Joe was too disheartened for any emotion except a bitter depression and a much more bitter hatred of those who were ready to commit any crime--and had committed most--in the attempt to destroy the Platform.
But that was why some people hated the Platform, and their hatred had made it seem obviously an item of national defense.
There was not enough hatred in evidence to justify it.
Not for thyself, but for the slave Thy words of thunder shook the world; No selfish griefs or hatred gave The strength wherewith thy bolts were hurled.
THE storm and peril overpast, The hounding hatred shamed and still, Go, soul of freedom!
Her gaze was so full of hatred that Pocahontas drew back in terror.
In his disappointment he had a hatredof more words and a longing for deeds.
I prefer you to think of me in that way, rather than as the wild beast you saw this morning, for I was mad, perfectly mad with hatred and revenge, and every wild impulse that comes to a defeated man.
He saw further that the man’s hatred now stared at him openly for the first time.
The longer he looked the more he yielded to his hatred of the man before him, and the more cruelly he longed to satisfy it.
His blind, instinctive hatred of the man had assumed the proportions of a mania; but as to what the outcome would be when they met face to face, fate alone could tell.
The end has come and it has brought the hatred and bloodshed that I have been trying to prevent.
Each in his time, in his own fashion, in hatred or in love, has dreamed the dream of life.
You understand everything; the thoughts and actions of men appear to you as particular instances of the universal mechanics, but in respect of them you cherish neither hatred nor anger.
The real point of contact between the Cossacks and the Circassians, consists in their love of freedom, and their intense hatred for every thing Russian.
Every body seemed under the influence of some unusual feeling, that made him forget for the while the hatred which the mere sight of a Cossack awakens among these people.
I shall never forget the glances they cast on our Cossacks as they rode by, though it was only in looks they manifested the hatred that rankled in their hearts against every thing belonging to Russia.
In our opinion, the last ukases have only served to make emancipation more difficult, by exciting hatred between masters and slaves, and fostering the germs of a dangerous rebellious spirit.
During her wars with the Porte, the empress thought of appealing to the national sentiments of the Greeks, and their hatred of the Turks.
Its inhabitants, though nominally subdued, forego no opportunity of wreaking their hatred on the Russians.
To say nothing of climate, soil, and distance, all the tribes in question are animated with a hatred and aversion for Russia, which will long neutralise the projects of the tzars.
Such exclusiveness was bound to breed hatred and persecution.
This should be done not from motives of hatred or combativeness, but in the spirit of faithfulness to the best interests of man.
Mass conventions were summoned, irrespective of party, in various counties; and they gave no uncertain expression to their hatred of slavery and the slave-power.
The elemental jealousy and hatred of the Western pioneer for the claim-jumper found its counterpart in his hostile attitude toward Great Britain.
To the hatred borne us by his court and country, is added a recollection of the circumstances of the unsuccessful embassy to America, of which he made a part.
The court will consent to this, from its hatred to the parliaments, and from the desire of having to do with one, rather than many legislatures.
From first to last he has been, as the hatred of his opponents has too well witnessed, a man of practice.
To hear Liberals talk, one might suppose that Conservatives had always cherished a special hatred against Mr. Gladstone simply for ceasing to be a Tory and becoming a Radical.
Will anybody be good enough to tell us when this inscrutable emotion of hatred of Mr. Gladstone arose?
Thus the popular hatred went on intensifying with every generation, and was at length the source and essential element of the great Revolution.
This growinghatred he transferred to the State and the laws which had produced so unrighteous a contrast between man and man.
The Prefect, Lord of Viterbo, had been long at war with the new-formed Senate and the city, and owed Arnold bitter hatred and grudge.
Neither their faults nor their mistakes seem adequate to explain the deadly hatred which they have so often roused against themselves among Christians of all denominations.
Hence the implacable hatred between Tivoli and Rome; and Tivoli became an element in the struggles that followed.
But all her arts were used for evil, and she won the hatred of the people by speaking words of ill counsel in her husband's ears.
After this idle kind of warfare had gone on for a number of years and Harold found that all he had gained by it was the hatred of the Danes, he made an agreement with Sweyn to fight it out between them.
An enforced union, he knew, would yield only hatred and bitterness, and to drive a brave people to the verge of despair was not the way to bring them into the position of satisfied subjects.
I care very little, however, for his hatredor his indifference, since you have promised to reward me.
Her success in attracting to paganism both the cultured and the plain people naturally caused her to be an object of hatred and jealousy to those who strove to promote Christianity by violence and force.
Yet among them always existed mutual hatred and disregard of all ties of family and affection.
It is said, he too is going to shut up--whether from hatred to Britain, or paternal anxiety for the welfare of his subjects, does not appear.
Indeed the imperial authority was an influence stronger than any other, with the possible exception of hatred of the Latin Church.
He maintained the interests of the commune against the Pope, and then, from hatred to Charles, the Ghibelline cause against the papal party.
His love andhatred are the two sharks, that lay hold of him in their jaws; and drag him at last into the depth (or to his death), which no body can prevent.
On his return, young Alexius had to choose between his subjects and the hatred of the Latins.
Between Milton and his wives, we know there was tyranny upon one side and hatred on the other.
But in the midst of temptation I was preserved, and my sympathy grew warmer, and my hatred of slavery more inveterate, until at last I have exiled myself from my native land, because I could no longer endure to hear the wailing of the slave.
Her intense hatred of her profession as a "medium" appeared in a strong light to those who were then in her confidence.
The deadliest hatred is always to be feared, by those who abandon a faith or a system, from those who still adhere to it.
And in that moment of helplessness thehatred which had lain smouldering burst into full flame in Nora's heart.
What should give her the strength to succeed in the face of the distrust and hatred which she called to life by her own folly?
Her love for him was as genuine as her admiration for these, his brothers--as genuine as her hatred for him and for them all.
Why cannot we watch the rise of another nation without hatred and jealousy?
And yet in that supreme moment of bitterness, something between them--their hatred and distrust--yielded.
The hand of death had touched them, and pride and hatred vanished.
The two women who a short half-hour before had confronted each other in hatred and defiance now met on the common ground of a great sorrow.
There was something very like hatred in her dangerously bright eyes.
She saw danger in this man's cold eyes, in which there yet flickered the light of some controlled passion either of hatred or some other feeling to which she dared give no name.
He was not usually clever, but hatred had made him clever enough to take the most cruel weapon that lay within his reach.
It was as though unconsciously they had hated each other before all time, and that the hatred had now become a definite recognisable quality.
If there were nothing else to separate us, there would be the bitterness and hatred between our countries.
It was that hatred which poisoned our life together, and if I could go back it would poison our whole future.
Frau von Arnim saw the hatred and interpreted it in the light of her own bitterness.
Nora had a kind of whimsical affection for them--they were so hopelessly atrocious that it would have been uncharitable to criticise; but to-night something like hatred welled up in her heart against their well-meaning ugliness.
There these gruesome evidences of Hapsburg hatred remained for years.
Count Luetzow says "that the evil seed of hatred and distrust sown by the oppressors in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries bears evil fruit up to the present day.
Lord Hardinge has been much attacked by the Tory and Unionist Press in England and India, in England because of the Mesopotamia Report, in India because his love for India brought him hatred from Anglo-India.
The very minutest particle of hatred desires the unhappiness of its object; that is what I have got to prove now.
The only ugliness and hatefulness which we can truly experience hatred for is that of a moral sort.
The jealousy ofhatred proceeds just like the jealousy of love.
But when Siebenkaes came to speak of the deep and secret wounds of his soul, it was all he could do to keep back the drops of blood-water which pressed to his eyes; I mean the subject of Lenette's hatred and love.
If we directed our hatred against things other than the immoral, we should be just as angry with the hanging branch which strikes us in the face as with the person who broke it so that it should be so placed as to do so.
Like a reflection in a mirror his face too blackened in sinister hatredand his hand too moved toward the empty holster.
His victory in primary and election seemed to demonstrate an augmented popularity, and yet he had become instinctively cognizant of a covert but bitter undertow of hatred against him: something unspoken and indefinable but existent and malign.
Meaning, my dear boy, that I can't forget the black hatred in your eyes one day in the woods when I wrestled with that vengeance fire smouldering deep in your nature.
Slowly under his sagacious guidance the stamp of hatred which had latterly marred the face of his youthful protege began to lighten.
Spurts of hatred shot out of the speaker's dark eyes; eyes which in kindlier moods were lighted by intelligence.
His gaze betrayed no interest beyond the casual for the men along the walls, whom report credited with a murderoushatred of himself.
Suppose he happened to come to an open outbreak with Crawley, and it ended in a fight, what an opportunity it would be to gratify his ambition and his hatred at the same time!