The same, while teaching at Padua, had for his pupil young Francois de Sales, who had already passed a year in Paris, at the college of Clermont.
The next day the son leaves his college for the Christian college, or the school for the little seminary.
If I had the honor of being principal of a college I should no more think of forbidding the pupils to use tobacco than I should think of commanding them not to use the birch for purposes of self-chastisement.
The school, we will say, grows into an expensive one for the sons of rich men; the almshouse dwindles from a college for poor gentlemen down to a home into which wealthy men job their retired servants.
As the Inspector went down the hill towards the ferry, he overtook another and older acquaintance in an old college friend.
It is not impossible that before many years have passed there will be as many women as men receiving a college education.
It is beginning, moreover, to be an every-day matter for women to receive a college education.
As he showed evident signs of a brilliant mind he was sent to the college of San Gregorio of Valladolid, after graduating from which he returned to the convent as lecturer in philosophy.
Refusing the offer of a college education in Alcalá de Henares, he went to the Philippines, after teaching philosophy for a time at Mexico.
On the termination of that office in 1714, he was elected regent of studies in the college of Santo Tomás.
In 1694, he was assigned as lecturer on theology at the college of Santo Tomás in Manila, where he remained for four years.
William Read,[36] sometime fellow of Merteine college in Oxford, doctor of diuinitie, and the most profound astronomer that liued in his time.
Gundewill and Edmund Gundevill, parson of Terrington, Caius College and John Caius, doctor of physic.
Gloucester College John Crifford, who made it a cell for thirteen monks.
Magdalen College William Wainfleet, first fellow of Merton College, then scholar at Winchester, and afterwards bishop there.
St. Mary's College 18 Jesus College, now Hugh ap Rice, doctor of the civil law.
Bennet College The brethren of a Popish guild called Corporis Christi.
And it was while I was at college that I met Jerry.
He'd forgotten he was going to speak before the College Astronomy Club that evening!
He was a professor in ourcollege here, where his father had been president.
Father is president of the college now, and I don't know how many stars and comets and things he's discovered since the night the star and I were born together.
It told all about the stars and comets he'd discovered, and the books he'd written on astronomy, and how he was president of the college at Andersonville, and that he was going to give an address the next day.
Then when collegebegan he turned all at once into a full-grown man.
Jerry was the brother of my college friend, Helen Weston.
And I'm dreading the time when he comes into college next year.
It was the next morning that Susie said this over the back-yard fence to Bridget: "It does beat all how popular this house is with the ladies--after college hours!
When I went back to college he held my promise that if he could gain the consent of Father and Mother, he might put the engagement ring on my finger.
Then it came September and college began, and your father had to go back to his teaching.
He doesn't go anywhere, only over to the college and out to the observatory.
They are filled with good things to decorate and make these little homes look likecollege rooms.
Some one starts up a college song and the fun begins.
Sometimes I wish I had never gone to college at all.
Surely he will come to himself when he knows he may have to leave college unless he does his best.
Pray, what else do they do in that charming college set of yours?
Now the Olivers had only the merest notion of Edgar's college troubles; they knew simply what the Nobles had told them, that he was in danger of falling behind his class.
The guitar was brought out, and Edgar sang college songs till Mrs. Oliver grew so bright that she even hummed a faint second from her cosy place on the sofa.
I think I shall go to a girls' college and study, or find some other way of getting through the hateful, endless years that stretch out ahead!
Made by Appleman Brothers, of Dorchester, it will," replied the college president.
He had stopped in his plowing many a day to stand under a tree and write a poem--such as it was--or to watch the birds or to wish he could go to college or to Chicago.
A playful gamboling relationship had existed between them when she was a mere child attending school, and had continued through her college years whenever she happened to be at home on a vacation.
When near the Place du College the marshal's carriole was lost to sight in the gathering crowd, among whose numbers the most strange and contradictory reports from the field of battle were now beginning to circulate.
The roofs of the tall houses almost met, the dark passages were like the mouths of caverns, and more particularly so at that end where rose the high college walls.
It was impossible to discern objects; even the college buildings, distant but a few yards, were undistinguishable.
As he was passing along the Place du College two guns, probably all that remained of some battery, came dashing up to the curb on a gallop, and were abandoned there.
And Andrew, whase granny is yearning To see him a clerical blade, Was sent to the college for learning, And cam' back a coof, as he gaed.
He was a born scholar; he took to books as other boys take to marbles; and the lessons which he received in the household sufficed to prepare him for entering college when yet a mere child, at eleven years of age.
The two travellers took kindly to each other, and the unpleasant affair of the college disturbance was forgotten.
I believe this to be the chief factor in the decline of the American home--a hundred-fold more potent than the college education of women.
In towns where land is cheap and wood abundant, or in college communities exempt from taxes, comfortable housing is found in this country for as little as fifteen or eighteen per cent of the total income.
Prizes had been offered to high school, normal school, and college students for the best essays on Peace, How to Maintain the Peace of the World, and other similar subjects.
This plan allowed all students of military age, who were physically fit, to enlist in the army and receive military training, and at the same time obtain a college education.
The colleges of the country had suffered a great deal because of the two draft laws, as practically all men of college age were liable to military service.
But Lloyd George left collegeand worked in an office until he had acquired the needed sum.
But before he was graduated from Columbia College he began to doubt whether the profession of being an aristocrat in a democracy was a man's job.
With her beauty and Severance's popularity, for from his college days he had been extremely popular with men, the divorce excited uncommon interest.
In 1693, when James Blair secured from the King and Queen a gift for his new college at Williamsburg, Attorney-General Seymour objected vigorously, stating that there was not the least occasion for such an institution in Virginia.
Blair reminded him that the chief purpose of the college was to educate young men for the ministry and begged him to consider that the people of the colony had souls to be saved as well as the people of England.
They popularised what the college professors had been thinking.
College professors headed by a President who had himself been a college professor contributed more effectively to the decision in favour of war than did the farmers, the business men or the politicians.
At one time an American woman instructor in Roberts' College was arrested at Warnemuende and kept for weeks from communicating with the Ambassador.
Belle and Garlock 'ported out into the Main, arms around each other like a couple of college freshmen.
In dealing with college students in California, one is impressed by their boundless ingenuity.
In no other state is the path from the farmhouse to the college so well trodden as here.
To the influence of his chief he owed a half-scholarship for each of his two sons in the College Henri IV.
Indeed, the two college chums presented pictures of what men may be made by their different lots in life.