They have not been implanted in the soul by God only to be disappointed.
It was a future which had its earnest in the present, a guarantee not alien to it, but akin--the Spirit of Christ implanted in the heart, the likeness of Christ sealed upon the nature.
Ruysbroek defines it as the natural will towards good implanted in us all, but weakened by sin.
This moral sense cannot be a fixed code implanted in our consciousness, for then we could not explain either the variations of moral opinion, or the feeling of obligation (as distinguished from necessity) which impels us to obey it.
She will receive the gratitude shown her with child-like reverence, because she implanted the evening prayer in the heart of the child.
Why, I ask, was that strange and eager feeling implantedin my particular bosom?
But by virtue of the love implanted in the human heart, one may snatch many hours of happiness amid the tumult and the shouting in the winding ways.
It seemed to me absurd for a man to hide his implanted instinct, one of the noblest of all the little hidden root-cellars of our instincts, under a false shame or indifference.
For a most lively perception, as it appears, and affection and admiration of Cato's virtue had been implanted in all alike who were in Utica, inasmuch as nothing spurious or deceitful was mingled with what he did.
From these experiments it is clear how difficult it is for the property of polarity implanted by the loadstone to be destroyed.
But no forms of mixed bodies are inimical to the primary implanted earth-nature, although some often do not agree[169] with one another.
And the terrestrial pole does not attract as if the terrene force were implanted only in the pole, for the magnetick force exists in the whole, although it predominates and excels at the pole.
Even a loadstone itself through a {67} longish stay in the fire, loses the powers of attracting implanted and innate in it, and any other magnetick powers.
I have no doubt that disgust is implanted in the minds of many healthy children by early surfeits of pathological piety.
Ambition and the passion for distinction were thus implanted in his character by his Laconian education, nor, if they continued there, must we blame his natural disposition much for this.
Under the sunshine of David's love, and the dew of those spiritual conceptions which had fallen upon her thirsty spirit, the seeds of a beautiful nature, implanted at her birth, germinated and developed with astonishing rapidity.
An experience so abnormal would have perverted, if not destroyed her nature, had it not contained the germs of beauty and virtue implanted at her birth.
Occasionally a novel or a play was the subject of their talk, and then they took a delight in drawing her out, in appealing to a spontaneous judgment unhampered by pedagogically implanted preconceptions.
I been introspective in those days, that the germ of the ideal of the profession, implanted by Mr. Watling, was expanding.
Yet have they a relation to the higher law, for the consciousness of them was so implanted in us at the first that our souls by natural impulse are drawn to pleasure, while they shrink from pain as from a deadly enemy.
And he who in youth has the seed of these implanted in him and is himself inspired, when he comes to maturity desires to beget and generate.
Designed in the image of God, shall not man become like unto God, according as the divinely implanted desire to know God shall lead him towards a more perfect correspondence with His Will?
Not so, my dear boy; there is one and a most powerful instinct implanted in man which never deserts him on this side of the grave.
This instinctive feeling could not have been so deeply implanted in us, but as an assurance that we shall not be annihilated after death, but that our souls shall still exist, although our bodies shall have perished.
The desire of women for courtship is not a thing by itself, and was not implanted for gratification by itself.
They hunted and fished, and although the passions of friendship, love and ambition implanted in their souls by their Creator shone out at times, at other times they quarrelled like the brutes they slaughtered.
I tell you, Virginia, that if ever kindly nature implanted an instinct in the human heart to warn it of approaching danger, she did so when first I looked upon that man.
I tell you it is an instinct implanted in us by the Almighty to impel us to glorious deeds.
The basis of a good education must be laid with words, well chosen, properly arranged, and firmly implanted in the mind.
The seeds of affection for the father of her being were mystically implantedin the bosom of his child.