The hypothesis of development, however, is not only unintelligible and utterly devoid of reality, when criticized in its general principle; as might be expected, it altogether breaks down when it is tested in detail.
If we are to retain our belief in immortality, we must maintain our faith in realities above and apart from sense, in realities which cannot be tested or investigated by any appliances of natural science.
Thirdly, the Society is endeavouring to stimulate private study by the circulation of useful tracts, and by the offer of prizes to such as may be willing that their private study should be tested by competitive examination.
The moment this attempt is made, a science becomes a philosophy, and must be tested by the ordinary criteria of philosophic procedure.
At the Universities the tests have been themselves tested and found to be base metal, stamped indeed with the die of authority, but current only in those marts where credulity holds commerce with cruelty.
Untenable positions aretested and abandoned, and valued defences are strengthened.
To this end he examined his prison carefully, tested the heavy planking that formed its walls, and measured the distance of the hatch above him.
With exasperating deliberateness he examined the arrows in his quiver, tested his bow, and looked to the edge upon the hunting-knife in his loin-cloth.
That theory can be tested very simply by comparing the sequence of events in two or more areas in which independent development has taken place.
Tested in the same way, Katie's lungs were found to be sounder than her medium's, for at the time I tried my experiment Miss Cook was under medical treatment for a severe cough.
The apparatus was well tested beforehand by myself and others, to see that no shaking or jar on the table or support would interfere with the results.
The greater portion of the State Farm, Hermitage, is devoted to the production of seed wheat true to type, thus making available a supply of tested seed for the growers.
New wheat varieties are bred at the experimental farms, and thoroughly tested and proved before they are put out to the farmer.
Against the advice of his tribe, Rauparaha had only taken a band of twenty warriors with him, and on the journey back to Waitara his strategic abilities were tested to the full to escape annihilation.
Siegmund had been tested by all manner of misfortune; no harder life could have been his; Wotan had never aided him, but thrown disasters in his path; and had he failed or succumbed Wotan's device would have failed.
How the maiden's fidelity could be testeddoes not appear.
And I do hope," said Alice, eagerly, "that if we are ever tested in that way we shall bear the test.
Having thus tested the purifying effect of cold air introduced into the melting iron in pots, he labored for three months in trying to overcome the mechanical difficulties experienced in this complicated arrangement.
Hence a series of experiments was made with pipes of different diameters, and their efficiency was tested by the amount of vacuum that was produced in the smoke-box.
The wear of these gauges is the most at their ends, and the fit may be tested by placing the plug within the collar, as in Fig.
The bed must be carefully levelled so that the ways may stand horizontally true, which may be tested by placing the template A B in Fig.
Both the iron and steel plates are tested for tensile strength and ductility.
It will not answer to rest the straight-edge against the two surfaces and observe their coincidence with its edge, because any error cannot be sufficiently, readily, or accurately tested by this means.
Drills ground by hand may be tested for angle by a protractor, as in Fig.
A peculiarly valuable feature of this machine is the means by which it enables an equal pressure of contact to be had upon the standards, and the duplicates to be tested therewith.
If the disc faces come so nearly fair that it is difficult to see if they are in contact all around, four pieces of thin paper may be placed equidistant between them, and the grip upon them tested by pulling.
These front surfaces should be at a right angle to the length of the bed [V]-ways, and this may be tested by placing a straight-edge across their surfaces and testing it with a square rested against the edge of the planer table.
Surfaces to be at a right angle can be tested with a square; those to be in line can be tried with a straight-edge, and in each case the truth or alignment of the surfaces is tested by contact of the testing tool.
If I is not found to be at fault, it may be bolted up again and J tested by loosening its bolts, and so on, until the location of the error is detected.
Joe tested the handle on the door of each darkened room through the myriad glass hallways.
He checked it for balance, found the best grips, tested the grain and strength of the wood by leaning it heavily against the ground.
With the intensity of Nature's relentless backdrop, emotions were tested like ship's rigging in a gale.
From the viewpoint of intensive results, as tested by the volume of patronage accorded these institutions, a perusal of the statistics will demonstrate that in some places the trustee bank has had a remarkable record.
The bank note is almost the sole circulating medium in Canada, and the people have confidence in it because it is tested every day at the clearing houses and proves itself as good as gold.
Two of these must be persons of "tested banking experience," one to serve as chairman of the board of directors and district reserve agent, the other as deputy chairman and deputy reserve agent.
Kendall watched the instruments as one after another of the weapons were tested on momentary full discharge--titanic flames of five million volt protons.
One by one he tested the automatic doors, the pressure bulkheads.
He hadtested out the energy generating properties of this machine, trying to find a limit.
The result was a mirror that was so nearly a perfect paraboloid that the beam held sharp and absolutely tight for the half-mile range they tested it on.
Shapes of strange magnificence make themselves dimly visible; noble characters appear all the grander for the strain through which they pass; principles and ideals through stern conflict are tested and displayed.
The studies in all these local centres are systematised and tested by a Board of Theological Studies, whose operations cover the whole province, and whose standard is equal to that of the mother Church.
Very valuable rosaries are made of its bones, because of the great virtue residing in them against hemorrhages; one which has been tested by experience is worth many ducados.
These cameras are all fitted with tested lenses, automatic shutters and horizontal and vertical finders.
The lens is the Planatograph, the best obtainable aside from the anastigmats, and each lens is carefully testedbefore and after being fitted to the camera.
Hence you have the scientific hypothesis; and its value will be proportionate to the care and completeness with which its basis had been tested and verified.
Ancient traditions, when tested by the severe processes of modern investigation, commonly enough fade away into mere dreams: but it is singular how often the dream turns out to have been a half-waking one, presaging a reality.