The fact that near-by volcanoes commonly erupt entirely independently, as in the case of Mauna Loa and Kilauea, shows that there can be no universal liquid beneath a relatively thin crust.
From time to time the surface freezes over, the cracks open and erupt at favored points along the fissures, sending up jets and fountains of lava, the material of which falls in pasty fragments that build up driblet cones.
Thus is explained the almost universal observation that just before geysers erupt the hot water rises in the bowls and generally overflows them.
From time to time the surface freezes over, then cracks open and erupt at favored points along the fissures, sending up jets and fountains of lava, the material of which falls in pasty fragments that build up driblet cones.
We know that peace follows in freedom's path and conflicts erupt when the will of the people is denied.
We will continue to help shape the forces of change, to anticipate emerging problems of nuclear proliferation and conventional arms sales, and to use our great strength parts of the world before they erupt and spread.
The disease may extend to the synovial membrane and be attended with effusion into the joint, or it may erupt on the periosteal surface and invade the skin, forming one or more sinuses.
If the erosion proceeds uniformly, the cavity is spherical or oval; if it is more active at some points than others, diverticula or tunnels are formed, and one of these may finally erupt through the shell of the bone or into an adjacent joint.
They are never seen before the sixth year, when the second set begin to erupt and are complete with development of the second molars at 12.
Now, if the first molar have moved forward, diminishing the space, the bicuspid must erupt either within or without the arch.
The teeth of the temporary set erupt nearly as follows: After Birth.
The germs of teeth which eruptlate in life, and are called third sets, of necessity appear ere birth and are completely formed at the beginning of the second year, although they remain protected in the jaw until eruption.
During passage through the granitic layer, magmas are commonly modified or changed in composition and erupt on the surface to form volcanoes constructed of nonbasaltic rocks.
These magmas commonly will be modified or changed in composition during passage through the granitic layer anderupt on the surface to form volcanoes built largely of non-basaltic rocks.
Lavas also commonly erupt from vents along fractures (rift zones) that develop on the flanks of the cone.
Mounting pressure within the reservoir may drive the magma further upward through structurally weak zones to eruptas lava at the surface.
Because the granitic crustal layer is absent, the magmas are not appreciably modified or changed in composition and they erupt on the surface to form basaltic volcanoes.
The molars erupt in sequence from front to back, and wear shows first on M1 and last on M3.
The incisors erupton approximately the 13th day, those in the lower jaw appearing slightly before those in the upper jaw, and all are white.
Moreover, as soon as this tube passes a certain depth the geyser can no longer erupt and forever afterwards becomes an ordinary hot spring.
We then spoke of this hardened mass being known as a volcanic plug, or stopper, explaining how the volcano could never again erupt through its old crater unless it could develop sufficient force to blow out or remove this stopper.
The bicuspids and second permanent molars erupt around puberty, when profound readjustments are going on among the glands of internal secretion.
It is as if the ovaries and the accessory sex internal secretions erupt into a sort of final geyser before they are exhausted.
Ovaries or testes actively functioning erupt upon the calm spectacle, and the girl is transfigured into the maid, the boy into the youth.
After sleep had embraced the rest of the camp he still was uneasy, lifting his net at long intervals and squinting at the moonlit mound as if expecting a horde of pincer-jawed insects to erupt from it and charge him.
Then the crowd parted, and through it came striding two men whose appearance caused the white men to erupt into hoarse shouts of greeting.
From this it will be seen that the teeth erupt as a rule in pairs, and that a longer or shorter interval of repose takes place between the eruption of successive pairs.
Divide et impera - he intends to do his best to inflame the nascent internecine civil war about to erupt in Kosovo.
It is this: "Wars erupt whenever and wherever a country has a minority of the same ethnicity as the majority in its neighbouring country.
Interethnic tensions and tensions between the very rich and the very poor tend to erupt and to explode.
It is very common and scandal may erupt - or never occur, depending on chance, cash flows and the intellects of those involved.
Only when the feelings erupt in some surprising way is the process manifest.
Thirdly, they erupt in a greater variety of ways, and the many kinds of genius and talent that now often take possession of their lives like fate are more varied and individual.
The cadets climbed into the cab and roared off toward the spaceport, each boy with the feeling that he was sitting on a smoldering volcano that was suddenly starting to erupt around him.
On the scanner screen Strong saw the trails of two space torpedoes erupt from the side of the Pleiades, followed immediately by two more from its flanking ship, the Regulus.