As to a passage in one of those, Mr. Froude says "that Cicero had lately spoken of Cæsar's continuance in life as a disgrace to the State.
Hermas indeed speaks only of Apostles and Teachers; but he himself appears as a Prophet and so witnesses to the continuance of that office.
Oswy perceived the political danger attending the continuance of such ecclesiastical disputes.
Luther’s writings, he removed to Waldshut, and there entered on the work of the Reformation, but afterwards decided against the continuance of infant baptism and in favour of Anabaptism.
Peace of Augsburg removed all occasion for the continuance of the strife.
The hope of reaching a mutual understanding on matters of religion was by no means abandoned, but the continuance of the peace was to be in no way dependent upon its realization.
All union negociations were now at an end, for the Porte could only wish for the continuance of the schism.
The continuance of those three extraordinary offices down to the end of the 2nd cent.
Continuance of time as the humour is intended or remitted, &c.
If change of place, continuance of time, absence, will not wear it out with those precedent remedies, it will hardly be removed: but these commonly are of force.
We must not therefore hope to have all things answer our own expectation, to have a continuance of good success and fortunes, Fortuna nunquam perpetuo est bona.
On its continuance that of the nation does not depend.
The idea of thecontinuance of the sway of Rome under a new character is one which mediaeval writers delight to illustrate.
Sidenote: Causes of the continuance of the Empire.
Popular as Henry doubtless was, Cromwell must have realized, when he thus threw himself heart and soul on the King’s side in the divorce case, that he had staked everything on the continuance of the royal favour.
It may, perhaps, be no improbable conjecture to suppose, that the herrings which appear on the American coast are only such as have deserted from the main body of the fish during their continuancein the western ocean.
And that as often as thou shalt behold them, thou shalt still see the same: as the same things, so the same shortness of continuance of all those things.
And secondly, because the good success and perfect welfare, and indeed the very continuance of Him, that is the Administrator of the whole, doth in a manner depend on it.
All those things, for matter of experience are usual and ordinary; for their continuance but for a day; and for their matter, most base and filthy.
Massinissa sent his son Gulussa to Rome to report the continuance of the Carthaginian warlike preparations by land and sea, and to hasten the declaration of war.
The restriction, that the continuance should only be allowable if there was a want of other qualified candidates (Appian, B.
Meanwhile the long continuance of war expenditure had drained the national exchequer.
Meanwhile, in spite of Papal Nuncios, the preparations for the continuance of the war proceeded as before.
The long continuance of war is almost sure to bring up to the surface social evils which in happier times smoulder on unobserved.
But the outcome of it all was, for himself resignation, for the two peoples the continuance of their age-long feud.
The present terms did not fulfil all his wishes; but the difference between them and the best possible terms was not worth the continuance of war.
But the passions of the time ran too high to admit of the continuance of peace; and State after State was soon to be drawn into the devouring vortex of strife.
A nautical term for a continuance of strong gales.
The opening and continuance of the fire of artillery on any object attacked.
A long sea implies a uniform motion of long waves, the result of a steady continuance of the wind from nearly the same quarter.
But national customs can arise only from general agreement; they are not imposed, but chosen, and are continued only by the continuance of their cause.
Only by mere continuance of pressure till Ruth came did she obtain even a little relief.
On the other hand, the production of leaves or leaf-buds in place of flowers is, as is well known, generally the consequence of an excess of nutrition, and of the continuance rather than of the arrest of vegetative development.
When an exceptionally long continuance of dry weather forces all the fish to retire to the few acres of water that remain, then these voracious brutes do as they please with the other fish, and the roach especially suffer.
You will not find fault with a continuance of force to prevent a child from thrusting its foot into fire?
I am not pleading for a continuanceof religious superstitions.
A continuance of a course of a medicine must, therefore, result in loss of control over the mind.
Every year I was able to save enough seed from the very best plant and to use it only for the continuance of the race.
Very few instances need be recorded to obtain an appreciation of the mean value, and to show what may be expected from a continuance of the test.
The climate has an exceedingly great influence on each individual, but the continuance of this influence is without permanent result.
This mark has since remained constant, and has brought about a rapidcontinuance of the improvement, without necessitating such large cultures.
Never did a vessel leave port under more propitious circumstances than did the Zodiac, with a fair, steady breeze, a smooth sea, and at a time of the year when there was every prospect of the continuance of fine weather.
A dependance founded on mutual benefits, the continuance of which can be secured only by mutual affections.
A dependance founded on mutual benefits, the continuance of which can be secured only by mutual affections.
Extreme necessity was pretended, and its short continuance promised.
The continuanceof this imitative habit would be a strange perpetual memorial of the Great War--particularly for Pacificist politicians.
But Charles, without parliamentary support, was too poor to send off succours hurriedly, and when they were at last ready a long continuance of westerly winds prevented them from leaving the Channel.
Mansfeld and Christian had not laid down their arms when Frederick dismissed them in July, and so far from being ready to make sacrifices for peace, they were ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of the continuance of the war.
Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands, might gain from a continuance of the war.
But under Richelieu's guidance he announced his resolution to assure the Protestants a continuance of the religious liberties granted by his father.
The late growth of the royal power and the long continuance of aristocratic oppression threw the people helpless and speechless into the arms of the monarchy.