When the disputes with the American colonies began, he saw clearly that the colonistshad right on their side, and warmly supported their cause.
The proximity of the Portuguese settlements of Brazil and the unprotected state of the coast, however, made smuggling easy, and the colonists soon learned to supply their own needs in that way.
An expedition sent up the river by Mendoza founded AsunciĆ³n, and thither went the colonists from his "Santa Maria de Buenos Ayres" when that settlement was abandoned.
Southward of Horowhenua, as far as the present harbour of Wellington, the country was subsequently given over to Ngati-Awa, who were in settled possession when the first European colonists arrived.
No Englishman who survived actually saw the massacre, and therefore it is impossible to describe the exact method of its execution; but the colonists to all appearances met their fate with the greatest equanimity.
This style of exaggerated invective will serve to show the unreasoning pitch to which even the better class of colonists had allowed themselves to be worked by the news of the catastrophe.
Needless to say in this they were unsuccessful; but the charter is historically important, because it contained a clause stating that the colonists could not be taxed without the consent of their own legislature.
From the very first the colonists grumbled, quarrelled, and disputed, and their resident minister, the Reverend Samuel Quincy, gives a horrible but exaggerated account of the colony in 1735.
The colonists firmly believed in the enriching powers of paper money, which in New England was issued in particularly large quantities by Rhode Island.
The first Governor under the Crown was Sir Francis Wyatt, who was of good character and inspired the colonists with a self-reliant temper.
The character of the colonists was very superior to that of the "riff-raff" that had been sent to Virginia.
The advocate of the colonists was the pliant and pliable Sandys, who, when he reached England, deserted his constituents, and pleaded for the restoration of the old rule.
The taxation of the colony had not been specifically mentioned in the charter, and the colonists seized upon the opportunity to enact that no taxes were to be levied without the consent of the Assembly.
It is hardly likely that the colonists imagined that the Crown would take their part against the Governor, but their action was probably due to a general desire to impress the Crown with their power.
The colonists were intolerant of any opinion save their own, and their cruel fanaticism was excited particularly against the humble and law-abiding sect of Quakers.
But with the same ardent spirit as the colonists had supported the Company in 1623, so now they opposed its re-establishment and for the same reason.
The Plymouth colonists set "the example of a compact religious brotherhood.
The Quakers taught and believed the equality of all men before God; to them there was no distinction between settler and savage, and unlike some of the colonists in the Puritan group, offered the best of treatment to the Red Indians.
The English Colonists saw the danger, but the Legislature of New York was so mean in matters of finance that it refused any pecuniary assistance in creating a similar erection at Oswego in 1727.
From this moment a much better class of colonists began to come out, bringing with them their own servants, and forming the nucleus of a sound colonial population.
The Spaniards did not entirely confine their attention to planting colonists in a ready-made state on the island.
Peruvians and Chilians from across the isthmus, Spaniards and Cubans, black gentlemen from Hayti, French colonists from Martinique, but English preponderating above all other nationalities.
But another group of colonists was due in three years.
The next week the colonists harvested and processed the food for storage and immediately planted another crop.
The colonistswere called upon for guard duty again, but it evaded them.
There was no brush, not a blade of grass, on the hill when the colonists finished.
After that, he retired to the laboratory and worked out a course of treatment for the domesticated animals that the colonists had brought with them.
Dano Marin walked to the grove in which the colonists had been sleeping.
They prowled at night, so the colonists were assigned to guard the settlement around the clock.
If insects had been responsible, there ought to be a few dead ones, crushed, perhaps, as the colonistsrolled over in their sleep.
As the only scientist in a crew of rough-and-ready colonists and builders, Marin was going to be called on to answer a lot of questions that weren't in his field.
Three months before the next colonists were due, a new animal was detected.
The colonists could have burned the bunched-up rats with the right equipment, but they didn't have it and couldn't get it for years.
And you say that the colonists were forced to pay for their food on the trip out?
It was only a question of time before the colonists would reach the top of the ridge and find them.
On either side of the highway, he saw colonists beating the bushes, looking behind rocks and boulders, shouting at each other as they pressed their hunt for Astro, Tom, and Roger.
There was a murmur among the colonists at this news.
As soon as Vidac learns that we've escaped, the whole satellite will be crawling with colonists and his boys, looking for us.
The Academy was buzzing with activity as Solar Guard officers, scientists, and enlisted men attended to the millions of details of the mass flight of the colonists into deep space.
Governor Hardy's voice was firm as he addressed the assembled colonists and spacemen from the air lock of a space freighter.
At the same time the giant fleet of ships needed to carry the colonists to Roald was being assembled.
It had been decided to allow thecolonists to choose their own leaders aboard the ships.
Everything imaginable for the convenience of the colonists had been installed aboard the massive ship.
Do you think we really have enough proof of Vidac's guilt to make the colonists understand it was Vidac and not the cadets who could have done something to the professor?
He watched until Vidac rocketed off in his jet car, followed by a stream of colonists in various types of vehicles.
Colonists with paralo-ray guns and anything that could be used as a weapon were scrambling around in the hills.
Inside the gleaming ships the colonists had settled down for the long voyage to the new satellite of Roald.
They stepped into view just as the colonists were about to spread out and search the city.
The colonists still regarded themselves as Englishmen and loyal to the crown.
The great abundance of timber in America, so much that farmers were slashing down hundreds of acres and burning it, enabled the colonists to build ships very cheaply, and so there was a swinging of axes in all our seaport towns.
A droll fellow that, I take it from his name: but all colonists are queer fellows, eh?
Even Colonists say, that this was too bad, and if they say so, it must be so.
I am happy that this work will become the medium of informing the Colonists of Western Australia of one of the most promising events that has ever happened to that country.
With all the natural advantages of a fruitful soil and a heavenly climate, colonistsare always dissatisfied with their position; because, in a pecuniary point of view, they are always poor.
In a few years' time, dried fruits will be exported in large quantities; but we almost fear that the colonists are giving too much of their attention to the cultivation of grapes and other fruits.
Good and well-meaning persons will exclaim, "Colonists can have very little sense of religion, if they allow themselves to act at a distance differently from what they would do at home.
It may seem strange to you, dear reader, who have an idea that colonists are merely wild beasts, that such things should be.
But the colonists know how many prejudices and interested feelings environ the Admiralty; and in general shrink from the experiment.
But besides the dread of wild beasts, the colonists were long in the greatest apprehension of losing themselves in the vast wilderness of forest by which they were on every side enclosed.
But so it is; and though people may dance the Cellarius with more gravity in the saloons of St. James's, I question whether dancing be half the fun there that our light-hearted colonists seem to think it.
Provisions being all imported, were sold at high rates, and the hesitating colonists became unavoidably subservient to the cupidity of the traders.
English colonists had been forbidden to aid the Scottish adventurers.
The news of the surrender of the colonists increased the indignation.
The wealthy Virginia colonists built handsome houses on their large estates.
But some of the land granted to Lord Baltimore had been settled years before and was claimed by the colonists of Virginia.
But who would have led the colonists in their rebellion against England if George Washington had entered the English navy then, and had later become a British admiral instead of commanding general of the American army?
The Maryland colonists were kind to the tribes and gained their friendship, as Champlain had done and as William Penn and the Quakers of Philadelphia were to do about fifty years later.
Here and there a small banana-wood growing in a crevice showed the proximity of the cabins of negro colonists and their offspring, who displayed in the sunlight the unashamed bronze nakedness for which none could blush.
The railway is never far off, since it brings colonists and is responsible for the whole agricultural movement.
Its leaves, dried and slightly roasted, yield a stimulating infusion that is as much enjoyed by the South American colonists as by the natives.
To the unbounded wonder of both the Americans and the colonists this answer came back in English.
She shuddered, and glanced helplessly at the colonists who were backing Toplinsky.
When this work was completed he created a council of five, and had the colonists elect the members.
The colonists were again leaving the ship, protected by their air helmets.
Hardly had Michael finished his explanation when some of the colonists re-entered the airship, and started the machinery.
The colonists are wearing air helmets, and that indicates to us that if we undertake to leave the Aerolite we must find some way to store oxygen over our own heads.
Nevertheless it was patent that in time the little band of colonists would be wiped out.
She had heard about the colonists from Joan, and she was not impressed with the idea of turning a lot of robbers and bad men loose among her people.
Epworth shuddered as he saw the colonists captured.
But as they departed they carried with them a number of colonists as prisoners.
While he was still watching the darkness in wonder, the colonists began to pour out of the ship onto the moon.
The days on which these measures were to go into effect were observed by the colonists as days of fasting, prayer, and humiliation.
Failing to get redress for their grievances, the colonists resolved that the source of these same grievances should not be a source of profit to those who imposed them.
So we hear of revolutions, of governors being deposed and imprisoned, of colonists going to England to complain of their governors, of governors going to complain of the colonists.
It was now decided to give up Roanoke which had proved such an unfortunate spot, and the new company of colonists was bound for Chesapeake Bay.
The Massachusetts colonists insisted on their rights.
Across the St. Lawrence this little company of intrepid colonists paddled, up the path where Wolfe had led his men they climbed, and stood at length where they had stood upon the heights of Abraham.
He extorted money and tribute from the colonists to make himself rich, and profits which should have gone to the company went into his pocket.
For the colonists were for the most part rogues and vagabonds, sent there by force, and kept there equally by force.
But for the most part the colonists were unwilling to own defeat, and they resolved at once to return.
But the Pequots were not in the least subdued, and more than ever they harassed the colonists of Connecticut.
But the colony was a failure, and after a year of hardships the colonists set sail for England taking home with them such doleful accounts of their sufferings that none who heard them ever wished to help to found a colony.
So the ships were put about, and three days after they had left Jamestown, as they believed forever, the colonists once more landed there.
Famishing men cannot work, and soon the colonists began to weary of their labours.
But they demanded so much for it that soon the colonists were bare of everything they had possessed.
He knew by the number of the ships that most of the French colonists must be in them, and he hoped that they would all be lost in the storm.
But even with hid men the colonists only numbered about eight hundred, far too small a company with which to besiege a fortress such as Quebec.
It was now April, and high time for the colonists to be back on their farms sowing their corn.
Although thecolonists had brought plenty of powder and ball with them, they were ill provided with food for a protracted season.
The sailors had all gone to sea again; and those of the colonists who were not already in prison once more were on their way to the seat of war.
But few of the hardy French sailors would venture on the voyage, and in despair Roberval was compelled to get together his crews and colonists almost entirely from the prisons.
If the colonists he has brought were of a better class than our own, there might be some hope of ultimate success; but the wretched crew who line his decks are of the lowest type.
He was missed from the deck by those of the rough colonists who knew him by sight; but a rumour had gone about among the crew that he had insulted De Roberval's niece, and no one ventured to express pity for his fate.
Even more to be regretted is the fact that many colonists of pure British descent, birth even, are merely nominally loyal to the Imperial connection, if as much as that.
The Transvaal War had left the Cape Colonists in a distinctly anti-British frame of mind.
Not only man of action, but diplomatist and opportunist in the best sense of the word, he played his game with wondrous skill, and succeeded at last in winning over the reluctant colonists to his views.
It must be remembered, too, that while a fair proportion of favoured individuals among the colonists have reaped huge harvests by the war, a far greater number have been crippled and ruined outright by it.
It would be better to give the first chance to the men on the spot, whether oversea colonists or yeomen.
The earliest writers came from the East and were only temporary sojourners in the new country, Bret Harte and Mark Twain corresponding in different degrees to colonists like John Smith and Nathaniel Ward.
That our fathers then made up their minds nevermore to be colonists and subjects, but that they would be free and independent citizens of America?
What would we have been if we had remained colonists and subjects?
Fortunately for us, the colonists not only, but the colonies differed widely in their religious views.
The tie that binds our Colonists to us will not be found in any ledger account, nor is ink the fluid in which that greater Act of Union is writ.
As for the closer union between our Colonists and ourselves, it will hardly be promoted by asking them to sacrifice their commercial freedom to increase the profits of our manufacturers, nor by taxing our food to please their farmers.
They had accompanied the Governor, both to show their respect, and to encourage, by their presence and exhortations, the zeal of the colonists in the work of fortifying the capital.
The sad foreboding of colonists like La Corne St. Luc did not prevent the desperate struggle that was made for the preservation of French dominion in the next war.
The wretched, beaten colonists were prone along the beach, all sleeping except Captain Mason and Mr. Vancouver.
I did not overlook the inquiries that he made among the colonists with Gato's help, nor his private colloquy with Mr. Vancouver, nor the thoughtful look of that gentleman when it was over.
I wondered whether, even with better facilities, we could return to the valley through this passage, and how the two hundred and fifty colonists could manage to come safely through.
The colonists were in the apathy of weariness and repletion.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colonists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.