residents themselves, and there should be correspondingdifferentiation in rights and protection.
The limbs of the post-cephalic series show little differentiationamong themselves in many Entomostraca.
In other Entomostraca considerable differentiation may take place, but the series is never divided into definite "tagmata" or groups of similarly modified appendages.
Further, the gradual appearance and differentiation of the successive somites and appendages may be accelerated, so that comparatively great advances take place at a single moult.
Colescopic Presentation of the Unorthodox Microscopic Criteria for the Pathological Differentiation of Gastric Neoplasms from Simple Inflammatory Ulcers.
It would thus reintroduce an element of differentiation of which it seems very difficult to give a mechanical explanation.
His method of making the differentiation is interesting because so easy and practical that it deserves to be condensed here.
The definite sign of differentiation is that in practically all cases of true angina, there are signs of arterial degeneration in various parts of the body.
And this sex-differentiation of language was not confined to letter-writing: there was a woman's language also of converse, varying according to class.
In Japan such differentiation and specialization was thus maintained, that you will hardly find in the whole country even two villages where the customs, industries, and methods of production are exactly the same.
It was provided that assessing and collecting officers were to be appointed by the Governor, rather than by the County Court, as heretofore--a change probably due to the differentiation between commonwealth and county taxation.
A few words now as to the differentiation of reward of labour, as I know my readers are sure to want an exposition of the Socialist views here as to those who direct labour or who have specially excellent faculties towards production.
They may be described as a local differentiation from the hydriae, representing the transition from the sarcophagi[1162] to B.
Another point of contrast with the Attic vases is the absence of any differentiation of the sexes in the shape of the eye, which is always oval (cf.
A not uncommon cause of the apparently bedded arrangement of layers of different mineralogical composition may be traced to the originaldifferentiation of the granitoid magma into different mineral-sheets.
The application of this principle of differentiation of income-tax has enabled the present Government sensibly to lighten the burden of the great majority of income-tax payers.
The primary cause of the subgeneric differentiation is thought to have been geologic changes in the continental area.
The speciation in both subgenera finally resulted from gradual differentiation of varying populations since they show combinations of the generic biotypes and possess few truly qualitative characters.
But it is not alone in heredity and the differentiation of the type of the disease in families that the unity of these affections displays itself.
The differentiation is made by attention to the seat and character of the pain, by the previous history, and especially by the absence of jaundice and of a concretion.
Heredity, for example, is common to them all, and more than this, there appears to be a tendency to a differentiation of the taint in families.
The differentiation is made, in cases of doubt, by the passage of the bougie or catheter.
The greatest difficulty will present in cases of common membranous sore throat, for it is sometimes impossible to make the differentiation from diphtheria, especially as the vesicular stage is rarely seen.
The differentiation of lithaemia from other affections offers no special difficulties.
An important element in making the differentiation is the history of suppuration in connection with bone, with lung cavities, with constitutional syphilis, with chronic malarial toxaemia, etc.
In the absence of the history the differentiation must be made between perihepatitis and pleuritis.
It is certainly not identical with the specific Asiatic disease, although in some cases the symptoms and morbid anatomy are exactly similar, and any differentiation is impossible.
The differentiation of the various kinds of jaundice has already been made.
But hemorrhage is present in only the minority of cases, is, as a rule, occasional and transitory, and is at all times difficult of differentiation as to its source.
But, differentiation occurs even in this stimulative action, for while manganese is the more effective in stimulating barley, boric acid is far more potent for peas, the shoots being particularly improved.
When the differentiation of the protoplasm into certain organs reaches a specific degree in the higher plants, then the poisonous action of the arsenic compounds comes into play.
Lower down in the scale of concentration differentiation of action may set in, and while some processes may still be hindered, others may be stimulated.
In adolescence, when sex-differentiation is much more marked, the dominating impulse is stronger in the boy and the yielding impulse in the girl; but in little children the differentiation has not yet begun.
Will it suffice to breathe over the scene the magic words differentiation and integration?
Of course he did exceptionally fine work in elucidating the modes of differentiation and integration within certain relational fields--though he sometimes uses the latter word for mere shrinkage in size.
I have no space to discuss the physiological differentiation which is implied by the effectiveness of the cognitive relation.
It involves, I believe, the differentiation of a superior cortical system from an inferior system of nervous arcs.
If then differentiation be the cardinal law of evolution--for the correlative concept of integration receives no emphasis in this early essay--does not the universality of the law imply a universal cause?
It would at once provide a fresh and valid excuse for effective fiscal differentiation against Ireland in Great Britain.
They are to be without differentiation on the ground of the locality of the expenditure, or of the relative amount of the contributions to the common chest of England, Scotland or Ireland.
Common use of the same university institutions is compatible with much differentiation in courses of study and with separately organized forms of collegiate life.
The elaboration of the host means the differentiation of the protoplasm into epithelial, muscular, and nervous elements, by means of which the gonads were carried further afield and their nourishment as well as that of the host ensured.
All differentiations of his body, from the first differentiation of the egg-cell into a complexity of cells up to the last formation of his organs, take place in the same gliding development.
Education is uniform until differentiation becomes unmistakable, and each man (and woman) must establish his position with regard to the lines of this abstract classification by his own quality, choice, and development.
The rural-urban differentiation was socially significant in that it formed what amounted to two social systems with differing values, controls, and institutions.
This made for greater differentiation between individuals than was possible in the village.
Within the working class differentiation is made according to education and skill, which is reflected in income and prestige.
Simple as such a differentiation appears, there are still a number of cases occupying a position between the two referred to, and which we may term pseudo-tannage.