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Example sentences for "continuallie"

Lexicographically close words:
continner; contint; continua; continual; continuall; continually; continuance; continuate; continuation; continuations
  1. How much better is it to be once aloft and fortunate in deed, than vnder the forged and false title of libertie, continuallie to paie for our redemption a fréedome?

  2. The sea rose continuallie in flowing the space of two daies and one night, without ebbing, by reason of the mightie violence of contrarie winds.

  3. For their manner of dealing, tending to such euill purposes as they continuallie thought vpon, could not be secret from the eies of the people.

  4. Which yearelie tribute the French king (afterwards continuallie occupied in the wars of Italie) yearelie satisfied & paid so long as K.

  5. The earle heerevpon laid his ordinance to the castell, and continuallie beat it, from two of the clocke till fiue at night, in such wise, that they within rendered vp the place, their liues onelie saued.

  6. Which rage of water lasted continuallie ten daies, insomuch that in the countrie adioining they call it to this daie, The great water; or the duke of Buckinghams great water.

  7. And afterwards continuallie for the space of six weeks, about the middest of the daie, clouds customablie rose, and sometimes they continued both daie and night, not vanishing awaie at all.

  8. To some others at these times hee teacheth how to make Pictures of waxe or clay: That by the rosting thereof, the persones that they beare the name of, may be continuallie melted or dryed awaie by continuall sicknesse.

  9. Thus warre continuallie lasted betwixt these two mightie nations, English and French, within the realme of France (than which therefore no countrie thought more miserable.

  10. He was of a seemelie stature, of bodie slender, to which proportion all other members were answerable; his face beautifull, wherein continuallie was resident the bountie of mind with the which he was inwardlie indued.

  11. That the blood of the saintes, which by them is shed, continuallie crieth and craueth[j] vengeance in the presence of the Lorde of hostes.

  12. But when the daie came, the moonks for all this made seisure of the manour, and held it continuallie without anie further recompense, maugre all the friendship that the aforesaid Bendish could make.

  13. And the same first daie in the afternoone is the admeraltie court for ciuill and seafaring causes kept in Southwarke, where iustice is ministred & execution doone continuallie according to the same.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "continuallie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.