From this savage and passionate man one might have expected visionary, seething ecstasies, a tempestuous discharge of erotic feeling; but these books are a wonderful disappointment.
The new landscapes are in it; the sinister silhouettes of the great cities; the seething masses of a militant democracy; the subterranean shafts of mines; the last heavy shadows of silent, dying cloisters.
And, though his hands moved carefully and methodically, though externally he was cool and collected, within him was a seething maelstrom of hate.
The pointing rod lingered upon the huddled bodies for an instant, while that which had been human flesh vanished in a bursting cloud of smoke; while the stones beneath turned to a seething pool of molten rock.
A lone ship in the red and black of the service had driven down into that valley that was like a cauldron of seething flame.
He knew now that his mad plunge into the seething flames was only a blind impulse--an effort to satisfy that demand within him for a foe upon whom to wreak revenge.
You're bent on jumping blindfold and with your hands tied into theseething pool of infamy and intrigue that is India.
Seething masses of miners met daily, carried away by a new religious impulse.
Seething mobs of men marched about, their faces lighted up as for holy war, with a smoke of cupidity.
The tongue even is not trusted with the thoughts that are seething within: they begin and end in the voiceless pulsations of your nature.
You listen to the calm, thoughtful advice of the father, with a deep consciousness of something stronger than his counsels seethingin your bosom.
Finally there is the oasis which stands out of the sea of shimmering sand, like an island paradise that towers over the waste of seething waters which encircle it.
According to this trenchant successor of the ancient oracle, there is unrest and seething turmoil everywhere.
League upon league of white-crested waves chase one another in fury, hissing, roaring as they hurl themselves upon a stubborn shore, only to be broken and thrown back into the seething turmoil.
Not for ten thousand worlds would she pass through once more that seething pit of howling sounds and raging seas.
Strange visions they are; the confused and seething phantasmagoria of a shattered life; himself regarding himself as another figure, and beginning to pity this poor wretch who is not permitted to die.
It was the seething ferment in Luther’s own mind, not anything that Prierias had said, that was really responsible for such outbursts.
This was the first fruit of his brain, this passionate rending aside of the curtain, which hung like a shroud before the grim horrors of that seething lower world of misery.
A moment's wild revolt--a seething flood of emotions sternly repressed.
A cauldron," he muttered, "a seething cauldron of stinking vice and imperishable iniquity.
The whole land was seething with misery and discontent bred of a hundred years' oppression, and her ministers were wise enough and patriotic enough to see that only one policy was possible--a policy of general appeasement.
The city and the whole country round was seethingwith misery.
Bruges during the opening years of the sixteen hundreds was seething in misery.
But on the other bank among the Swedes, it was seething as in a beehive.
In places they were cleaning horses, or leading them out; in a word, camp life was moving and seething under the bright sky.
Below in the ranks began seething which passed human belief.
The goaded creature becomes maddened and desperate, and is striving to burst its prison; while above it a molten metal sea, seething and fiery, is heaving with its ponderous weight against the caldron's sides!
And he fumbled in vain among the seething confusion of his ideas for a prayer or an exorcism.
So full of salt spray was the air that they could scarcely make her out, near as she was to them; then on a sudden they saw her dark hull surrounded by the seething foam, but her stout masts were not visible.
The stout masts bent and quivered in spite of all the shrouds and stays which supported them, and then over she heeled, till the yardarms touched the seething ocean.
Evaporation carries off the heat from the seething tropics, evaporation carries off the excess of heat from the bodies of animals and men.
The open lakes, and especially the sea, are like a seething caldron; and thus immensely more vapor is condensed during the winter months than is brought over from summer to winter.
Now a seething mass of humanity of all ages was congregated in front of the post-office, almost from curb to curb, and those who had first reached the marshal were so pushed upon and hampered that they could do nothing.
He drove on with his heart seething at the injustice of it all, and his inability to help.
Words were out of place and unnecessary, but a sense of right and decency crept into Glenning's seething brain, and made him speak.
The great mad waves were rolling graves, And each flung up its dead; The seething flow was white below, And black the sky o'erhead.
Larry was glad when they had passed that seething hell-pot and were once more proceeding through a long, dark gallery.
A seething spray of hissing sparks marked the place where the flame bit deeply home.
Gordon lurched to his feet, his brain a seething whirl of hate in which all thought of caution was gone as he tensed his muscles to hurl himself upon that grim monstrosity from the bleak and desolate realm of Xoran.
And behind both cloud and wave was the seething gale.
The sea between the reef and the beach was now a seething mass of broken and splintering planks and beams.
Freddy cried as he gaped at the two Spitfires that were now two heaps of seething flame.
But before he could gain the side of the ship with her there was an angry, seething swirl--and there leaped out of the gloom and mist in front huge wreaths, white and spectral, and hissing like snakes.
It is a perilous moment, for now darkness has set in, and the bellowing, seething rush of the great flood adds an indescribable element of horror to the situation.
But still the fountains of the skies roared down, streaming over the decks, carried in seething torrents along the scuppers.