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Example sentences for "malevolence"

Lexicographically close words:
malefic; maleficent; maleic; maleness; males; malevolent; malevolently; malfeasance; malformation; malformations
  1. The Serpent was as often a symbol of malevolence and enmity.

  2. Evil, the serpent held to be the symbol of malevolence and all, 497-u.

  3. Malevolence rushed back as an ocean billow from the bastion of a cliff that emblemed mercy.

  4. A last malevolence leapt into her eyes; she panted and strove to speak.

  5. The commanders met with polite bows but with secret malevolence in their hearts.

  6. She saw the coldness and malevolence with which the old prince received and dismissed the young men, possible suitors, who sometimes appeared at their house.

  7. Yes, he told himself, he was sick of it, sick of the monotony, of the idleness, of the sullen malevolence of it all.

  8. Malevolence was not, perhaps, innate in him.

  9. A further explanation of the malevolence ascribed to souls lies in the instinctive fear of them, which is itself the result of the fear of death.

  10. These calamities, along with any other fatal accidents which happened in the neighbourhood, are usually attributed to the malevolence of Peggy.

  11. Still, even this most exemplary institution did not escape the malevolence of the Whigs.

  12. And such, in fact, he is, not through the justice or malevolence of his fellow-man, but through sheer force of circumstances.

  13. Each thought that he might be the next victim; and, indeed, it seemed so, for that towering form looked as though endowed with the strength and malevolence of a fiend.

  14. Dressed up in the cast-off vices of his betters, he has passed for a man of fashion amongst his own set, while he is regarded as a wit by those who mistake malevolence for humor.

  15. Nothing save malevolence and calumny could suggest any other impression, and I would beseech you not to favor, by such a step as a hasty departure, the malice that scandal-lovers may circulate.

  16. It is difficult to judge with what intention such airy bursts of malevolence are vented; if such writers hope to deceive, let us rather repel them with scorn, than refute them by disputation.

  17. Hardy admonished the joker--lethargically, but with a certain degree of malevolence in his weary tones.

  18. The companions of Malevolence were supplied by the Furies with a torch, which had this quality peculiar to infernal lustre, that its light fell only upon faults.

  19. With these fragments of authority, the slaves of Flattery and Malevolence marched out, at the command of their mistresses, to confer immortality, or condemn to oblivion.

  20. In a face dimpled with smiles, it has often discovered malevolence and envy, and detected under jewels and brocade, the frightful forms of poverty and distress.

  21. Thus, instead of indicating indifference or malevolence in God, because he introduced evil into the world, it is a striking evidence of his benevolence.

  22. Had such a state of things existed, how very clearly we should have inferred the malevolence of the Author of nature!

  23. The Tibetans are of opinion that a ghost is always malicious, and that it returns and gives troubles either on account of its malevolence or its desire to see how its former property is being disposed of.

  24. The malevolence of savage gods is in accordance with the theory that religion is born of fear.

  25. It is difficult to see why the malevolence of gods should prevent men from having notions of right and wrong, and we know from the Old Testament itself that there may be a moral law without Paradise {127} and Hell.

  26. A kind of legendary malevolence clung about his image.

  27. Her fit of crying ceased, and she lay listening to the tick of the clock, and marshalling in her mind a hundred little evidences of his malevolence toward her baby--his own baby.

  28. This is an independent opinion with which the carping of prejudice or personal malevolence is not to be mentioned in the same breath.

  29. The voice of the young fellow in the next compartment had attracted him above all others; it had malevolence in it which was wanting in the other cases, and, though he did not recognise it, sounded not unfamiliar to him.

  30. It is especially the power of malevolence that now looms large before his eyes.

  31. Still no danger would have occurred to himself from the display of such bitter feelings, had he confined his malevolence to the subjects of Great Britain.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "malevolence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abomination; acrimony; animosity; antagonism; antipathy; aversion; belligerence; bigotry; clash; collision; conflict; contention; despite; devilry; dislike; enmity; execration; friction; grudge; hate; hatred; hostility; inferiority; loathing; malevolence; malice; malignancy; misanthropy; misogyny; odium; rancor; repugnance; sarcasm; spite; unpleasantness; venom; virulence; wickedness