Such expressions of course could only have come from men who had succeeded in solving some of the problems of antisepsis that were solved once more in the generation preceding our own.
This murder must have some relation to the Coolidge estate; he could conceive of no other motive for such a cold-blooded affair; and hence itssolving must prove of vital importance to her and her future.
It was a difficult problem, and Russian legislation at first wavered between these two ways of solving it, with the result that matters became muddled.
After presenting this picture of Jewish life, Pestel suggests to the future revolutionary Government ("The Supreme Provisional Administration") two ways of solving the Jewish problem.
Ruth Fielding at Briarwood Hall OR Solvingthe Campus Mystery BY ALICE B.
This conversation made Ruth even more intent upon solving the mystery of the Tintacker Mine, and her desire to see this strange "tenderfoot" who hung about the old mining claims increased.
The fun and work of that first term at school is related in the second volume of the series, entitled "Ruth Fielding at Briarwood Hall; Or, Solving the Campus Mystery.
The stories tell of thrilling exploits, outdoor life and the great part the Radio plays in the adventures of the girls and in solving their mysteries.
The stories tell of thrilling exploits, out-door life and the great part the Radio plays in the adventures of the girls and in solving their mysteries.
Many and varied were the plans the girls made for a storming of tower number three in the hope of solving the mystery of that little locked door and the blood-stained handkerchief.
The position, however, did not involve an abandonment of the principle of emancipation, but rather the insistence that with emancipation should go the work of solving the race problem by a method which gave some assurance of complete success.
There soon grew up the conviction that in the dispersion or colonization beyond her borders of at least a large portion of this population lay the only method of effectually solving the slavery and racial problems.
He becomes terribly interested in solving this puzzle, but hesitates to investigate.
Solution of this affair doubtless will aid in solving one or the other of these vexing problems.
Evidently the simplest method of solving the difficulty was to give them land, with a certain number of labourers, and to prevent the labourers from migrating.
I came to myself a few minutes ago--in time to congratulate you, it seems, upon solving the mystery of the cave.
Unfortunately, the solving of the simplest of problems was not in the General's line, and he painfully turned the matter over and over without result, one way or the other.
My niece and I are in this country for the express purpose of solving David's former disappearance.
As it is, I feel the honor in your proposal that I should join you in solving these mysterious disappearances.
They did a great work in solving the last geographical problem of the United States.
As he ruminated at his leisure over the results of his accumulations, he was beginning to work upon the great problem with the definite and conscious resolution of solving it.
Yet others are working out its psychological implications, enquiring into instinct and animal intelligence, and solving by its aid abstruse problems of the human mind and the human emotions.
Unfortunately for them, as events proved, they were too intent upon solving the mystery, as they eagerly followed their prisoner out of the door and down the steps.
You talk about solvingthe mystery,†began Tommy, doubtfully.
I’ll have to admit that all of ’em taken together don’t help us a whole lot when it comes to solving the puzzle.
As to giving a word of advice, or suggesting a plan for solving the mystery, neither the housekeeper nor the steward appeared to think that the rendering of any assistance of that sort lay at all within their province.
The Process of Solving the Problem With this great requisite of imaginative sympathy that sees value in all human beings, then, we set out on our chief task, to find the life-problem of our particular hero.
The Chief Aid in Solving the Problem To discover the problem, really to understand it, requires as your chief tool imaginative sympathy.
I have given an example of the true method of solving political and legislative problems.
He was himself always occupied: writing his memoirs, solving problems in higher mathematics, turning snuffboxes on a lathe, working in the garden, or superintending the building that was always going on at his estate.
Thence he soon commenced this most momentous journey in Australia's early annals, eager to penetrate into the unknown, and inspired with hopes of solving the mystery of the outlet of this inland river.
The men who entered first upon the task of solving the geographical problems of the interior of the Australian continent were doomed to meet with much bitter disappointment.
Mitchell himself afterwards showed himself an untiring and zealous worker in solving the identity of the many ramifications of this system.
He is nothing "in the first place" but a man with an intense desire to understand life.
Smelser of Earlham College, whose subject was "The Solving Principles of Federation.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.