A sectarian; a member or adherent of a sect; a follower or disciple of some particular teacher in philosophy or religion; one who separates from an established church; a dissenter.
One who creates or takes part in schism; one who separates from anestablished church or religious communion on account of a difference of opinion.
But experience had shown that it was the existence of an Established Church, towards which the Anti-Union party had turned longing eyes, which was the determining factor in the wrecking of the Union negotiations.
It is true that there was nothing in the nature of things to prevent the Free and United Presbyterian Churches coming together in presence of an Established Church.
The Anglican Church in Canada in 1840 claimed to be an Established Church, and as the Clergy Reserve controversy was then unsettled, her claim had reasonable expectation of realization.
At any rate he never evinced any passion for popular education except that moral and religious education given under the aegis of an Established Church.
Chalmers, and when it was authoritatively declared, notwithstanding all his intense partiality for an established church, he at once severed his alliance with the state.
Yet he was careful to affirm his high regard for an established church in itself, apart from such miserable buttresses.
I did not see in him the makings of a Dictator directing the destinies of an Empire at war, and in his spare moments appointing Successors to the Apostles within the precincts of an Established Church.
As long as there is an Established Church, the State, in some sense, offers religion.
By the time that struggle began the established church in the Carolinas was ready to vanish away.
It ought to have been plain to the proprietors, in their monstrous conceit of political wisdom, that communities so constituted should have been the last on which to impose the uniformity of an established church.
The collision was inevitable between the fervor and unrestrained zeal of the evangelists and the sense of order and decorum, and of the importance of organization and method, into which men are trained in the ministry of an established church.
Several hundreds of dissenter ministers and school teachers were ejected from their positions, but later those who were not Baptists were returned by statute of Parliament because Baptists did not believe in an established church.
Indeed it long been the practice to sequester their lands, punish them for going to mass, fine them for not attending the established church, banish their priests, and imprison those who aided priests.
Newton did not agree with the established church on many points, such as the trinity, and was considered a heretic.
The first was the claim that it was the inherent right of the Church of England to be an established church in every part of the empire, and, therefore, in Upper Canada.
The second point was, that the admission of this inherent right of the Church of England to be an established church in Upper Canada, would extinguish the right of each one of the nonconformist bodies to the status of a Church.
Beyond this alleged inferential right to be an Established Church in Upper Canada, none in reality existed.
Throughout all the seventeenth century the Established Church of Virginia consisted of a group of parishes without connection with each other and without central spiritual authority.
The New England colonies had the advantage that their immigrants came in large part from dissenters from the Established Church of England.
Virginia had an Established Church which in spite of its own problems and difficulties created a parish in every section, and provided clergymen as far as they could be obtained.
Established Church, throughout all England and Wales, is only thirty-three; whereas by the above showing, the proportion of attendants to sittings in Wales alone is 40 per cent.
Established Church in this way, that there is hardly a book or a sermon left behind by any of them to testify their fidelity in their vocation, for almost a hundred years past.
Established Church in Wales, The, 72; Principles involved in the Disestablishment of the Irish Church, ib.
Baptists did not believe in an established church.
Let our readers also not forget the part which the "established church" acted during this long period of misrule.
Here, then, is sufficient to inform "The Many" of the policy of the "Established Church.
The wonder and sorrow that in a country possessing an Established Church, no book exists which can be put into the hands of youth to show them the best things that can be done in life, and prevent their wasting it.
But there cannot be a more false analogy than to reason from these cases to the case of an Established Church.
We have an Established Church in England; it is the Church of the majority.
If there were no Established Church, people in our rank of life would always be provided with preachers to their mind at an expense which they would scarcely feel.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "established church" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.