A shortfall in amphibious cargo ships assigned to the Marines further reduced the number of organic tracked and wheeled logistics vehicles available.
His staff warned of logistics problems involved in a second front.
Health Service Logistics Plans must include health service logistics support to continue under NBC conditions.
Further, leaders will be challenged by an additional logistics burden of providing nontraditional respiratory protection for personnel against TIMs.
The hospital supply staff must ensure that mask filters are available at the supporting logistics support facility and can be requisitioned to meet this requirement.
Health service logistics (HSL) personnel must train and prepare to operate in all battlefield situations.
Medical Logistics The estimates provided in the guide are intended to support projections of medical materiel and logistical requirements.
For detailed information on providing health service logistics see FM 4-02.
Medical Logistics The data provided in the guide can assist in estimating the needed supplies.
Combat Health Logistics in a Theater of Operations--Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.
Besides coordinating the logistics activity there, Shepherd assumed responsibility for expanding the perimeter to the southwest and securing the shores of Borgen Bay.
He had a variety of shore party, engineer, transportation, and other service troops to handle thelogistics chores.
Logistics support requires provision for procurement and replenishment of supplies, for evacuation, proper disposition, and replacement of ineffective personnel, and for material maintenance.
Logistics directives and other specialized instructions may also be a feature.
Logistics measures, as comprehended in the development of the basic plan, exclude movement primarily of a strategical or tactical nature, but include movement related primarily to supply and similar matters.
The solution of logisticsproblems is further discussed hereafter (page 179).
It will then provide for appropriate action as to each type of logistics support, or will state proper tasks for the several subdivisions of the force concerned therewith.
Hence, the commander formulates these, also, and includes them in his list of operations for later assignment as logistics tasks.
The limitation imposed upon operations by logistics represents the final limit of a commander's plan of action.
It sets forth the availability of services and supplies, and describes and gives effect to the general plan for the logistics support of the operation.
While the factor may also have some bearing on a tactical estimate, logistics support will rarely change sufficiently, during a naval battle, to affect the outcome.
Section I-B of the estimate will take account of the logistics factors cited in the Estimate Form (Chapter VI) for a basic estimate, but will specify details to the further extent necessary.
Logistics support is of primary concern to the commander.
Section II will discuss the various possible procedures for affording appropriate logistics support of the various categories.
It will also include a statement of the salient features of the existing logistics situation.
Line officers for infantry or armored units and logistics officers have four-year courses.
Logistics Bulgaria's armed forces cost the country considerably less per man than do those of its allies, and the amount spent on equipment and maintenance is relatively austere.
They will depend on the United States for logistics and support through at least 2007.
Iraqi deployed brigades with intelligence, transportation, air support, andlogistics support, as well as providing some key equipment.
I only wished I could get near enough to see the effect on Old Logistics when he should emerge from his tent--and he a West Pointer!
The Eighth Army was to relieve the Sixth of all duties and missions in the area except certain ones dealing with logistics and construction.
Logistics Scarcely had the assault troops landed when the gloomy predictions of Colonel Ely that conditions of soil and weather on the island would make it unfit for the establishment of major bases began to be realized.
The Fleet Commander of this Plutonian Security Force wishes to speak with the Commander of the Slingshot Logistics Depot.
We're still pressing diplomatic means, meanwhile, our logistics is being disrupted by Pluto's President Narval's hoodlums.
The UIPS took steps to ensure the security of Slingshot construction and logistics support sites and space-ways.
Now that we know the construction site is the target we'll use it for working out the details for fleet integration, formation and logistics in place of what we had before," Brad rasped.
You and your vessels and the Logistics Depot are in Plutonian territory, therefore, our laws apply to you.
Professionals long in their trade, they were battle cruiser and destroyer flotilla commanders of the major INOR powers, backed up by their experts in military intelligence, tactical operations, and navigation, logistics and internal security.
Tell Brad to prepare plans and evaluate our military capabilities to penetrate the protective shield around the Logistics Depot, to capture it and use it as hostage.
The Logistics Depot reappeared high up in the tank wrapped in its protective cocoon, and lines of transports loading and off-loading cargoes or waiting their turns.
Group Three (Logistics Depot) Mission Construct a space station to specification above Coldfield and designate it 'Slingshot Logistics Depot'.
Resuming flight, he quickly merged for a short distance with a queue of tugs and taxis along a crowded lane, then veered sharply up toward the Logistics Depot.
Finally, the status and position of friendly forces must be known at all times, and the logistics supporting them must be sufficiently flexible to allow for rapid movement, reconfiguration, and decentralization of location.
I was able to eliminate two of those because the Logistics Officers were female--but that still leaves three.
Kelly told me the agent was Logistics Officer at a base on Piper's World during the Traiti counter-attacks there, but he never told me which base, and the description he gave fits five of them.
Logistics simply doesn't allow a greater number, not on such short notice.
Material and Methods The logistics of census operations have gradually improved from the use of slow, local transportation to the use of fast pneumatic boats and, in more recent years, seaplanes.
Consideration of logistics and support facilities must, of course, be included in the site selection process.
Strategy employs tactics and logistics to bring these things to pass; but this does not mean that strategy stands apart and simply gives logistics and tactics tasks to do.
In other words, logistics must make and execute such plans that all the fleet which strategy demands will be at the selected points in less than two weeks from the time the enemy leaves the shores of Europe.
The operations will naturally be more extended both in time and distance than in the case of a direct attack upon our coast, and therefore the task of logistics will be greater.
The former belong to the domain of strategy; the latter to that of tactics; both, however, are connected with logistics in every thing that concerns the means of their execution.
It has been still further extended by recent military writers, and many of them now regard logistics as a distinct and important branch of the art.
Strategy decides where to act; logistics brings the troops to this point; grand tactics decides the manner of execution and the employment of the troops.
Logistics comprises the means and arrangements which work out the plans of strategy and tactics.
The choice of the decisive point was the result of a skillful application of the principles of strategy; and the arrangements for moving the troops give us an example of logistics which originated in his own closet.
An essential branch of logistics is certainly that which relates to making arrangements of marches and attacks, which are fixed by the general and notice of them given to the proper persons by the chiefs of staff.
It is one of the most difficult problems of logistics to make suitable arrangements of hours of departures and halts for armies; and this is particularly the case in retreats.
Another no less extraordinary example of the importance of good logistics was afforded at the battle of Leipsic.
In order to exhibit more clearly the merit of these measures, I will mention, by way of contrast, two cases where faults in logistics came very near leading to fatal consequences.