As it happened, he arrived shortly, and before my father had eaten breakfast; this allowed a one to one confrontation which I truly preferred.
Awareness of ones self and others helps immeasurably during a confrontation with adversity, for among the numerous reactions to a given situation, mutual respect is of foremost importance.
In the Roman Inquisition confrontation was sparingly admitted, and only when both parties were of low estate--never between those of higher station or of different classes.
In 1491, in the case of the Santo Nino de la Guardia, where the accused were witnesses against each other and their confessions under torture were irreconcilable, confrontation was tried with dubious success.
After several pages of this interrogation, Beaumarchais gives us, "The Confrontation of Madame Goëzman With Me.
You came out of it looking like a fool in a confrontation that enhances Drummer's image to the detriment of the President's Chief of Security.
If we're going to do ourselves any good on this rim rock one thing we can't afford is a fleet that can't stand up to a confrontation with the Inner Region.
As soon as the two of you have the fleet upgrading program under way, I want Brad to conduct a joint review with INOR military commanders to find out what shape they're in for a confrontation with the UIPS, should it come to that.
Narval realized that he was being goaded by his INOR allies to exacerbate theconfrontation between the Regions.
To avoid a confrontation in which Scarf, backed up by his troops, would be in complete control; a confrontation in which you couldn't possibly hold your own.
If we play the game right, and show a united front, this confrontation won't escalate to major military actions.
The INOR military forces, at the outset, had neither strategic nor tactical plans for the confrontation that we have experienced.
The momentary confrontation passed, Brad, obviously fed up with Xindral's evasions, crossed his arms across his chest and waited.
What more conclusive proof of his veracity need I have than actual confrontation with Henri Quatre?
When she had met me taking the Spring outside the Hôtel Bristol, a wild idea had entered her head that the confrontation of the Comte with the living Gaston de Nérac might end his madness.
The advancing line of exposed troops were involved in a dynamics of confrontation that reflected linearity, a phenomenon prevalent in the practical experience of civilian life.
Current military research attempts to remove human beings from the direct confrontation that war used to entail.
This first major public confrontation between a past controlled by literate mechanisms and a future of illiterate unrestricted freedom seemed to be less about sex and more about democracy.
That some of them, caught in the geo- political confrontation of their neighbors, adopt the Roman alphabet of their Turkish Moslem brothers, does not change the expectation.
The USA forgot the lesson of its own pragmatic foundation in imitating, as it did in Vietnam, the literate wars of Europe in a context of confrontation characteristic of the civilization of illiteracy.
A game can degenerate from being a competition structured by rules to a confrontation of nerves, violence, or national pride, or into sheer exhibitionism, disconnected from the drive for victory.
This is the confrontation of riches and poverty which has played so large a role in every civilization.
The stresses and strains of the current great revolution have introduced into western civilization new disintegrative forces of which the capitalist-Marxist confrontation is the most extensive, divisive and decisive.
The result of theconfrontation was a series of three wars that began in 265 B.
Nevertheless, the subtlest stroke in the naked confrontation was that something in the father's expression, distorted though it was, reminded her of the son, whose face in this world she should see no more.
She could have cried for the angry mortification of this moment, but perhaps that confrontation steadied her as nothing else could have done.
And yet this work, with its wonderful confrontation of Ulenspiegel as the deliverer of Flanders with Philip II.
And this new confrontation with another and still newer world, with another Unknown, demands a new religion, a new God.
I would not underestimate our differences, but we are moving with precision and purpose from an era of confrontation to an era of negotiation.
We were locked in confrontation with the Soviet Union.
In our relations with the Soviet Union, we have turned away from a policy of confrontation to one of negotiation.
Authenticity with the self calls forth confrontation of the self with one's motivations and alternatives.
Self-confrontation moved me beyond confining myself either to the past or to the present.
In our relations with our potential adversaries, it is a myth that we must choose between confrontation and capitulation.
The Arab states and Israel continue to look to us to lead them from confrontation and war to a new era of accommodation and peace.
I reassured America's allies and sought to reduce the danger of confrontation with potential adversaries.
The first several years of the country's history were marred by a Communist insurgency, Indonesian confrontation with Malaysia, Philippine claims to Sabah, and Singapore's secession from the Federation in 1965.
I was once more hailed before the juge d'instruction, another confrontation awaited me: this time with that scurvy rogue Theodore.
I knew, you see, that at my very first confrontation with my supposed victim the latter would at once say: "Ah!
According to our plan the confrontation would be the means of setting me free at once.
The Republic is the response to the confrontation of Spartan and Athenian; the attempt to find an adequate solution of the great social problem this confrontation expressed.
The Peloponnesian War was the confrontation of two social systems, radically opposed in form, method, and outlook.
The parallel planes still existed, only now they were closer and more equal, a colossal gathering of some fourteen hundred ships, prepared for a confrontation that even the mythic battles of the Bhagavad-Gita could not match.
That this same pattern of mutual confrontation had brought the Earth to the brink of nuclear holocaust many times in the past, was apparently all but forgotten by a bulk society with a historical attention span of roughly five years.
This silentconfrontation lasted a long moment before Winona said slowly: "Won't you let me come in?
At last she saw his table, and the direct confrontation of his stare.
Pi-kuan is sometimes called a metaphor for the mind's confrontation with the barrier of intellect--which must eventually be hurdled if one is to reach enlightenment.
In this final state the distinction and confrontation of subject and object dissolve, as we are finally at one with the nameless world.
Sorry to say, agriculture has always had a relationship of confrontation with business and the manufacturing industries, as well as with the tertiary industries.
Whereas Marx sought the source of class confrontation in the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, Ando Shoeki found it in those who practice direct cultivation on the one hand, and the idle and gluttonous on the other.
We should rather say that the drama is first of all picture, living representation of colloquy; as such, it is balance, confrontation; and confrontation to its ideal degree of intensity is conflict.
The view of confrontation as the dramatic principle is confirmed by dramatic literature.
And it is the singular peculiar characteristic of the drama-- the face to face confrontation of forces--which furnishes these conditions.
Bare opposition is never real confrontation in our sense, for that must be an arrest, a mutual antagonism of all impulses of soul and sense.
Secondly, that confrontation of forces has revealed itself as indeed essential.
I have tried, on the contrary, to show that confrontationis a necessary product of the bare form of dramatic representation,--two people face to face.
It must be "inevitable," and it must have movement, because only so is theconfrontation reinforced.
The aesthetic meaning of "Lear" is not in the terrible retribution of pride and self-will, but in the cruel confrontation of father and daughters.
It is necessary that the confrontation or conflict should be vividly imagined, with all possible associative reinforcements--that it should be brought up to the turn of the screw, as it were.
VI We have spoken of the dramatic, and have desired to show that its peculiar aesthetic experience arises out of the tension or balance of emotion in the confrontation of opposing forces.
But, being so young and innocent, and not able to fully comprehend the meaning of such dark speakings, Si'Wren could only shrug inwardly, knowing not how or what she might do to avoid such an unintended confrontation of fates.
This conjecture the critic has fortified by such apt collocation and confrontation of passages that we may now reasonably accept it as an ascertained and memorable fact.
The confrontationof Hardquanonne with Gwynplaine had taken place.
In this there is a certain inconvenience, for if the prisoner dies on the second or third day the confrontation becomes difficult; still the law must be obeyed.
The hour ofconfrontation is come, and you must answer.
It was a sudden confrontation of misery and power, meeting face to face, and resolving themselves at once into the two halves of a conscience.