Presently she put a question without preface as she and her mother sat together in the little dining-room on a rainy evening.
One always felt, when one was leaving her on a rainy morning after one's lesson, when the day looked interminable, that it did not look interminable to her, and that even if she were alone she would still be content.
It was a rainysort of day, and there was nothing to be done in the way of exercise but to go for a walk, so I beguiled the "Fat Boy" into accompanying me.
On fair days we assembled under the banyan tree, on rainy days in a Native hut partly built for the purpose.
I knew then, when too late, that our work had been entered on too near the beginning of the rainy season.
The rainy season is from December to April, and then the disease most characteristic of all these regions is apt to prevail, viz.
We wait, in the great rainy and shot-hammered space that has no other boundary than the distant and tremendous cannonade.
The Brahmaputra, which divides the district into two nearly equal portions, is navigable by river steamers throughout the year, and receives several tributaries navigable by large native boats in the rainy season.
The rainy months are July and August, but one or two heavy showers usually fall about Christmas.
There they held a council of war, in which it was resolved, that as the troops were sickly, the rainy season begun, and several transports not yet arrived, the intended expedition was become impracticable.
After this mortifying check, they encamped a few days in sight of the fort, and, the rainy season setting in, returned to Conjeveram.
This disappointment, concurring with the badness of the weather, which became rainy and unwholesome, induced the king to renounce his undertaking.
Their number was now so much reduced, that they could no longer maintain their footing on shore; besides, the rainy season had begun with such violence, as rendered it impossible for them to live in camp.
He had crept one rainy night into an apple-barrel on deck, and from this place of ambush overheard Soutar and a comrade conversing in their oilskins.
So, it appears, he has done in his "Winter Stars" as well as in "The Rainy Hyades.
In the rainy season, millions of ducks and geese cover the plains between Los Angeles and San Pedro, while the neighboring hills abound with quails, deer, elk, and antelope.
Before the commencement of the last rainy season, the number of these emigrants reached two or three thousand.
Crossing several deep ravines, which are very difficult of passage in rainy weather, the emigrants arrive on the banks of the Werkarusa Creek.
During the rainy season of the early part of 1850, the population numbered somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand.
As the rainy season has ended, people are again repairing to the mines.
Between these spurs are numerous broad plains covered with stunted trees, and during the rainy months with a thin but nutricious grass.
There are many streams among the valleys of Upper California, some of which, in the rainy season, swell to a considerable size.
Occasionally we would have to go up or down, as the case might be, for nearly half a mile at one time, through a chasm or sluice, probably worn in the mountains by the torrents of water that descend during the rainy season.
We had a rainymarch on the 12th, but the weather grew fine as the day advanced.
Though we made but a few miles, the weather improved immediately; and though the rainy country and the cloudy mountains were close behind, before us was the bright sky; so distinctly is climate here marked by a mountain boundary.
The rainy season begins about the first of November, and continues until March, though there are five clear days for every rainy one.
The climate is warm, say from 80 to 85 degrees all the year round--the rainy season long and severe.
The winter climate here is remarkably mild for the latitude; but rainy weather is frequent, and the place is celebrated for winds, of which the prevailing one is the west.
On the west, they present a barrier to the clouds of fog and rain which roll up from the Pacific ocean and beat against their rugged sides, forming the rainy season of the winter in the country along the coast.
The night was rainy and dark, and we lay-to throughout the greater part of it, as is the invariable rule on the Save, and even on the Danube during the autumn months.
The bedding is a coarse woollen blanket, which serves as a cloak in rainy or wet weather, and as a mattress and coverlet for the whole family, without distinction of sex.
These are all written by the celebrated prose poet Ibid, and, with a bottle of pseudo beer or lemon pop, help to make the club car as gay a place as a mortician's parlor on a rainy afternoon.
Something like a half-mile from his camp he came into a shallow cut which appeared to have been made during bygone rainy seasons, but which now bore no evidence of having carried water for many years.
Ralston and Babe had concealed themselves behind a cut-bank which in the rainy season was a tributary of the creek.
Upon the eastern bank the young men saw a wondrous house, which far surpassed their father's lodge at home beyond the hills in Rainy Bay, in size of beams and boards.
The journey to Mocha lasted three days, over a hot, barren plain, with no inhabitants except in the wadys or valleys, which are well watered during the rainy season.
Zebid is situated in a large and fertile valley, traversed during the rainyseason by a considerable stream, by which a large tract of country is irrigated.
This does not, however, apply to the whole intertropical regions, for in a zone extending from the fifth to the tenth parallels on each side of the equator there are two rainy and two dry seasons.
It was surrounded by several splendid edifices; ornamental trees and shrubs were planted in different parts, and porticoes erected under which the citizens might continue their exercise in rainy weather.
In many parts of the intertropical regions during the rainy season the rain pours down in such torrents that a larger quantity falls in a few hours than in a whole month in temperate North America.
This forms the rainy and dry seasons to which countries so situated are subject.
Many people still prophesy rainy weather from a cat washing over its ears or simply its face; and a cat-call on the housetop was formerly held to signify death.
The climate, during the hot and rainy seasons (April to September), is very trying; but the average health of the city is equal to that of any other station in the United Provinces.
They were so called because when they rise simultaneously with the sun rainy weather is announced.
Carmel wouldn't be so bad to pass the rainy season in.
One rainy morning, two weeks later, Billy had scarcely left the house, to be gone on an all-day trip into the country after horses, when he was back again.
With du Maurier the enjoyment of social life, so manifestly evident in his art at one time, may well have been entered into with something of the fierce delight with which we take our sunshine in a rainy summer.
It was the rainy season, and he was thus at times unable to proceed.
Declining the sheikh's invitation to spend two or three months at his camp, Mr and Mrs Baker travelled on to the village of Sofi, where they proposed remaining during the rainy season.
It is only during the rainy season that there is communication by water to Timbuctoo, which lies directly north from this place.
The rainy season was now approaching, when the Moors evacuate the country of the negroes and return to the skirts of the Great Desert.
It was just possible, however, that they might reach the Niger before the middle of June, when the rainy season usually commences, and that river could then have been navigated without much exposure or toil.
Though wide, it is excessively shallow, and brackish during the rainy season.
Wise as this advice was, the approaching hot months made it important for him to proceed, dreading as he did having to spend the rainy season in the interior of Africa.
The rainy season, however, at length began, during which it was impossible to travel.
The rainy season was already half over, and the river had fallen considerably.
Here he was in the midst of a vast wilderness in the depth of the rainy season, naked and alone, and surrounded by savage animals and men still more savage, five hundred miles from the nearest European settlement.
When, however, the river rises upwards of eighty feet perpendicularly, as it does in the rainy season, the cataract might be passed in boats.
So many delays had occurred that the rainy season was already approaching, and it would have been more prudent had the expedition remained at Goree or Pisania till the country had become again suitable for travelling.
XV The weaker maids and some old men, Requiring rafters for the pen On rainy nights, were those who fell.
I was breast of morning sea, Rosy plume on forest dun, I the laugh in rainy fleeces, While with me She made one.
Duncan, the bard of rocky Staffin, Away in the north of rainy Skye: Has he given over his rimes and daffin', In the mould of the bleak kirkyard to lie?
Large working parties were also provided by the Kensingtons to provide an advanced assembly position for the attack by connecting Rainyand Foggy, and by the Cheshire Pioneers and the R.
Up, and to the office, where all the morning, it being a rainyfoul day.
When the rainy season sets in, the inhabitants of that region transport themselves to the shores of the small lakes formed by the rain; and, if game get scarce at one spot, they open up a new scene in their wandering life.
According to the Arabs, a rainy autumn, by causing fresh grass to spring up early, greatly tends to mitigate the pernicious effects of the ghoche.