It was with very evident repugnance that the old soldier obeyed.
Lecoq certainly expected some sign of repugnance now, and he watched the prisoner closely.
Mr. Fairly is averse to it: the king's repugnance he thinks insurmountable, and that it ought not to be opposed.
I felt the deep disappointment I should give him, and I felt the most cruel repugnance to owe a resignation to a quarrel.
I gave myself no vindication from this charge but a laugh; and we returned to discuss speeches and speakers, and I expressed again my extreme repugnance against all personality in these public harangues, except in simply stating facts.
But she had persisted in meeting him without precautions, in treating him like an equal, in overcoming her natural and just repugnance to him, and in calling him her friend.
His wife yielding, though with a natural repugnance to the extreme seclusion in store for her, and the Jeffreys kindly assisting, they went together in May 1828 to the Hill of the Hawks.
As for Monseigneur, as soon as his original repugnance was overcome, and he saw that it was necessary to comply, he behaved very well.
Although very young, I had no repugnance to marry, but wished to do so according to my own inclinations.
One great obstacle in our way was the repugnance of M.
In spite of all the care and all the suppleness Dubois had employed in order to gain the spirit of the King, he never could succeed, and people remarked, without having wonderful eyes, a very decided repugnance of the King for him.
By dint of much plotting and scheming, and by the aid of their creatures, they contrived to overcome the repugnance of M.
The repugnance of the Irishman to the poorhouse is proverbial.
He glanced over his shoulder at the open door, where the shadow was still lingering and shivering; and with no conscious repugnance of the mind, yet with a tremor of the belly, he drew near the body of his victim.
This reparation would be fully due to the oppressed race, and America would be honored in treading her repugnance under foot, and in showing to the whole world that her so much vaunted liberty is not a vain word.
At the end of the ten days much of his repugnance had worn off.
The Bakongo "shudder with repugnance at the mere mention of eating human flesh.
They encountered here too, especially in the jury-courts, the repugnance of the middle classes towards the new monarchical rule, which with all the perplexities springing out of it they were as little able to remove.
Madame de Vergennes had the ideas of her time—a touch of philosophy, stopping short of incredulity, and a certain repugnance to the Court, although she regarded Louis XVI.
My repugnance to forming a friendship with the man who was to marry Susan had vanished.
Others, however, gave credit to her passionate declarations, and believed that she recoiled from the idea of marrying the lank young student with unfeigned repugnance and disgust.
This repugnance had displayed itself from the first moment of Cuchares' appearance in the hall the previous evening.
What better proof than the repugnance she displays so soon as he appears, and the pallor which then covers her face without any apparent reason?
The count looked hesitatingly at the Canadian: knowing the trickery of the Indians, he felt a repugnance to trust them.
He felt a repugnance to give up his incognito as respected the count.
Blas Vasquez, with that instinctive suspicion innate in all honest minds when they come across wicked persons, felt an irresistible repugnancefor the lepero.
It was intended to have been prefixed to Dodsley's quarto edition of the Odes with Mr. Bentley's designs but Mr. Gray's extreme repugnance to the proposal obliged his friends to drop it.
Her refined, gentle nature recoiled with an indescribable repugnance from her surroundings, and one day she received a shock from which she never fully recovered.
But so confused were his thoughts that he could not recollect why a feeling of aversion and repugnance prevented him from experiencing joy at the presence of her who was standing, in painful suspense, by his bed-side.
At last the day came when all my repugnanceto utter the fatal accusation suddenly vanished.
The public having a strong repugnance to both Spain and any matrimonial alliance with it, which must introduce a Popish queen, would have gloried in the real chastisement of that nation and the capture of its treasure-ships.
To attempt extorting supplies by the modes which had so exasperated the public, was a course which all reasonable men regarded with repugnance and apprehension.
He had always had a strong repugnance to doctors and physic, but now the Court physicians were hurried to his bedside.
I strove to reduce, or entirely remove, her repugnance to Count Holck.
Shame and repugnance touched me faintly for a moment, but at once died away again.
The next, as she touched me and my arms took her with rough strength against my breast, my repugnance vanished, and I was utterly undone.
Artificially-made races breed freely and without repugnance with one another, and the offspring of such cross-breeding is indefinitely fertile.
Some degree of sexual repugnance which undoubtedly exists between the primary races is the psychical sign of this fact.
The one kind is usually the sign of the other--attraction the sign of fertility, and repugnance of sterility.
Natural species will not usually unite with one another, being prevented by sexual repugnance and other causes.
We cannot deny the fact that man has as much repugnance for labor as he has satisfaction with its results.
Uncle Nathan, who, as before hinted, had a great repugnance to the use of deadly weapons.