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Example sentences for "rivalry"

Lexicographically close words:
rivaling; rivall; rivalled; rivalling; rivalries; rivals; rivalship; rivalships; rive; rived
  1. In all their rivalry there is an amicable feeling and boundless liberality.

  2. How much bitterness, how much hateful rivalry would have been spared!

  3. Keen rivalry has existed between these three for their hands; the Turk, who calls himself the god of earth, would have the eldest, Pride, to wife.

  4. In humanity, self-denying assiduity, and Christian zeal they had immeasurably surpassed any who might have pretended rivalry with them.

  5. The meeting of the two kings, Henry VIII of England and Francis I of France, was brought about by circumstances connected with the rivalry between Francis and the emperor Charles V.

  6. National rivalry was apt to break out, and it was hard for the judges to escape the imputation of partiality.

  7. They resolved to withdraw from all active part in the rivalry of the two powers.

  8. Even here extended the rivalry of the great European monarchs, Charles and Francis.

  9. How could the ever-glowing rivalry of Valois and Habsburg fail to burst into a general conflagration, while the venerable vicegerent of Christ stood thus beside them with his fan in his hand?

  10. Opposed to Nikias, both in personal character and in political tendencies, he had pushed his rivalry to such a degree of bitterness that at one moment a vote of ostracism had been on the point of deciding between them.

  11. Moreover, the rivalry of Tegea would probably operate here as an auxiliary motive against Mantineia.

  12. TIME OF LOUIS XIV] In the prosperity of Beauvais, ambition carried Oudry into a gay rivalry with the Gobelins.

  13. Popes and great families regulated art in all its manifestations, and who shall say that envy and rivalry did not act for its advancement.

  14. Blootch Peabody and Ed Higgins, because of the personal rivalry between themselves, hoped on and on and grew more bitter between themselves, instead of toward Bonner.

  15. But the merriest rivalry was that which developed between Ed Higgins, the Beau Brummel of Tinkletown, and 'Rast Little, whose father owned the biggest farm in Bramble County.

  16. Twas as though in rivalry either sex had done its uttermost and so brought about this marriage.

  17. I saw competition between grain-bearing vessels, and where’er I looked I beheld the fleet of Carthage strive in rivalry with that of the Nile.

  18. The soldiers, observing a feigned rivalry in asking questions, begin to extend their long lines behind his back and to join up the ends so as to form a circle unnoticed by Rufinus.

  19. Bosporus decked his banks with vernal flowers, and Europe, entwined with rosy garlands, uplifted the torches in rivalry with Asia.

  20. This note seems to express complacency and rivalry among the males; they use also a quick call and a horrible scream: and can snore and hiss when they mean to menace.

  21. The males only make that shrilling noise, perhaps, out of rivalry and emulation, as is the case with many animals which exert some sprightly note during their breeding-time.

  22. But the parent birds seem to maintain a jealous superiority, and to oblige the young to seek for new abodes; and the rivalry of the males in many kinds, prevents their crowding the one on the other.

  23. The strain of intense rivalry is too severe on the body.

  24. But to veto and taboo all possible rivalry of one youth with another, because such rivalry may degenerate into greedy and selfish excess, does seem to savor somewhat of sentimentality, or even of fanaticism.

  25. No runner running all alone on a race-track will find in his own will the power of stimulation which his rivalry with other runners incites, when he feels them at his heels, about to pass.

  26. The feeling of rivalry lies at the very basis of our being, all social improvement being largely due to it.

  27. There is hatred and rivalry in every profession.

  28. Did they not give the key to many and many an enigma which justice has failed to solve, simply on account of the jealousy and rivalry that animate the detective force?

  29. Such charges might prove most dangerous for his future prospects in a profession where so much rivalry is seen, and where wounded vanity has so many opportunities to avenge itself by resorting to all sorts of petty treason.

  30. But rivalry was so keen for places, and the coach's choice so deep a mystery, that the contestants played under too great a tension, and school-boys could have done better.

  31. On the next Monday only twenty-five players were left, and as the number narrowed down the work grew more strenuous, the rivalry keener, and the tempers of the boys more irascible.

  32. The students and supporters of old Wayne, idolizing the great team, always bearing in mind the hot rivalry with Place and Herne, were unforgiving and intolerant of an undeveloped varsity.

  33. Admitted this was a fancy price due to the rivalry of breeders to have the best and to boast about it.

  34. There is tremendous rivalry amongst breeders, and the ambition to secure the blue ribbons is so great that the Argentines, as I have mentioned in a previous chapter, will not trust people of their own race to act as judges.

  35. Many of my former lovers felt their old passion revive again out of a sort of unconscious envy--the instinctive rivalry that the man of ripe years feels toward youth--and they began besieging me with their gallantries again.

  36. But an instinctive rivalry frequently embittered the relations of the two multi-millionaires.

  37. Dona Clorinda must be furious," continued the pianist, with malignant joy such as rivalry among women always aroused in him.

  38. It was the first time since their meeting that the two men had shaken hands; on the other hand, not a single word about their former rivalry had ever escaped their lips; perhaps that was all forgotten now.

  39. Their mutual reserve became more apparent; the experiences of the last two years were fading from their minds like a dream; and the fair image that had been the cause of their original rivalry was ever rising, as a vision, between them.

  40. Muhammed Khusurf, whose rivalry with Mehemet Ali had for some years attracted European attention, found himself at last face to face with his future opponent.

  41. The rivalry of Taoism was only an instance of that imitation which is the sincerest flattery.

  42. The interference of the local administration and the old rivalry among the various estates made confusion worse confounded.

  43. Competition among men, on the other hand, has been very largely converted into rivalry and conflict.

  44. It is rivalry which brings out the sense of team work, the social consciousness.

  45. Conflict and Accommodation: War and Peace, Enmity and Conciliation, Rivalry and Status.

  46. The Psychology and Sociology of Conflict, Conscious Competition, and Rivalry 638 2.

  47. The Rivalry of Social Groups[213] Conflict, competition, and rivalry are the chief causes which force human beings into groups and largely determine what goes on within them.

  48. A survey of the phenomena of rivalry brings out its rôle as an organizing force in group life.

  49. The subjective side of group rivalry offers an important study.

  50. In the study of conflict groups it is not always easy to apply with certainty the distinction between rivalry and conflict made here.

  51. Rivalry may then be defined as conflict controlled by the group in its interest.

  52. Language-Rivalry and Speech-Differentiation in the Case of Race-Mixture," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association.

  53. What bearing have the facts of animal rivalry upon an understanding of rivalry in human society?

  54. The conditions of competition or rivalry upset an equilibrium of habit and custom, and a process of problem-solving ensues.

  55. His interests lie in his relations to his fellows, in his love for wife and children, in his companionship, possibly in his rivalry and striving with his fellow-men.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rivalry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.