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Example sentences for "rabies"

Lexicographically close words:
rabblement; rabi; rabic; rabid; rabie; rable; rables; rabo; rabs; raccoons
  1. If, on the other hand, rabies is proved to be present, the patient should be submitted to the Pasteur treatment.

  2. Should rabies develop and its destruction become necessary, the head and spinal cord should be retained and forwarded, packed in ice, to a competent observer.

  3. The Board of Agriculture are of the opinion that rabies might be spread by rats.

  4. The Ebbw Vale cat that is suspected of having rabies is still under observation.

  5. Wherever the Pasteur treatment for rabies was introduced, however, the number of deaths following the bites of mad animals fell off.

  6. They are also found in more than 96 per cent of the cases of rabies examined, but have not been proved to exist in other diseases.

  7. Rabies may possibly be mistaken for tetanus.

  8. Valenti states, as his strongest evidence of the protozoan nature of the bodies, that the virus of rabies is neutralized in test tubes by quinin, while no other alkaloid has this property.

  9. Recovery from rabies may be considered as a question of the correctness of the original diagnosis.

  10. Bites of rabid dogs produce an infected wound, and the virus of rabies introduced in this manner should be removed or destroyed in the wound.

  11. But in rabies there is a volition, a premeditated method, in the attacks which the animal will make, which is not found in the other diseases.

  12. Rabies is a contagious disease, which is usually transmitted by a bite and by the introduction of a virus contained in the saliva of an affected animal.

  13. He found that by direct inoculation in the brain-substance the period of incubation was abridged, rabies often showing itself in six, eight, or ten days.

  14. The large preponderance of male dogs attacked with rabies has been constantly remarked by writers.

  15. In the face of this it would require very strong negative testimony, indeed, to prove that the virus of rabies is devitalized in drying--a process which prolongs the vitality of other virulent matters.

  16. Hydrophobia (rabies canina) has been, until latterly, regarded as incurable, and always mortal within a few days or a week or two.

  17. The lethargic or tranquil form of rabies in dogs is manifested neither by furious madness nor by palsy of the jaws, but the nervous prostration is shown in a profound lethargy and apathy.

  18. A law on the statute-book is not always a law in force, as I saw in Alfort and Lyons in 1863; the dogs wore their muzzles only in honor of the periodic visits of the commissionnaire of police, and rabies prevailed.

  19. Hertwig obtained rabies in two cases only out of eleven inoculations with the blood of rabid subjects.

  20. The rabies virus was inoculated into the system of guinea-pigs or rabbits and, in effect, cultivated in the systems of these animals.

  21. It is undeniably true that the great majority of the cases of so-called rabies are pure myths.

  22. While he was pursuing this research Pasteur had access to the cases of rabies in the Paris hospitals, and these numbered sixty each year.

  23. A spontaneous case of rabies has never been known.

  24. This shows that rabies is not a hot weather disease.

  25. A dog never develops rabies from a lack of water or from being confined or overheated during the summer months.

  26. Rabies and hydrophobia are two different terms, meaning the same disease, the former meaning to rage or become mad.

  27. After this Pasteur tried a new method and injected directly into the nervous system, either into the nerve trunk or directly into the brain, after trephining, and all such injections produced rabies in the injected animal and death.

  28. It was formerly believed that rabies was a hot weather disease.

  29. The treating of individuals, bitten by rabid animals, in the Pasteur Institutes, is simply the practical application of results obtained by Pasteur from his original work on rabies virus.

  30. Pasteur was a French chemist living in Paris, and he began his search for the cause and cure of rabies in 1880.

  31. So, too, although we know how the infection of rabies acts, and how it is carried, yet no one has yet isolated and recognised the terrible infective particle itself.

  32. As he had cultivated the virus of anthrax, by putting it where its development could be watched and controlled, so he must put the virus of rabies in the place of its choice.

  33. A guinea-pig inoculated in the eye 26th May was seized with rabies 10th September.

  34. The rabies of the animal was proved by experiment, by the development of rabies in animals inoculated with its bulb (the upper end of the spinal cord).

  35. First symptoms of rabies showed themselves 4th June, before the treatment was finished; died 7th June.

  36. The central nervous system was to the virus of rabies what the test-tube was to the virus of fowl-cholera or anthrax.

  37. Besides these 2 who died of rabies there are 5 more, in whom the first signs of rabies showed themselves in less than fifteen days after the last inoculation.

  38. Therefore he followed with rabies the method that he had followed with anthrax.

  39. The form that rabies take in rabbits may fairly be called painless.

  40. If canine rabies is a fearful subject to contemplate, there is a sadder and deeper significance in rabies humana; in that awful madness of the human race which is marked by a thirst for blood and a rage for destruction.

  41. He has quite recently succeeded in cultivating the bacillus in artificial media and producing typical rabies in dogs, rodents, and birds by inoculations.

  42. A cat with rabies has just rushed into our house," they cried in answer.

  43. The fear of rabies is very prevalent, and with reason.

  44. I've been bothering about it for some days now; cats are such queer things and a cat with rabies would be so dreadfully dangerous.

  45. By the way, I'm told that one of the earliest manifestations of rabies is a desire to bite inanimate objects; if we see her doing that we shall know that the time has come to act.

  46. There are in rabies three chief sets of post-mortem signs.

  47. Pathologically rabies and tetanus (see page 168) are closely allied diseases, and the recent remarkable additions to our knowledge of the latter disease only make the similarity more evident.

  48. The exact details are as follows: The spinal cords of two rabbits dead of rabies are removed from the spinal canal in their entirety by means of snipping the transverse processes of the vertebrae.

  49. It takes two chief forms: (1) furious rabies and (2) paralytic rabies.

  50. Nervous irritability is the first sign; spasms occur in the respiratory and masticatory muscles, and the termination is similar to rabies in the dog.

  51. Pasteur has discovered a method of protection from rabies comparable with that which vaccination affords against infection from small-pox.

  52. But now comes the question, How do we know that rabies is a nervous disease?

  53. Dreadful as hydrophobia may be to the human being, rabies is worse to the dog.

  54. It is not mischief which makes the creature respond to its master's voice so long as memory has power--even after rabies has set in.

  55. As to worming being of any, even the slightest, protection, in case rabies should attack the dog, the idea is so preposterous, that I shall not here stay to notice it.

  56. He replied, "Rabies is Jew priests and I wouldn't do a damn thing for them.

  57. JEWS Pat, answering questions in applying for a job as keeper of the pound, came to the query, "What are rabies and what would you do for them?

  58. A dog suffering from the rabies often shows odd impulses.

  59. There was good reason for fear, since the canine was afflicted with the rabies in the worst form.

  60. At the end of this volume we are informed that he has already taken up and examined with success, as far as his experiments have reached, the terrible and mysterious disease of rabies or hydrophobia.

  61. Maurice Raynaud had announced the transmission, by the saliva, of rabies from man to rabbits.

  62. The parasite of rabies had not been securely isolated when M.

  63. Those who hold all communicable diseases to be of parasitic origin, include, of course, rabies among the number of those produced and propagated by a living contagium.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rabies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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