In front of the home Mrs. Allen had planted a garden.
Up it goes in a long curve, alighting with his four feet stiffly planted together.
The obedient horse, never averse to standing still, suddenly and firmly planted his feet and stood--motionless as a painted horse upon a painted highway.
In the foreground are meadow slopes, thinly, capriciously planted with chestnut trees and walnuts, each standing with its shadow cast upon the sward.
His descendants now judged themselves firmly planted enough to risk the odium of a princely match for the sake of the support outside the city they might win.
Until only a few years ago larger areas were direct seeded each year than were planted to nursery stock, but at the present time more planting is being done.
In the north the dense and magnificent forests of white pine that greeted Father Marquette, when he planted his missionary station at Sault Ste.
In seed-spot sowing the seed is planted at regular intervals in small spots where the soil is cleared of vegetation and worked up loose to a depth of from 5 to 6 inches.
But when a favorable site is planted to a quick-growing, valuable, species, it is comparatively easy to arrive at a fair estimate of the possible profit on money invested.
But I had seen those strange, mysterious groups, plantedso thickly in the streets of Chester under the silent night, and I could not accept the explanation of the Liverpool reporter.
Sharp conflicts and controversies were not to his taste; but mildly and discreetly he sought to plant, in his own field of work, and to leave what he had planted in God's name to grow up.
He was much grieved at the untimely death of his protégé, and dug him a grave with his own hands, round which he planted berry-bearing bushes.
Meantime the islander and his wife, not being able to find their daughter, returned home weeping, and planted the oak and the fir in the field where their daughter used to swing in the evening, in remembrance of her.
In the evening, when the moon rose, the Devil planted the ladder firmly on the ground, steadied it with both hands, and sent the other servant up to the moon, cautioning him to hold very tight and beware of slipping.
The oak which the islander had planted sprang up, first as a small tree, but it grew so rapidly that it reached the clouds, and almost touched the sun.
Dug up in the wilderness of nature, and dipped in this living spring, they are planted and flourish in the paradise of God.
I can not speak now of the Mount of Olives or its view of Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and the mountains of Moab; nor of the Damascus Gate or the tree that was planted by King Godfrey of Jerusalem.
These were placed standing on end, firmly planted in the ground and extending upward some fifteen feet, their tops sharpened as an additional protection against savage assailants.
These valuable trees are thickly planted over the champaign of Valencia, and all of them are of the white-leaved kind.
The mulberries of Granada and Jaen are black; they are suffered to grow without any care or management, are never lopped or dressed, and look as if they were planted by chance.
At the top, the tower was round, with a high parapet, and an extension on one side, all filled with earth and planted with cabbages and other green things.
The flower garden was a vegetable garden now, and the artichokes and the cabbages and the broccoli were planted with mathematical regularity up to the very walls.
The very day after Jack Ryan was evicted, he planted himself on the bit of land between his farm and the river.
He could have settled her with a well-planted blow; but he would not strike her; he would only wrestle.
As the king entered the city, he saw obelisks of antiquity to the right and left, and a wall of six feet was constructed along the road to the courtyard, which was filled with underbrush and planted thickly with trees and shrubbery.
O thou tree planted in the Garden of the Love of God!
Therefore, know the importance of this seed which wasplanted in the divine field by the heavenly Gardener, watered with the rain of grace and nurtured by the heat and light of the Sun of Truth.
Sadrat-el-Montaha—The name of a tree planted by the Arabs in ancient times at the end of a road, to serve as a guide.
Thank thou God for He hath guided thee to the path of His Kingdom and provided thee with the fruit of the Tree of Life, which is planted in the middle of the Ferdowee (i.
Open the tongue of praise to the Horizon of ABHA, for having received light from Him in the age of youth, and for having been planted by Him in the paradise of glory.
All the trees are without fruit except the Tree of Life planted in the paradise of God!
I at once planted my heels together to form a perfect angle, placed my little fingers along the seams of my pantaloons, my arms extending at full length, my body erect, facing my superior officer.
It is not therefore surprising if it was planted in the islands lying on the route.
Footnote 253: The inscription of Mi-son relates how Kauṇḍinya planted at Bharapura (?
They were plantedin the early spring, and harvested in the summer.
In the heart of one young man, the brother of some who were killed, God planted a sudden determination to put a stop to these murders and robberies.
Very slight changes in the position of a plant, whether planted on a bank or at its base, sometimes make all the difference in its producing seed.
Near Moscow, Prince Troubetzkoy planted for experiment in the open ground several varieties of the pear, but one alone, the Poire sans Pepins, withstood the cold of winter.
Analogous facts have been observed with plants: a new and beautiful white onion, imported from France, though planted close to other kinds, was alone attacked by a parasitic fungus.