Act of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, for the establishing and putting in execution of the Directory for the publick Worship of GOD.
Commission was given at this Assembly to present some articles to the Councel and Estates, for approving and establishing by their authoritie the Presbyteries, the Synodall, and generall Assemblies.
At first there was little disposition to accede to this petition, but it was also warmly urged by some of the Vermont river towns, that threatened in case of refusal to unite with the New Hampshire towns in establishing a new State.
For that age, this form of literature was the most agreeable diversion from archaeological studies, and, indeed, the only possible means of re-establishing an independent class of narrative poetry.
Upon this the Emperor determined to give us the means of establishing ourselves in Paris in handsome style.
Carteret had endeavoured to participate in the advantages of commerce by establishing a port at Amboy; but Andros seized and condemned the vessels trading thither, and was supported by the duke in this exercise of power.
In July, the company passed an ordinance establishing a frame of government for the colony.
As the prospect of establishingpeace in the north seemed to brighten, this state of repose in the south sustained a short interruption.
Being zealous puritans, they concurred in the institution of a church, establishing that form of policy, which has since been denominated independent.
We have not raised armies with ambitious designs of separating from Great Britain, and establishing independent states.
By establishing these great natural boundaries to the British empire in North America, all causes of future contest respecting that continent, with any potentate of Europe, were supposed to be removed.
This plan was adopted, not only for the purpose of establishing his favourite system of government, but also of forming a barrier to the encroachments of France, by combining the force of the colonies as far as the Delaware.
General Iturbide enjoys the full confidence of the present Administration, but only the future can show whether he will succeed in establishing a stable Government in Mexico, without the intervention of the United States.
The whole cost, as in the "Wilhelmina case" would have to be guaranteed from Germany, and would of course have been lost if the English secret service succeeded in establishing the German connection.
It is in establishing the place and times of these breaks that Professor Milne's instruments have their greatest practical value; scientifically no one can yet calculate their value.
There is no law, and there could not constitutionally be any law passed, establishing any such office as that of commanding general of the army, and defining the duties and authority attached to it.
If the American conflict had resulted in the triumph of secession, so also might Napoleon have succeeded in re-establishing monarchical government on the American continent.
There was no more circulation, no means of re-establishing it.
After the King had been thus satisfied by his confessor, no time was lost in establishing the tax.
More important still was his work in re-establishing a close relation between the Jews of the dispersion and those of Palestine.
With the aid of the Parthians and of the Jews who were opposed to Herod he ultimately succeeded in establishing himself as king.
These satires of Dryden were largely influential in establishing the heroic couplet, [Footnote: The heroic couplet consists of two iambic pentameter lines that rime.
The influence of his novels in establishing better schools, prisons, workhouses, is beyond measure; but we are not so much interested in his reforms as in his method, which was unique.
The work of Caxton, who brought the first printing press to London, and who was instrumental inestablishing the East-Midland dialect as the literary language of England.
The book hinges on the supposed existence of a secret association, having extensive ramifications, for the purpose of establishing constitutional government throughout Germany.
Though so indifferent to actual happenings, she was tenacious of tradition, and she felt a vast, though passive, admiration for the action of King James in re-establishing in his kingdoms the ancient faith that was hers.
He had also been quite selfishly interested in seeing the capital city of Luxemburg and the neighboring country and in enjoying a short respite from his continuous work of establishing the temporary hospital.
A great meeting was now convened by the ecclesiastics of Ireland at Rathugh, for the purpose of establishing peace and concord amongst the native princes.
Although Strongbow was a "destroyer" of the native clergy, he appears to have been impregnated with the mediƦval devotion for establishing religious houses.
He made use of these qualifications and talents by establishing and erecting the fort of Linao in the province of Caraga, an advanced outpost among the heathen and Moros.
He bound the gods in fetters by establishing a theory of causal connection (the twelve Nidana) which does away with the necessity of ruling powers.
He then swept both matter and spirit into unreality by establishing the canon of ignorance, that the highest knowledge is to know that nothing is; that there is neither being nor not-being, nor yet the becoming.
Nevertheless some of their tribes succeeded in establishing themselves near the Danube; others settled on the sea-coast of Thrace whilst a third portion passed over into Asia, and gave their name to the country called Galatia.
Soon after passing the Gates he learned that Darius had been seized and loaded with chains by his own satrap Bessus, who entertained the design of establishing himself in Bactria as an independent sovereign.
Upon their arrival in Ionia they informed Alcibiades that measures had been taken for establishing an oligarchical form of government at Athens, and required him to fulfil his part of the engagement by procuring the aid and alliance of Persia.
His time was occupied in establishing other cloisters, perfecting his rule, and preaching.
The scheme of establishing an order of Preaching Friars began to assume definite shape in his mind.
She also aided in establishing a home for strangers at Portus, which became one of the most famous inns of the time.
He also is credited with establishing a course of musical training in the English monasteries.
The 5th was preparing to receive them, and establishing itself in its sector, when orders came that it was to withdraw.
Establishing liaison" was fraught with more heartaches and brain-aches than any other military detail.
And the town would be relieved of a dissipated man, and you could then carry out your plan of establishing a village library here.
I will not take a single step in the direction in which my heart has been so suddenly drawn, if you have any prior claim, or even the remotest hope of establishing one in some more favorable time.
In 1882 a committee consisting of the officers of the union was appointed to inquire into the possibility of establishing and maintaining a "Home for Disabled Printers.
The difficulties experienced by the Engineers and the Conductors in establishing disability insurance, without doubt, served to deter the Firemen from adopting a similar system until their fifth convention in 1878.
The unions which have been successful in establishing insurance systems are the seven principal unions of railway employees, viz.
In several other important unions the question of establishing a national system of sick benefits has been much discussed.
The Granite Cutters' Union, however, when establishingtheir voluntary insurance association in 1877, limited the benefit to members disabled for life by any real accident suffered while following employment as a granite cutter.
At the convention of 1878 a committee was appointed to consider the advisability of establishing a national system of relief.
It is supposed to be of great length and is claimed by the United States, although some of the British settlers have lately commenced establishing themselves on the river and are making very free with the pine.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "establishing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.