You would rise to your feet and tell the graduating class that after four years of sheltered communion with the noblest thought of the ages they were about to plunge into the maelstrom of life.
If you didn't saymaelstrom you would say turmoil or arena.
Nothing but the atmosphere of a religious school can save our youth from being victims of thatmaelstrom of impurity that sweeps the land.
Absorbed as Hendrie was in his maelstrom of affairs, it was curious how the human side of the man had developed since his first meeting with Monica.
So these two hoped, while their hearts were yet plunged in a perfect maelstrom of fears.
Schultze's Udvalgte Skrifter (1883), as the Maelstrom is imaginatively by Edgar Allan Poe.
On this eventful night Fritz Braun hid, within his heart, an awful resolve, born of the fear of the disguised felon, floating uneasily in the maelstrom of a great city.
Roar of elevated train, clang of street cars, hurrying dash of the ambulance, wild onward career of the fire engine, punctuated this humanmaelstrom sweeping toward its duplex outlets of the morgue or Sing Sing's gloomy prison cells.
I noticed a piece of dirty newspaper that had fallen out of the maelstrom and had caught on a thick wire that stretched from one of the lab windows to immediately below mine--some kind of aerial, I imagined.
By now, the maelstrom was directly over me and my talisman was caught in the up-draught.
The whole damn thing has gotten into the maelstrom of politics, of the nastiest partisanship, when it ought to have been lifted up into the clearer air of good sense and national dignity.
As the human maelstrom swept on and the stuffed shapes outlined so ridiculously against the sky became distinguishable, one from another, the girl smiled and leaned further over the rail.
But they gripped their clubs nervously; longing to leap into that seething maelstrom of manhood uncontrolled and wield them to the best purpose.
Of a sudden, from the dark patch of pavement that the restaurant faced, Adams felt himself flung into a maelstrom of light.
The others are booked for it from the day they are pushed out from the rapids of the Bowery into this maelstrom that sucks under all it seizes.
Where they go others follow instead of plunging into the city maelstrom and being swallowed up by it.
My other chip from the maelstrom was a lad half grown.
But still the maelstrom drags down its victims; and far away lies my Danish heath under the gray October sky, hidden behind the seas.
Instead, I had been caught up and held within a perfect maelstrom of excitement.
The vision of the hole was obscured by a twisting, whirling maelstrom of bodies, and the torpoon quivered and shook like a living thing in agony under glancing blows.
Down, down, down; down with a speed so wild Ken grew faint; down through the core of a maelstrom of snow till she crashed.
He will carry on his struggle in themaelstrom of a large city, possibly Chicago.
Other boarders and lodgers of the house had already eaten and gone, to resume their swirl in the maelstrom of the camp.
Power was adrift in a maelstrom which threatened to engulf him.
He was caught in some furious and fatal maelstrom which, like that fabled whirlpool of the North Sea, was sweeping him, in ever-narrowing circles, to irresistible doom.
In that focus and centre of gaiety and fashion--Maelstrom of dissipation--he may find some relief from his misery, if not happiness.
No whirlpool--not Maelstrom itself, could fright them as those four men.
And into the midst of such a maelstrom of rumours, hideous impossible stories and well-laid plans to defeat the truth, McGregor hurled himself.
We are now thrown into the maelstrom of contradictory historical data, some of which credits Wiglaf with being the greatest ruler Mercia ever had and some of which indicates that he was nothing but a royal bum.
The younger nobles and ruling breeds among the Russian people are all sucked into the employ of the state by the maelstrom of bureaucracy.
The conflicting currents churned and swirled with maelstrom violence, while we crept steadily on among the shoals and sunken bars and hidden reefs.
An odd stillness brooded over the immediate vicinity, a sort of local lull in the maelstrom of sound the shell-bursts were making and had made throughout the night, a couple of miles to the eastward.
No, a finical and foolish reservation that at any moment may become a maelstrom of suspicion and rage and hatred and destruction and death!
We will decide for ourselves what is right and for that right we will stand, even if this course plunges us into the maelstrom of war.