It endows those born under it with a stubborn disposition.
It makes them hard to fathom, and endows them with the essential qualities of a diplomat.
He looks back to the more primitive, and endows it with that mystery he cannot find in his own times.
The imagination endows the man-made thing with consciousness and powers, whether of reservation or aloofness; the similitude of meditation and profundity is wrought into stone.
The Athabascan Dog-Ribs believe that an ant inserted beneath the skin of the palm endows the owner of the hand with the gift of prophecy.
In another story of German origin, the hero, who has been hacked to pieces and stuffed in a bag, is restored to life by a master sorcerer, who endows him with the power of assuming whatever shape he pleases.
The savage endows brutes with similar intelligence and emotions to his own.
When he loves or pities an older person, he endows him with childlike attributes.
This is to say that the mystery with which Sologub endows his tales is never there for its own sake, but as a most intense symbol of reality.
There are some persons whom Fortune endows with a cast of countenance which allows you to read right through their features into their pure and honest souls, so that you feel confidence in them at the very first glance.
Providence, as a rule, endows those people who have to live by their labour with a beneficial instinct, which makes them find their pride and joy in the work they have accomplished.
The repetition of the choerus interrupts the tender leave-taking just at the right time, and endows the scene with fresh life and animation.
This endows the workingman with a new power and a great power; a power that will bring him farther on his way toward the goal he seeks than any other he possesses.
His one interest is in emotional and intellectual processes, and, himself an adept in the observation of these processes, he endows almost all his characters with the same skill.
It is his passion for strength in its primitive nakedness which endows him with the historical sense.
The first record assigns all 522:6 might and government to God, and endows man out of God's perfection and power.
Again, when Minerva finally endows the hero with heightened beauty of figure and countenance, it is done without the use of any visible sign whatever[189].
She endows the deathless horses of Achilles with a voice[357].
It endows humanity with countless virtues, and throws a mystic veil over our many faults.
Weininger is, I believe, in conflict with spiritual reality when (guided by ethical, not psychological considerations) he proposes the theory that a man endows the beloved woman with all the lofty values he desires for himself.
The animist whoendows an inanimate object with a soul regards the visible thing itself as its body.
The animist who endows an inanimate object with a soul regards the visible thing itself as its body, p.
He endows them with rights quite after human fashion, and imposes on himself corresponding duties.
The painful moral self-recognition endows the ghost story with marvellous significance.
The man who has the courage to carry his madness to its final consequence, by doing so endows this madness, in which there is method, with living vigour.
His fancy endows it with a kind of life from the earliest time when, under the form of a clump of trees, it 'rustled its leaves' on Cytorus, till it obtained its rest in a peaceful age on the fair waters of Benacus.
It names towns and colleges; and he is thought the greatest benefactor of a university who endows it with money, not with mind.
Which is thought the greatest benefactor of a college, he who endows it with money or with mind?
The beauty of flesh and blood, even the loveliness of children, seems to have slight hold upon him, compared with the significance of character and the lustre with which his imaginationendows everything.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endows" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.