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Example sentences for "procurement"

Lexicographically close words:
procuration; procurator; procurators; procure; procured; procurer; procurers; procures; procuress; procureth
  1. Under the provisions of the Army bill for the procurement of pneumatic dynamite guns, the necessary specifications are now being prepared, and advertisements for proposals will issue early in December.

  2. It is never used when the procurement of permanent service, for a long period, is spoken of.

  3. It is not used when the procurement of permanent service is spoken of.

  4. Though Mr. Jay had been put into the diplomatic service by the procurement of the party in congress in the French interest, his diplomatic experience in Spain had led him also to entertain doubts as to the sincere good-will of Vergennes.

  5. Despite procurement failures and within the limitations of general segregation policy, the Navy treated black officers with scrupulous fairness during the war.

  6. On 31 October he announced the establishment of a selective procurement program.

  7. Randolph concentrated on one explosive issue, the Army's procurement of troops.

  8. In his opinion, committing the department to integration of all on-post schools, as the Assistant Secretary of Defense had proposed earlier, would create teacher procurement problems and additional financial burdens.

  9. As a first step it assigned eight Negroes to Recruitment Procurement School and subsequently to recruit duty in eight major cities with further such assignments planned when current manpower ceilings were lifted.

  10. The first War Department plans for postwar manpower procurement were predicated on some form of universal military training, a new concept for the United States.

  11. Prescott, on the contrary, tells us that 'they opened veins for the procurement of silver in the solid rock, and that the traces of their labors in these galleries furnished the best indications for the early Spanish miners.

  12. Even when different species have traveled the same distance to an identical food stock, therefore, the costs of procurement differ.

  13. Food Procurement and Processing Gathering and processing food is another major component of the cost of living.

  14. A bird would therefore have to eat a larger biomass of invertebrates than of fish to satisfy the same energetic needs (although cost of procurement might not be as high as for fish).

  15. There were further arrangements to be made as to the procurement of sites or the taking over of the stations already in operation or in process of construction.

  16. As to the more technical services, the able personnel of the Ordnance Department in France has splendidly fulfilled its functions both in procurement and in forwarding the immense quantities of ordnance required.

  17. As these dayes past I spake vnto you about the procurement of a safeconduct from the great Turke, for a trade to Chio: The way and maner how it may be obtained with great ease shall plainly appeare vnto you in the lines following.

  18. Achon, and on the next morrowe came to Tyrus, where by procurement of the French king he was restrained by the Citizens to enter.

  19. The SBA administered 8(a) Pilot Program for procurement with the Army proved to be successful and I recently expanded the number of agencies involved to include NASA and the Departments of Energy and Transportation.

  20. The Federal government's procurement from minority-owned firms has nearly tripled since I took office.

  21. Ramsbotham RE: Metals supplies & shipment It having come to my attention that the process of metals shipment is in danger because of a threat to the materials and procurement divisions of AMP, Ltd.

  22. The original motive for this action would seem to be a rising tide of public unrest, sparked apparently by chance disclosure of our procurement procedures.

  23. As to the more technical services, the able personnel of the Ordnance Department in France has splendidly fulfilled its functions, both in procurement and in forwarding the immense quantities of ordnance required.

  24. During his episcopacy in that see, he was by Bishop Laud’s procurement made Lord Treasurer of England.

  25. Mr. White, he did it at some one's procurement who himself had a motive.

  26. That through the procurement of the gentleman here styled private prosecutor, who is a member of the Senate, a special session of this court was appointed for the trial of these offenders.

  27. The residue that escaped, through the procurement of the abbat then named Samson, were expelled, so that they neuer had anie dwellings there since that time.

  28. Heerevpon were no small number of churches built in all places abroad in those parties by procurement of the king, all men liberallie consenting (according to the rate of their substance) to be contributorie towards the charges.

  29. He by Sithrikes procurement was sent into Flanders in a ship that leaked, and so was drowned, to the great reioising of all the Danes, least if he had suruiued his brother, he would haue made some businesse for the crowne.

  30. Procurement of a divorce without the State.

  31. There are certain formal preliminaries to a valid marriage in England, such as the publication of banns, or the procurement of a common or special license which operates as a dispensation with the banns.

  32. This yeare was the warre proclaimed betwixt England and France, cheefelie by the procurement of the lord Robert Dartois, a Frenchman, as then banished out of France, vpon occasion of a claime by him made vnto the earledome of Artois.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "procurement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accession; acquisition; addition; armament; attainment; catering; earnings; endowment; equipment; finding; furnishing; investment; logistics; making; preparation; procurement; purchase; reinforcement; retailing; selling; subsidy; subvention; supply; winning