O Donegild, I ne have noon English digne (680) Un-to thymalice and thy tirannye!
That other spece of malice is, whan a man werreyeth trouthe, whan he woot that it is trouthe.
And folk that otherweyes han seyd of me, I warne hem wel that I have doon this dede For no malice ne for no crueltee, But for tassaye in thee thy wommanhede, 1075 And nat to sleen my children, god forbede!
Live in the thought of malice or hatred, and malice and hatred will come back to you.
For evil poisons; malice shafts Like boomerangs return, Inflicting wounds that will not heal While rage and anger burn.
Love and good will stimulate and build up the body; hatred and malicecorrode and tear it down.
At length an evil day came, and with it a spirit of malice that leveled its shafts at his bachelorhood, crept into his church.
Whoever with a heart full of gratefulness and free from malice strives to do what is good, attains wealth, virtue, happiness and heaven (hereafter).
And with passion in subjection he is devoted to his friends, and free from malice and modest and patient.
And the possessions of men will never be much, and people will falsely bear the marks of religion, and jealousy and malice will fill the world.
A person void of anger attaineth sincerity, and one free from malice acquireth supreme contentment.
But some human souls would continue obstinately and unrepentingly set in wickedness, age after age, and probation after probation: for the possible malice of the will is vastly great.
But there are unconscionable people who will not be put off, and who, either out of malice or out of stupidity, ply you with questions against all rules of good breeding.
Gideon Himes was not actively a bad man; he was as without personal malice as malaria.
She knew there was no malice in either of them; and that only the abject terror of the weak kept them from giving whatever bit of information it was they had and were consciously withholding.
Marmaduke; “there was no malice in the act that injured thee, young man; there should be none in the feelings which it may engender.
He spoke with a careful appearance of humility; yet the count, watching him with attention which was quickened by irritation, detected a gleam of malice in his eye, and from that moment suspected the friendship of the cripple.
Father Christopher said not a word, but he observed how a sudden look of malice darted through the eyes of Herr von Zimmern at the words of Lady Adelaide, and how he smiled at the reply of his master.
As they are supposed to be of a character perverted and depraved, we of course apply to them principally for purposes of wantonness, or of malice and revenge.
They were all at first stedfast in their denial, alleging that the charges were wantonly brought against them, solely from malice and ill will.
Why in proffering himself as the willing tool of the malice of two doting old women.
When Jason saw the malice and wickedness which King Pelias could not prevent from gleaming out of his eyes, he probably guessed that the king had discovered what he came for, and that he intended to turn his own words against himself.
There they sat for an instant, sleepily rubbing their eyes with their brazen fingers, while all the snakes on their heads reared themselves on end with surprise and with venomous malice against they knew not what.
A dependant would not have dared to laugh at Alcinous with such playful malice as the writer has done.
As our patrons, we have shared their utmost care and vigilance in supporting Linonia's cause, and protecting her from the malice of her insulting foes.
The Prince of Orange's claim to be head of the Orange faction could hardly be disputed, but it was a master stroke of political malice to fix the stigma of Spanish partisanship on the Advocate.
Barneveld well," said Sir Ralph Winwood, "and know that he hath great powers and abilities, and malice itself must confess that man never hath done more faithful and powerful service to his country than he.
The storm, that had raged and lulled at intervals, now lifted for a time, disclosing at a hundred paces' distance something that caused Fin to start in his saddle, and brought a blasphemy of malice and exultation to his lips.
She used to go round among the families near, and search out their faults, upon which she preyed with all the envy and maliceof her nature.
Why, it was curious enough to hear, but there was malice and satire in it.
No malice in his heart was there; He had no fault beside, So great as that of wanting care.
He cast upon his adversary a withering look, and all the hoarded malice of vanished years of rivalry spake in that glance of hatred and disdain.
Julius Claudius saw that he had exposed himself to the malice of an artful and revengeful woman, when the irritation of gambling and drunkenness had passed away, and he returned to his house, mortified, disappointed, and miserably anxious.
For his eldest son he had, as we have already seen, prohibited the wearing of mourning, thus giving a proof of combined malice and stupidity, since his insults to the dead were of course as impotent as they were wicked and infamous.
Instead of repenting of his past life, he devoted the wretched remnant of his existence to doing all the mischief he could, and venting his malice to the fullest extent that his now failing strength would admit of.
He wore a casque on his head which pointed him out as a butt for the malice of his enemies.
Ample texts for these and similar censures are to be found in the pages of Mr. Froude, and he has been accused by Carlyle's devotees of having supplied this material of malice prepense.
Jesus knew the malicein their hearts, and went away to a lonely village called Ephraim.
But at times there was a gleam of satire and malice in his round gray eyes, and an inward chuckle at the caresses and flatteries he received, which perplexed Dalibard and humbled Lucretia.
Were she innocent of malice toward the deliverer of Scotland, would she not have rejoiced in Loch-awe's suggestion, that the Green Knight is the traitor?
Her love or her hatred are alike indifferent to me now, for I neither of them do I owe that innate malice of my countrymen which has only made her calumny the occasion of manifesting their resolution to make me infamous.
For some reason he had been pursued with singular malice and cunning, and now it seemed that his enemies were triumphant.
The less I may be blest with her company, the more I will retire to God and my own Heart, whence no malice can banish Her.
I was glad to see them onely scared and humbled, not broken by that shaking: I never had so ill a thought of those Cities, as to despair of their Loyaltie to Me; which mistakes might eclipse, but I never beleeved malice had quite put out.
Teach me Davids patience and Hezekiah's devotion, that I may look to thy mercy through mans malice and see thy justice in their sin.
Let my sufferings satiate the malice of mine, and thy Churches enemies.
O let not my blood be upon them and their Children, whom the fraud and faction of some, not the malice of all, have excited to crucifie me.
It fell out, as a most unhappy advantage to some mens malice against me; that when they had impudence enough to lay any thing to my charge, this bloody oppertunity should be offered them, with which I must be aspersed.
Yahweh, and do his bidding without moral reflection; when he sends a lying spirit into the mouth of Ahab's prophets[1167] this spirit goes without malice merely to perform the will of the supreme god.