Essential oil of bitter almonds may also be titrated in this way, provided it is diluted with sufficient spirit to prevent turbidity from separation of the essential oil.
They are amused at your being annoyed at something which the turbidity of the Yellow brain never discovers as being at all wrong.
This singular feature in an otherwise intelligent mind is a continual source of irritation to a foreigner, who has never had any experience of such turbidity of thought in matters that seem to him to require no exertion to grasp at once.
A Chinaman's mind being afflicted with turbidity is not troubled with thoughts of this kind.
The deflection is proportional to the amount of turbidity developed and readings may be taken directly from the scale of the instrument.
By summing the plottedturbidity readings, numerical values are obtained which are indices serving to characterize the curves.
These control-turbidities were deducted from the totalturbidity developed in each reaction-tube, the resultant turbidity then being considered as that which was caused by the interaction of antigens and antibodies.
Experimental Data Corrected values for the turbidities obtained were plotted with the turbidity values on the ordinate and the antigen dilutions on the abscissa.
Completion of current experiments on Rock Creek in the reduction of storm water turbidity by means of coagulants, and extension of such research to the Potomac estuary.
Turbidity in the sluggish upper estuary will continue to be a problem too, for the fine particles of silt that cause it are the least affected by standard land treatment and sediment control measures.
The non-tannin filtrate must give no turbidity with a drop of a solution of 1 per cent, gelatine and 10 per cent, common salt.
The solution must be detannised by shaking with chromed hide powder till no turbidity or opalescence can be produced in the clear solution by salt-gelatine solution.
While a considerable reduction in turbidity is effected in each of the reservoirs, the bulk of the mud is deposited at the upper end of Dalecarlia Reservoir.
The following is a summary of the turbidity results for a similar period: Group.
It is frequently the case, however, that a succession of waves of high turbidity will appear so close together that the effect of one has not disappeared before that of another is felt.
The high turbidity usually disappears about as rapidly as it comes, and is seldom higher than 500 for more than 5 days at a time.
They also show that this turbidity may be easily and certainly removed by the application of coagulant to the raw water during the occasional periods when its character is such as to require it.
The fluctuation in the efficiency of the plant as a whole by seasons is greater with the turbidity than with the bacteria.
This sometimes necessitated the removal of large quantities of sand at a cleaning, as the turbidity was exceedingly fine, and penetrated at times to a depth of 3 or 4 in.
These variations follow closely the variations in the turbidityand in the bacterial content of the water applied to the filters.
The experiments show that turbidity passes more freely at the higher rates with the Potomac water, as has also been found to be the case with other clay-bearing waters.
A watershed improvement program effecting more stable flow and decreased turbidity might benefit this shiner.
Turbidity is consistently more than 100 ppm in the lower portions of the mainstream and major tributaries, but is usually lower in the upper portions of tributaries.
Some varieties of olive oil from Tunis give the same turbidity when the 70 per cent alcohol is added.
When there is a greater quantity of formaldehyde present a whiteturbidity or a light-colored precipitate forms above the coloring.
I could notice a turbidity gathering in the air over the range of the Brevent, which seemed disposed to extend itself towards us.
Aiguilles, was without a cloud, the atmosphere presented an appearance of turbidity resembling that produced by the dust and thin smoke mechanically suspended in a London atmosphere on a dry summer's day.
Where the blue was deepest, however, it gave me the impression of turbidity rather than of deep transparency.
The brightness of the day reached its maximum towards one o'clock, after which a milkiness slowly stole over the heavens, and increased in density until finally a drowsy turbidity filled the entire air.
In the case of the Abbott chlorinated eucalyptol a slight turbidity is caused by this test; the Squibb product shows no reaction.
A turbidity was produced which cleared on the addition of excess of ammonium hydroxid solution (silver).
The turbidity of fresh urine then is the only kind which need be considered, since standing in the cold often brings about this condition, due to the growth of bacteria and deposits of both phosphates and urates.
The eminent physician who spoke of the turbidity of therapeutics thought it was only that agitation that precedes crystallization and clarification that brings purity, and not greater pollution.
Turbidity is generally caused by the presence of very finely divided suspended matter, usually silt or clay, which is inert to hypochlorites.
Chlorination does not change the physical appearance of water; it does not reduce or increase the turbidity nor does it decrease the colour in an appreciable degree.
Sudden storms in summer, or sudden thaws in winter, usually cause large increments in turbidity accompanied by soil washings that often carry appreciable quantities of faecal matter into surface water supplies.
A larger concentration is required to meet these conditions but it is not necessitated by the turbidity per se.
In case of the slightest turbidity in the broth, the cord is rejected.
Neither produces any turbidity in the liquid containing them.
In 1883 Hansen demonstrated that the much-dreaded turbidity and disagreeable tastes and smells in beer may be due to mixture of two yeasts, each of which by itself gives a faultless product.
The turbidity of rivers is often very evident, and in shallow streams we can sometimes see the pebbles rolled along by the current.
Observe the granular precipitate which is thrown down when the reaction is positive, and the uniform turbidity of the negative reaction as compared with the appearances in the control pooled serum.
Hæmoglobin estimation is difficult owing to turbidity of the blood after dilution with water.
If upon evaporating the alcoholic solution a residue is obtained which, when dissolved in water, produces turbidity in a solution of sulphate of lime, strontia is present.
One portion is treated with bichloride of mercury: if formic acid be present, metallic mercury is formed, with evolution of carbonic acid which produces turbidity in lime-water.
If the fluid is acidulated with a few drops of acetic acid, and a drop of ferrocyanide of potassium added, a white precipitate, or, at least, turbidity is produced.
However, turbidity currents must form near the shores of oceanic islands and the edges of shallow banks and probably contribute sediments to the intermontane valleys.
This sediment carried from the tops of peaks and deposited on the steep mountain sides probably slumps occasionally and forms turbidity currents which flow to the adjacent valley floors (Pl.
The explanation that abyssal plains represent portions of the abyssal floor buried beneath sediments transported by turbidity currents, and that the abyssal hills represent this unburied surface, has been offered by Heezen et al.
If the turbidity currents smoothed the Nares Plain they would all have had to flow through Vema Gap since the outer ridge-trench complex to the south prevents currents from this area from reaching the Nares Abyssal Plain.
Abyssal gaps are pictured as passages through which turbidity currents flow from a higher plain to a lower one.
Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Canyon was probably formed by turbidity currents which flow from the vicinity of Greenland to the Sohm Abyssal Plain.
Turbidity currents and sediments in the North Atlantic: Amer.
The influence of submarineturbidity currents on abyssal productivity: Oikos, v.
In addition to the turbidity currents which provide a mechanism for the seaward transport of sediment down the continental margin, deep-ocean currents probably sort and transport much sediment along a course parallel to the continental slope.
The features of the smooth parts of the abyssal floor seem clearly the result of deposition by turbidity currents (Ericson et al.
A more difficult task also is the removal of minute particles of grease, which are an exceedingly common cause of turbidity and which are often very effectively emulsified in the sol.
With regard to the turbidity or opalescence in a gelatine sol due to minute globules of grease, the case presents some analogy to the coarser colloid solutions, but the analogy has its limits, for an emulsion of grease is not an emulsoid sol.
In this case, when working without the iodide, the first appearance of a turbidityis less distinct; the turbidity increases on standing and as a finishing point is unsatisfactory.
The turbidity is due to the separation of an insoluble zinc compound.
A most important point (to which reference has already been made) is that less silver nitrate is required to give this turbidity and, consequently, a lower strength in cyanide is reported.
The most satisfactory and exact finish is got by ignoring any faint suspicion of a turbidity and accepting the unmistakable turbidity which the next drop of silver nitrate is sure to produce.
Soda causes turbidity in some cyanide liquors; with these it should be replaced by 2 or 3 c.
The resemblance holds good so far that if the molten lead be further heated, whereby its solvent power on the added metal is increased, the turbidity will disappear, or at least be considerably diminished.
The silver solution is then run in from the burette (with constant shaking of the flask), a little at a time but somewhat rapidly, until a permanent turbidity appears.
On the other hand, as much silver nitrate is required to give the yellow turbidity due to silver iodide as would be required if no zinc were present.
These hermetically sealed infusions had been exposed for weeks, both to the sun of the Alps and to the warmth of a kitchen, without showing the slightest turbidity or signs of life.
Twenty-four hours subsequently, the clear extract will be found muddy throughout, the turbidity being due to swarms of bacteria generated by the drop with which the infusion was inoculated.
If a turbidity is noticed toward the end of the neutralization it is an indication that the anhydride is incompletely hydrolyzed and inasmuch as the indicator is withdrawn from the solution, results may be incorrect.
In the presence of mustard oil turbidity and blackening take place in consequence of the formation of silver sulphide.
If chloroform is present, turbidity or a precipitate of chloride of silver appears.
Dilute the solution with much water; a white flocculent turbidity indicates resin; the separation of an oily liquid, after standing, castor oil.