The desired connection is brought about by presupposing the antithesis of the ego to libido that is so frequently claimed.
The antithesis of egoism, altruism, is not the same as the conception of libidinous occupation of objects.
We may almost say that there was an exact antithesis between those days and these latter days, if it were not that exact antitheses never occur outside the world of logic.
Fancy "originates from the originalantithesis in the idea, and so operates that the opposing elements which are separated from the idea become perfectly united in reality.
The problem as posed by this writer by the antithesis of the two German schools of form and content, appears to us insoluble.
There is the same antithesis in every meditative mind; but here opium has heightened each part of the contrast.
There is, then, in the opium-eater a most marked, a polar antithesis between his every-day life and the central manifestations of his genius.
The determination too of the sense in which Kant's theory of knowledge involves an unresolved antithesis is for the logical purpose necessary so far only as it throws light upon his logic and his influence upon logical developments.
Finally, to logic as metaphysic the polar antithesis is psychology as logic.
It may be said summarily that Kant holds the antithesis between thought and "the given" to be unresolved and within the limits of theory of knowledge irreducible.
The second way of interpreting the antithesis of thought to what is thought of, was taken by a group of thinkers among whom a central and inspiring figure was Schleiermacher.
The Greeks and Romans had a clear conception of a moral ideal, as we have; but this they estimated by a reference to the will; and they called it virtue, and the antithesis they called vice.
This seems to form a complete antithesis to the former.
Antithesis The poet wrought a song of sadness, fraught With all the pain the world's sad heart hath proved; He sang of doubt, and dreams that end in naught .
Footnote 9: I suspect it should be 'Of habits evil'--the antithesis to angel being monster.
He resolved the antithesis by a third term, in which was realised the other two: the notion of the Father, whose beneficent will is equally sovereign in man and in the universe.
God and man were found to be more profoundly separated by this moral antithesis of righteousness and sin than they had before been by the antithesis of strength and feebleness.
If it be well considered, it will be seen that this irreducible antithesis that fills us with despair is the very condition of our spiritual development.
But the point at which the antithesis between Protestantism and Catholicism becomes most patent is the doctrine of the natural priesthood of all Christians as opposed to that of the supernatural priesthood of a privileged clergy.
Let us take up again that striking antithesis of the two orders of knowledge.
This, become more profound, has conquered the ancient antithesis created by the ignorance of early times.
Mechanism and teleology: these then are the two new terms for the antithesis formed by the knowledge of Nature and religious knowledge.
So that we may conclude by saying that simple alliteration forms the basis of the euphuistic diction, just as we have seen antithesis forms the basis of the euphuistic construction.
The dividing line between alliteration and rhyme, and between antithesis and rhythm, is not a broad one[80].
We may see them in the style of Johnson and Gibbon, while alliterative antithesis reappears to-day in the shape of the epigram.
So far we have been dealing with euphuistic tendencies only, since in the style of Ascham and his predecessors, alliteration and antithesis are not employed consistently, but merely on occasion for the sake of emphasis.
With euphuism, antithesis and the use of balanced sentences came to stay.
Few of the Renaissance students had the critical acumen of Cheke, and they fell therefore an easy prey to the stylism of the later Latin writers, with its antithesis and extravagance.
The antithesis and parallelism were the fruits of humanism, and they appear, combined with Latimer's alliteration, in the writings of Sir John Cheke and his pupil Roger Ascham.
The antithesis between right and wrong is, in a certain sense at least, contradictory, the antithesis between good and bad is only contrary.
The antithesis of spirit and body was not peculiar to Christianity.
Here was the great antithesisbetween the Church and her surroundings.
The little fellow wondered what had caused such a convulsion of endearment, as Captain Bourne's demeanour had hitherto been the very antithesis of external tenderness.
Yes, Captain Macvie, you are in many ways the antithesisof myself; and my experience of you is very similar to the description given of a horse by the melancholy though eloquent Arab.
His philosophico-theological system in its characteristic features is a combination of the Platonic antithesis of the finite world of sense and the eternal world of ideas with the stoical doctrine of the world soul.
The North African School= by its realism, a thoroughly practical tendency, formed the direct antithesis of the idealism and speculative endeavours of the Alexandrian.
A more distinctively Christian, and a more deeply moral, significance is given to the notion in the antithesis of "faith" and "works.
At the same time this tendency to make prominent a scheme of external duties has always been counteracted in Christianity by the remembrance of its original antithesis to Jewish legalism.
In antithesis to this list, an enumeration of the "deadly sins" obtained currency.
The dream world of Morris was as much the antithesis of daily life as with other men of genius, but he was never conscious of the antithesis and so knew nothing of intellectual suffering.
The first branch of the antithesis is between wealth and men: "Where wealth accumulates and men decay.
The antithesis is not between flourishing and fading, but between the difficult restoration of a bold peasantry and the easy reproduction of princes and lords.
It was the antithesis of the North inasmuch as all this activity had a purely human source and was therefore in some measure akin to himself.
His eyes were a clear gray, and his features were the antithesis of his high-cheekboned neighbors.
He was the antithesis of asceticism, of gentleness, of spiritual and scholarly repose.
That is the obvious antithesis to what has been spoken about in the previous clause, a glorifying which consisted in a manifestation to the external universe, whereas this is a glorifying within the depths of the divine nature.
So we have a threefold antithesis as between Law and Gospel: in reference to their respective contents; in reference to the manner of their communication; and in reference to the person of their Founders.
But still we may gather a truth from this antithesis which will be of use to us.
This antithesis disappears in the light of the Leibnitian philosophy, which resolves freedom and necessity into different points of view and different stages of development.
This proceeds most frequently from a pure and unselfish virgin, who forms the antithesis to the sphinx with soft woman’s body and lion’s paws.