It was the first day after their recovery from the measles that the girls had been allowed to go down-stairs, and they were trying to amuse themselves in the library.
In scarlatina the symptoms of fever and the affection of the mucous membranes continue two days after the eruption has begun to make its appearance; inmeasles the eruption diminishes those symptoms at once.
As measles are more dangerous to adults than to children, whose skin is much more active, they had better take packs, without waiting for an increase of the symptoms.
In scarlatina the period of incubation is a day less than in measles; namely, in scarlatina the rash appears on the second day after the first symptoms, in measles on the third.
There was a little rash coming out, but in small dark purple spots, looking much more like measles than scarlet-fever.
Though contagious, still typhoid fever is far less directly contagious than measles or scarlatina.
Now and then German measles are severe, and are attended with a good deal of fever for a day or two, and even with symptoms of bronchitis.
In typhoid fever, and still more in the highly contagious measles and scarlatina, the person who sleeps in the patient's room is much more likely to contract the disease than she who sits up and watches at night keeping wide awake.
There is a disorder which seems to hold a middle place between measles and scarlatina, akin to both, identical with neither, and furnishing no sort of protection from their occurrence.
Slight feverishness sometimes precedes the appearance of the rash for twenty-four hours; but the cough, and sneezing, and running at the eyes and nose, which usher in measles are entirely absent.
The resemblance of German measles to scarlet fever is, however, extremely slight, and is almost entirely limited to the existence of a slight sore-throat, unaccompanied with glandular swelling.
The rash of measles cannot be confounded with that of scarlatina, and the distinctly spotty character of the rash of German measles ought, apart even from other differences, to render mistake impossible.
The measles and the small-pox were both amazingly fatal.
Parker, of the New York Medical College, once said to a medical class: "I have recently given no medicine in the treatment of measles and scarlet fever, and I have had excellent success.
I envied him; measles or no, he had on a turned down collar.
I mentioned that Hare Island was at present going through the measles phase of its usual rotation of epidemics.
Sure, Sally had measles there three years ago, and 'twas as good as a play for them!
That set of nerves that gave support and growth to measles died in the delivery of the child, and never can conceive and produce any more measles.
Measles would be less, and so on according to the thickness of the fluids present.
The temperature in smallpox undergoes a rapid defervescence upon the appearance of the rash, while in measlesit continues to rise after the eruption appears.
Upon the appearance of the rash in a typical case of smallpox the febrile diseases with which it is most frequently confounded are measles and varicella.
The eruption of smallpox appears at the end of the third day, that of measles on the fourth day.
As a matter of fact the early papular eruption of measles bears a considerable resemblance to the first stage of the eruption of smallpox.
In measles the eruption, viewed at a little distance, seems to present a distinctly corymbose or crescentic grouping, an arrangement which is absent in smallpox.
The characteristic and pathognomonic “Koplik spots” on the buccal mucous membrane inmeasles are, of course, absent in smallpox.
They vary in appearance, sometimes resemble the eruption of measles or of scarlet fever, and again are urticarial; they are macular, papular, and vesicular.
The eyes are injected and present a bleared appearance, but the watery or weeping condition seen in measles is usually absent.
The eruption in measles occurs on the fourth day of the illness, a circumstance which alone suffices to differentiate it from the morbilliform roseola of smallpox.
While we were camped on the beautiful little Cowskin River measles attacked our men, and we moved up to Carthage, where we remained about eight weeks, during which time we passed through a terrible scourge of measles and typhoid fever.
When I was taken with measles in Missouri, the disease affected my bowels, and they became ulcerated, and all through the long spell of typhoid fever and the very slow convalescence this trouble was very hard to control.
Only one of the boys at school had gone home with the measles and he was wondering what it was like.
Measles at school; so they are closing a month early, and it would be such a boon to Mrs. Outram and me if the boys could be quarantined away from home.
When following measles there is some danger of laryngitis, and the case becomes grave.
Measles under ordinary circumstances are seldom noticed in beef, and when they occur are commonly few in number.
Measles and scarlatina are very commonly arousers of the scrofulous process, not only by the temporary impairment of health which follows them, but also through the catarrhs which are usually present in both diseases.
Pork affected with measles is much more common than beef affected in the same way, and is frequently a subject of ordinary observation.
Meats visibly infested with measlesare not fit and should not be used as food.
In measles an eruption similar to the cutaneous manifestation occupies the air-tract from nostril to bronchi rather than the food-passages.
It is described by Cobbold, who suspects it to be derived from measles of the sheep.
The hog becomes affected with measles when it has access to human excrement containing eggs and ripe segments of the tape-worm, which it eats with avidity.
Malarial and exanthematous diseases have also been considered exciting causes, and among the latter class measles and scarlet fever, because of the inflamed condition of the intestinal mucous membrane which they leave, are the most frequent.
The measles usually occur in the muscles, including the heart, though they have also been noticed in the liver and lungs.
The porkmeasles are commonly seen as round or oval, hard, whitish bodies, from the size of a hempseed to that of a pea, imbedded in the connective tissue of the muscles or flesh.
Experiments repeatedly made by swallowing pork measles prove that the mature tape-worm may be developed in the course of three months.
Contagions of small-pox andmeasles do not act at the same times.
Contagious matters, as those of the measles and small-pox, do not act upon the system at the same time; but the progress of that which was last received is delayed, till the action of the former infection ceases.
At the same time both the measles and small-pox seem to have been rendered milder.
It was now known, that the measles were in a farm house in the neighbourhood.
Do not smile, for as whooping-cough and measles are juvenile diseases, and yet some juveniles never have them, so are there boys equally free from juvenile vices.
Measles came through, and there weren't more than a dozen survivors.
After that he had gone on his way to mend trouble on the atoll of Tasman, where a plague of black measles had broken out and been ascribed to Grief's plantation by the devil-devil doctors.
The men sickened rapidly, measles appeared, and all of the Maine detachment, except five or six men, were on the sick list unfit for duty.
The voyage, measles and deaths depressed the men somewhat, besides men from agricultural districts do not seem to be so hardy and stand campaigning as well as city soldiers.
In the fifth year of their married life measles visited Penny Green.
In 1908, the year of the measles and the separated bedrooms, no shadow of it had yet been thrown.
He sounded my chest, and says it is all right now, but that there had been a little damage; he thought the long cough I had after the measles had left traces that this winter has told upon.
Her baby had measleswhen mine did," the woman went on; "I lived across the street, then.
But that girl that's been wheelin' him has measles at her house--little slut!
The governor wrote up to the mission advising them to leave, for a while at least, until the Indians should become quiet, which they would do as soon as the measles had run its course among them.
So they lived quietly along for a year or two; then the measles broke out among the Indians, and a large number of them were carried off.