Passe ore these rugged furrowes of laments And come to plainer pathes of cheerefulnesse; Cease thy continuallshowers of thy woe.
Be not so cruell to bereave her life 'Twill draw upon thee a perpetuall scar,-- Thy fathers curse, and a continuall warre.
Guilt, thoughe it weare a smooth and peacefull face, Yet is within full of seditious thoughts That makes continuall follie.
If where hee dwells you misse him, then demande Att every bey what shippinge late went out.
Morrowe, father; So to the rest of all the brotherhood.
Well I will prosecute my pollicy, That wished death may end my miseries.
But we that live by our labours, must give attendance.
Numerous passages have been cancelled, seemingly (for the most part) by the hand of some reviser.
Give and bequeathe there justyce unto men, Which wee as fythefully [sic] will see performed.
From the sea's fury, drowneing; for last night Our shipp was splitt, wee cast upon these rocks.
Possible That mongst these desert unfrequented rocks Thou can imadgine such a thing can be As that which you call safety?
Well, I must smoather all these discontentes, And strive to beare a smoother countenaunce Then rugged care would willingly permit.
Or can you tell me what hose or shooes he ware, At that same time when he forsooke the shoppe?
It was my brother, and a little man Of black complexion, but I know him not.
This gentleman, itt seemes, hathe in this tempest Sustein'd som losse, he appears so much disturb'd.
Sir Thomas Gates likewise in his time erected some buildinges in and about James Towne, which by continuall cost in repaireinge of them doe yet for the most part in some sort remaine.
Which if ye will turne backward they make two other good verses, but of a contrary sence, thus.
That there may be an Art of our English Poesie, as well as there is of the Latine and Greeke.
This maner of stage in halfe circle, the Greekes called theatrum, as much to say as a beholding place, which was also in such sort contriued by benches and greeces to stand or sit vpon; as no man should empeach anothers sight.
Some were of opinion that within it was molten gold ministring continuall matter & nourishment for the fire.
And king Edward the first in his Chartre, maketh their continuall faithfull seruice (and especially their good endeuour, then lately shewed against the Welshmen) the principall cause, and motiue of that his liberall grant.
The rocke or promontone of Hecla boileth with continuall fire.
Howbeit the Islanders to their power repelled armes with armes, and crauing Gods aid from heauen with continuall imprecations and curses, they pleaded for reuenge.
The first, by reason of his continuall heat conuerteth into a stone any body cast into it, the former shape only still remaining.
By my first wife, whose tongue wearied me alive, and sounded in my eares like the clapper of a great bell, whose talke was a continuall torment to all that dwelt by her, or lived nigh her, you have heard me say I had a handsome daughter.
Since which time, by my continuall practise in the voyages made yeerely to S.
Thus for want of further matter to inlarge, I ende for this time, beseeching God to preserue you incontinuall health.
Beyond this riuer are exceeding high mountaines, reaching euen vnto the bankes, whose ridges or tops, by reason of continuall windes, are in maner vtterly barren without grasse or fruits.
Also the aire is so darkened with continuall mists and fogs so neere the Pole, that no man can well see, either to guide his ship, or direct his course.
His third and last reason was, that there came a continuall streame or currant through Mare Glaciale, of such swiftnesse (as a Colmax told him) that if you cast any thing therein, it would presently be carried out of sight towards the West.
First the darke foggy mists, the continuallfalling snowe and stormy weather which they commonly were vexed with, and now daily euer more and more increased, haue no small argument of the Winters drawing neere.
All along this coast yce lieth, as a continuall bulwarke, and so defendeth the countrey, that those that would land there, incur great danger.
This our heat is weake, and by the coolnesse of the night vanisheth, that heat is strong, and by continuallaccesse is still increased and strengthened.
For as in October in England we finde temperate aire, and haue in our gardens hearbs and floures notwithstanding our cold nights, how much more should they haue the same good aire, being continuall without night.
This people haue also continuall warres with the Spaniards: and this was tolde vs by one of those Sauages, which hath dwelt among the Portugales these seuen yeeres, with his master called Sennor Manoel Veloso.
All those that inhabit in the mouth of this riuer vpon the seuerall North branches, are these Tiuitiuas, of which there are two chiefe lords which haue continuall warres one with the other.
O that their Hooues were Iuory, or some thing, Then the pur'st Iuory farre more Christalline, Fild with the food wherewith the Gods doe dine, To keepe thy Youth in a continuall Spring.
But for invention of these conclusions I have heard him say nothing ever helped him so much as the exquisite knowledge he had, by continuall practise, attained in geometricall mensurations.
All which things were with great deliberation concluded, passed, and sealed, in hope of continuallpeace and indissoluble amitie.
For I assure you, he is a deepe dissembler, & in continuall dissimulation intendeth to lead his life, interteining all men for his owne profit.
George Wadham enioying in the right of his wife, the daughter and heire to master Hechins, liberally bestoweth in continuall hospitalitie.
The pond may not carry one continuall depth, but containe some shallow places, to protect the smaller fish from the greater, and for them all to play in, when the weather is hote.
It was thought that he was disquieted with continuall warres and troubles, and finallie brought to his end before the naturall course of his time, for a punishment of his wicked consent giuen to the [Sidenote: Wil.
And therefore I thought that nature had made that for a maruell of all her woorkes for commoditie, vse, grace, bewtie, ayre, and continuall durablenes.
And so in like manner the coloured vpper seeling was pure and voyd of Spiders and Cobwebs, by reason of the continuall fresh ayre both entring in and going out.
To all which continuall glistering of ineffable workemanshippe, there could no more bee deuised of equall comparison, although it were the Temple at Babylon with the three golden statues.
For none (vnles it be he which of set purpose refuseth to behold it) but his eyes would dasell with continuall desire to see it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "continuall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.