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Example sentences for "posted"

Lexicographically close words:
postcards; postchaise; postdiluvian; poste; postea; poster; posterior; posteriority; posteriorly; posteriormost
  1. My diary was posted up fully in due course, and what is more to the point I got the voluminous and incriminating evidence away from Sennelager.

  2. Guards were posted everywhere and we were sternly forbidden to enter the soldiers' reservation.

  3. Somehow the sea inspires confidence, and one knows that information imparted cannot, anyway, be posted off by the same day's mail.

  4. Without telling any one of his intention, Lord Chudleigh posted one morning to town.

  5. It is also declared that notice is posted up in every brothel in a conspicuous place, that no girl can be detained against her will.

  6. Clump had posted up to London with this intimation on the wings of love, and being covered with clay from the heels to the eyes upwards, he appeared in such an unfavourable light at Dr.

  7. Constance posted herself in a gloomy corner, where she could watch their proceedings almost unperceived.

  8. What was passing at Brunswick has fortunately found a record in the diary of a British officer posted there when the news of Washington's coming fell like a bombshell in their camp.

  9. On the 2d the enemy's advance came upon the American pickets posted outside of Trenton, driving them through the town much in the same manner as they had driven the Hessians.

  10. Heath, with 2,000 men of his division, was ordered to Peekskill, to guard the passes of the Highlands, these two corps being thus posted within supporting distance.

  11. The bomb and rocket vessels were so posted as to act upon Fort McHenry and the fortifications on the hill, commanded by Rodgers.

  12. At length their destination was reached, Captain Everett posted his cannon around the Custom House, quarters there were given to the Massachusetts regiment, and the city was comparatively quiet through the night.

  13. Five hundred loyalists were enrolled, armed, and posted round the White House: every avenue of approach was commanded by machine-guns.

  14. I warned the President, and we've posted guards all round it.

  15. Special armed guards have been posted at every entrance to the building.

  16. At the entrance a single guard, in place of the four who should have been posted there, challenged sharply, and attempted to bar the way, not recognizing Dick or Stopford in their civilian clothes.

  17. The Major went above, where he found Gid's men posted at the windows and the loop-holes.

  18. It would be nonsense to engage them in the open, but with our men posted about the square not more than two-thirds of them can get action at once.

  19. They filed into the court-house, where a number of men were already gathered, posted above and below.

  20. Spencer Vance was an experienced officer, well posted in all the tricks and devices of his craft, and he at once began to carry out a scheme.

  21. For some time Madame D——’s house had guards posted outside.

  22. Certain simple rules against the contraction of disease are posted throughout the camps, and the men are impressed with the importance of personal cleanliness.

  23. In order to prevent these spreading, it was necessary to blow up some houses, and the Germans posted bills telling the people not to be alarmed at the explosions.

  24. For a youth of twenty to find himself posted as a Liar and a Scoundrel, to say nothing of a "malevolent incendiary," and remain indifferent would be impossible.

  25. Between the Friday and the Tuesday he had posted from London to Bath with the Linleys, and had forthwith returned to London with his brother and then back once more to Bath without a pause.

  26. You are tolerably well posted as to Mrs. Detlor's movements.

  27. He took the other letters up, went downstairs and posted them.

  28. After a determined charge in flank, and the renewed efforts of the Vaudois already posted at the gate of Angrogna, the Piedmontese fled, leaving behind them over six hundred dead, besides many wounded.

  29. Nor could the fugitives altogether escape the neighbourhood of the French patrols, so closely were they posted to the castle.

  30. The enemy having kept up his retreat at night, presented no opposition whatever until the cavalry discovered him posted at Fisher's Hill, on the first defensive line where he could hope to make any serious resistance.

  31. We did not go far before we found the enemy's infantry posted across these two roads behind a strong line of intrenchments on the west bank of Bailey's Creek.

  32. From the left of the return over toward Hatcher's Run was posted Mumford's cavalry, dismounted.

  33. On reaching the stand, I was posted within about twenty' yards of a long, high picket-fence, facing the fence and covered by two trees very close together.

  34. The French were posted not far from Buzancy in a strong position, their right resting near Stonne and the left extending over into the woods beyond Beaumont.

  35. This was fortunate for me, for the guards posted at either end would have been more inquisitive as to a solitary stranger than one of a company of noisy idlers.

  36. Our men ashore were still hemmed in between the fort and the troops, who, now we came to look at them, were posted in force behind some earthworks which commanded the passage from the shore to the fort.

  37. He decided not to see her again, and posted a polite note saying he had been obliged to return to New York, and that he regretted his inability to call.

  38. The French were posted in an interior line nearer to Leipsic, of which Probtshedya was the central point.

  39. Upon the previous day, Murat and Mortier, who led the vanguard, found the Russians strongly posted near Krymskoie, where the inconsiderate valour of the King of Naples brought on an action, in which the French lost two thousand men.

  40. The French Emperor posted back towards the Elbe, and on the 9th came in sight of Witgenstein.

  41. Cavalry were posted on the wings of these divisions.

  42. The army of Bagration had been posted thus far to the south-west, in order that when Napoleon crossed the Niemen, this army might be placed in his rear as he advanced to Wilna.

  43. He might have posted his letter after midnight, from his club.

  44. When she entered, Massingale was in the parlor, and the bamboo curtains at the windows were still tinkling, where he had been posted in watch.

  45. And I went out into the silent square and posted the note forthwith, because I knew quite clearly that if I left it until morning I should never post it at all.

  46. I could have posted them five minutes before the train started.

  47. The Marquis de Verceil is actually drawing Lines to shut in the Gevaudan; and twelve Regiments of Foot, and as many of Dragoons, are marching to reinforce the Troops already posted on that side.

  48. Finding ourselves now posted securely, and having a place to retreat to on occasion, we ventur'd out in parties to scour the adjacent country.

  49. The company assumes that you are not thoroughly posted as to its article of manufacture, nor as to its patents covering it," he resumed.

  50. The three men who were on guard inside tossed down their weapons at sight of me, while a fourth, who was posted at a neighbouring window, hailed me with a cry of relief.

  51. Maignan had posted one of his men at the open doorway leading into the street, and fixed his own quarters on the landing at the top, whence he could overlook an intruder without being seen himself.

  52. Gough, after waiting some time and reconnoitering the enemy posted upon a hill, commenced against them, with only sixty infantry and twenty cavalry.

  53. They made the attack upon our Troops, posted near the Gaol, with great violence, but were repulsed: They then made a general attack in almost every direction, as they had got possession of almost every avenue into the Town.

  54. The Russians, posted upon a line of commanding heights, numbered seventy thousand.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "posted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.