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Example sentences for "pendulous"

Lexicographically close words:
pending; pendre; pends; pendu; pendula; pendulum; pendulums; pene; peneplain; peneplains
  1. Other complications, such as pendulous tits or projections, from one-fourth to one and a half inches in length, are attendant upon fistula.

  2. Sometimes they grow from the roof of the nostril and pharnyx in pendulous masses, assuming the shape of the cavities, filling the entire nostril and upper portion of pharnyx.

  3. A flaccid condition of the cheek muscles, pendulous lips, inability to grasp the feed, often a slow and weak movement in chewing, and difficulty and slowness in drinking.

  4. Pendulous abdomen occurring in a work horse kept on a concentrated diet is an abnormal condition.

  5. They are usually pedunculated, and as they increase in size they become pendulous in the nasal cavity.

  6. In its most aggravated form the tumour hangs over the face or neck in large pendulous masses, and is described as a pachydermatocele (V.

  7. The lip is protruded, the mucous membrane everted, and, when the lower lip is implicated, it becomes pendulous and is liable to ulcerate.

  8. If the back part of the tongue be appressed to the pendulous curtain of the palate and uvula; and air from behind be forced between them; the sibilant letter H is produced.

  9. After long shivers in teeth of the wind and pendulous labor of rolling, the three cutters joyfully took the word to go.

  10. Both leaves and golden flowers appear simultaneously in May, but from the fact that the latter are gathered into numerous long pendulous racemes, their blaze of colour makes the leaves almost invisible.

  11. On leaves of the pendulous form of this tree, grown in the London parks and gardens, these hairs will be found to be quite black with the soot particles gathered from the air.

  12. The two kinds of catkins are similar and cylindrical, but whilst the male is pendulous from the beginning, the female is erect until after the formation of the fruit, when it gradually assumes the hanging position.

  13. This tree is remarkable, and generally esteemed for its long slender pendulous branches, which give it a peculiar character, and render it a beautiful object on the margin of streams or pools.

  14. Ovary 2-celled, one including one pendulous ovate, the other devoid of any.

  15. A variety occurs with simple leaves, and another with pendulous branches.

  16. There are many varieties of the common Ash, but that with pendulous branches is probably the best known: it is called the Weeping Ash, and is of a heavy and somewhat unnatural appearance, yet it is very generally admired.

  17. Barren flowers arranged in a loose, pendulous catkin, the perianth single, the stamens 5-10.

  18. The species with pendulous growths should be grown in baskets or suspended pans.

  19. The flowers are produced in pendulous racemes; they are fleshy, whitish, or yellow, and spotted with purple or brown.

  20. A fine genus of strong, Acineta-like growth and pendulous racemes of bronzy-orange coloured flowers.

  21. These are pretty, intermediate-house Orchids, with pendulous racemes of white or yellow flowers, generally fragrant.

  22. They grow in clusters of about from three to six or seven, becoming pendulous as they increase in weight, chiefly by the bending of the branches.

  23. As he watched her, there rose quite unbidden before him a vision of Momaya, the skewer through the septum of her nose, her pendulous under lip sagging beneath the weight which dragged it down.

  24. In some places, notably at Brookwood in Surrey, pendulous Hollies have been allowed to grow without any attempt at training.

  25. As a rule the weeping or pendulous varieties are budded on tall stems of the type, and trained out in an umbrella-like fashion, thus forming a hollow mound of greenery.

  26. There are flowering Cherries of weeping habit that would suit well for such treatment, and several other small trees of pendulous growth, such as Laburnum, Weeping Ash, and the large-leaved Weeping Elm.

  27. The pendulous variety of Salix Capraea is known as the Kilmarnock Willow.

  28. In winter the long pendulous branches, smothered with bright red berries, are very pleasant.

  29. The skin becomes rough and warty, and may hang down in pendulous folds.

  30. Mucous polypus of the nose, which is often described as a myxoma, is merely a pendulous process of œdematous mucous membrane.

  31. Plain now was the simian aspect, plain the sidelong and uncertain gait, bent back and crooked legs, the long, pendulous arms and dully ferocious face.

  32. The nose was but a formless lump of cartilage, the ears large and pendulous and hairy.

  33. The calyx, petals and stamens spring from above the ovary (o) in which two chambers are shown each with a pendulous ovule; d, disc between the stamens and stigmas.

  34. In Cycas the altered leaf, upon the margin of which the ovule is produced, and the peltate scales, from which they are pendulous in Zamia, are regarded by all botanists as carpellary leaves.

  35. Here were mingled shrubs of every varied dye; the elegant foliage of white and scarlet acacias was blended with the dark-green-leaved chestnut; and the stately branches of the oak were relieved by the gracefully pendulous boughs of the beech.

  36. M'Ginnis wheeled so suddenly upon the speaker that he took a long step backward, but he still spun Spike's hat upon his finger, and the pendulous cigarette quivered quite noticeably.

  37. Viewing this, Soapy's glittering eyes blinked, and the pendulous cigarette quivered faintly again.

  38. One or more anatropous ovules are attached to the inner angle of each carpel; they are generally ascending but sometimes pendulous or horizontal; the position may vary, as in Abutilon, in one and the same carpel.

  39. After the child-bearing period of life the breasts atrophy and tend to become pendulous, while in some African races they are pendulous throughout life.

  40. The mustache and under lip form pendulous beads of dangling ice.

  41. The Orchideæ suspend their pendulous flowers from the angles of branches, whilst the bare roots and the lower part of the stem are occasionally covered with fungi of the most gaudy colours, bright red, yellow, and purple.

  42. But it is curious that one of the peculiar features ascribed to the Singhalese by the early Greek writers was the possession of pendulous ears, possibly occasioned by their heavy ear-rings.

  43. Defn: The pendulous or overhanging lateral parts of the upper lip of dogs, especially prominent in hounds; -- called also chaps.

  44. Linnæa borealis) of northern climates, which has pretty, fragrant, pendulous flowers borne in pairs on a slender stalk.

  45. One of several grasses of the genus Briza, having slender-stalked and pendulous ovate spikelets, which quake and rattle in the wind.

  46. It is noted for its elegant pendulous purselike nest, made of the down of willow trees and lined with feathers.

  47. Chionanthus Virginica), growing in the Southern United States, and having snow- white flowers, with long pendulous petals.

  48. Defn: A genus of climbing leguminous plants bearing long, pendulous clusters of pale bluish flowers.

  49. Defn: A pendulous process of the skin on the throat of a bird, as in the turkey; a dewlap.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pendulous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.