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Example sentences for "microscopic"

Lexicographically close words:
microphotographs; microphylla; micropyle; microscope; microscopes; microscopical; microscopically; microscopist; microscopists; microscopy
  1. In each of the divided vessels a clot forms, and extends as far as the nearest collateral branch; and on the surface of the wound there is a microscopic layer of bruised and devitalised tissue.

  2. The trabecular framework of the bone undergoes erosion and absorption--rarefying ostitis--and either disappears altogether or only irregular fragments or sequestra of microscopic dimensions remain in the area affected.

  3. These are a very few of the microscopic inhabitants of my pond, but, as you will confuse them if I show you too many, we will conclude with two rather larger specimens, and examine them carefully.

  4. When we once realise that fungus spores are floating everywhere in the air, we can understand how the terrible microscopic fungi called bacteria will settle on an open wound and cause it to fester if it is not properly dressed.

  5. And only I could have noticed Larry's shrinking, his microscopic hesitation before he took it, and his involuntary movement, as though to shake off something unclean, when the clasp had ended.

  6. Further, here so far as I was able to discover, there were no malignant bacilli--what immunity could Lakla have then to those microscopic evils without, which only long ages of sickness and death have bought for us a modicum of protection?

  7. This disturbance results in disintegration to a varying degree, and may produce changes visible on microscopic examination.

  8. Such microscopic examination requires the use of the finest lenses and the application of various staining methods.

  9. In the case of many microscopic forms, however, the entire organism, plant or animal, consists throughout life of a single cell.

  10. The Ammocoetes lives in the mud and breathes and feeds by means of a current of water produced by ciliary action, which carries Flagellates and other microscopic organisms in through the mouth opening.

  11. In microscopic preparations of the diseased placenta he was able to recognize numerous short bacilli and micrococci.

  12. Frankenheim has recently invented one for measuring the angles of 'microscopic crystals.

  13. The second compartment is inhabited by anaerobic bacteria, or forms of microscopic life that work practically without air.

  14. The scientific working of a septic tank depends upon the destructive work of two kinds of microscopic life known as aerobic and anaerobic forms of bacteria.

  15. It is also quite certain that if the shell were transparent we should be able to watch the formation of the young fowl, day by day, by a process of evolution, from a microscopic cellular germ to its full size and complication of structure.

  16. Flies are good fertilizers, and I have seen a microscopic Thrips and a Cecidomya take flight from a flower in the direction of another with pollen adhering to them.

  17. These papillae are divided into three classes, termed, from their microscopic appearance, filiform, fungiform and circumvallate.

  18. Each fasciculus contains a number of small fibers, which, when subjected to a microscopic examination, are found to consist of fibrillae, or little fibers; each of these fibrillae in turn being invested with a delicate sheath.

  19. Within the microscopic compass of the sperm cell are a great number of forces acting simultaneously, which require the answering conditions of a germ cell, and are so blended as to occupy a minimum of space.

  20. Microscopic appearance of semen which will not fecundate.

  21. If the microscopic germ lodges in some slight interstice of fiber, during its passage through the walls of the uterus, it may be detained long enough to fix itself there, and when this occurs, it is termed interstitial pregnancy.

  22. Were we endowed with a microscopic eye, we might see myriads of ethereal voyagers wafted by on every breeze, as we now behold drifting clouds of aqueous vapor.

  23. Microscopic appearance of milk showing relative size of fat globules and bacteria.

  24. In normal milk, the butter fat for the most part is massed in microscopic clots as (Fig.

  25. Microscopic appearance of normal milk showing the fat-globules aggregated in clusters.

  26. Let us consider the question of the possibility of detecting a fractional variation of the ultra-microscopic length by means of the Balanced Crescograph.

  27. Microscopic section showed that the geo-perceptive layers were the same as the starch-crescents.

  28. Microscopic examination showed that the electric maxima in Bryophyllum coincided with the diametrically opposite points in the continuous endodermic ring.

  29. I also wished to find out from microscopic examination, the cause of certain differences noticed in the determinations of the perceptive layer in Bryophyllum and in Nymphaea.

  30. Examination of the microscopic section of the flower stalk of Nymphaea showed that the 'starch sheath' was not continuous but occurred in crescents above the vascular bundles which are separated from each other.

  31. Microscopic section of the specimen employed in the above experiment showed the particular layer to be the starch crescent which lies above the vascular bundle.

  32. The manager observing this, again submitted it to microscopic examination.

  33. Fully appreciating the microscopic examination, and aware of the danger which the spread of the fungi could cause, the manager resorted to all known means to retard its pernicious influence.

  34. Microscopic examination of the yeast, however, showed the same to be bottom yeast.

  35. A microscopic examination of a gelatinous coating on the wall of the fermenting room further explained the matter.

  36. What a lasting impression this microscopic neatness makes on us!

  37. On the regulation plot of grass stood a basin of Roman cement, containing goldfish and a stream of water the size of that which comes from a syringe, which occasionally made microscopic rainbows at which the guests marvelled.

  38. Utterly discrepant values of the microscopic displacements designed to serve as sounding lines for the solar system, issued from attempts to measure even the most promising pictures.

  39. In March, 1863, he obtained microscopic prints of the spectra of Sirius and Capella.

  40. We watched them as they flung about what seemed their fire-like white arms, like microscopic opera dancers or windmills; but these apparent arms are, I believe, all they possess of bodies.

  41. Every one will recognize as soon as it is mentioned the microscopic analysis of character throughout George Eliot as compared with the rapid cartoon-strokes by which Dickens brings out his figures.

  42. Which should you prefer, a big room with a microscopic closet or a microscopic room with an enormous closet?

  43. His sight is microscopic and his aim sure.

  44. A microscopic examination of the photograph is necessary to differentiate the helpless birds from their surroundings.

  45. The latter forms the outer covering of the microscopic grains.

  46. It is one of the foods that afford ideal conditions for the growth of microscopic vegetable organisms, called bacteria (see Why Foods Spoil).

  47. All parts of the body are composed of microscopic cells.

  48. The microscopic tubes hold the muscle juice, which consists of water, protein, ash, coloring and flavoring materials.

  49. Yeast consists of a mass of microscopic plants (see Figure 86).

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "microscopic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    atomic; close; constant; delicate; diminutive; direct; embryonic; evanescent; even; exact; express; faithful; fine; germinal; granular; impalpable; imperceptible; imponderable; inappreciable; indiscernible; inerrant; infallible; infinitesimal; intangible; invisible; little; mathematical; meticulous; microcosmic; microscopic; miniature; minute; molecular; nice; pinpoint; precise; refined; religious; rigid; rigorous; scientific; severe; square; stereoscopic; strict; subatomic; subtle; tenuous; thin; tiny; undeviating; unerring

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    microscopic examination; microscopical examination