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Example sentences for "endothelium"

Lexicographically close words:
endorser; endorses; endorsing; endosperm; endothelial; endotracheal; endow; endowed; endowing; endowment
  1. Nor can it be stated positively that the endothelium has not been injured by a secondary toxic or bacterial factor.

  2. The chief manifestation is damage to the integrity of the endothelium of the vessels, resulting in hemorrhage--whether from diapedesis or from rhexis or both of these conditions, the microscope does not inform us.

  3. The faculty possessed by the endothelium of the capillaries of each organ of adapting itself qualitatively to the particular metabolism of the organ.

  4. In the smaller arteries there is more or less uniform thickening of the tunica intima from proliferation of the endothelium and increase in the connective tissue in the elastic lamina--a form of obliterative endarteritis.

  5. It consists in transplanting between the bones a flap of fat-bearing tissue, from which a bursal cavity lined with endothelium and containing a fluid rich in mucin is ultimately formed.

  6. Endotheliomas# take origin from the endothelium of lymph vessels and blood vessels, and serous cavities.

  7. The term lymphangio-sarcoma is applied when the cells of the tumour are derived from the endothelium of lymph spaces and vessels.

  8. The endothelium over these plates often disappears, leaving them exposed to the blood-stream.

  9. A bursa is a closed sac lined by endothelium and containing synovia.

  10. Changes were found in the endothelium of the blood vessels, the axis cylinders of nerves, and the muscles.

  11. The cavities result either from the new formation of lymph spaces or vessels, or from the dilatation of those which already exist; their walls are composed of fibro-areolar tissue lined by endothelium and strengthened by non-striped muscle.

  12. This is accomplished, according to the researches of Baumgarten,[21] by an outgrowth of endothelium from the intima of the vessel, the thrombus being absorbed as the growth of tissue advances.

  13. With the co-existence of abnormal endothelium and stagnant blood, thrombi form with greater frequency and become more voluminous in a given interval of time.

  14. In phlebitis the latter are found in the endothelium and in the sheaths of the veins.

  15. The endothelium then undergoes proliferation, and thrombosis is produced.

  16. Thrombi are usually divided into those from compression, dilatation, traumatism, and marasmus; in all of which groups an abnormal condition of the endothelium is to be met with.

  17. Followed toward the capillaries, the coats of the artery gradually diminish in thickness, the endothelium resting directly upon the internal elastic membrane so long as the latter persists, and afterward on the rapidly attenuating media.

  18. The endothelium is seen as a delicate line, in which a few nuclei are visible.

  19. In a cross section of the radial artery one sees a wavy outline of intima, caused by the endothelium following the corrugations of the elastica.

  20. He says: "The deposition of fibrin occurs before the endothelium presents any changes.

  21. If, however, the pus and fibrin are produced in large amounts, the endothelium falls off and leaves the surface of the peritoneum bare.

  22. The ordinary form of acute peritonitis is attended with changes in the endothelium and fixed connective tissue, and with the production of serum, fibrin, and pus.

  23. The peritoneum, especially the omental part, is the seat of multiple ecchymoses, and the endothelium is fatty.

  24. If the inflammation is very intense, the pus and fibrin are most abundant; if milder, the changes in the endothelium are more marked.

  25. In this, he says, the surface of the omentum is covered with cells which look as if they were derived from the endothelium and connective-tissue cells, although they differ from the normal shape of these.

  26. Nevertheless the filament is a complete tube formed of chitinous substance and clothed externally by ciliated epithelium, internally by endothelium and lacunar tissue--a form of connective tissue--as shown in fig.

  27. The ventricle and auricles of Anodonta lie in a pericardium which is clothed with a pavement endothelium (d, fig.

  28. The iris becomes attached to the pectinate ligament and to the endothelium of Descemet's membrane.

  29. Czermak and Birnbacher describe proliferation of the endothelium of the large veins with contraction and obliteration of their lumen.

  30. It was already known that in vivo certain venoms exert a manifestly dissolving action on the endothelium of blood-vessels and on the muscular tissues themselves.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endothelium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.