A local variety ofherpes or tetter, remarkable for forming a kind of belt round or partly round some part of the trunk of the body, chiefly the waist or abdomen.
In medicine plumbago has been used with apparent advantage in herpes and several chronic skin diseases--externally, as an ointment made with four times its weight of lard; and internally, made into pills.
This is seen in certain skin diseases, such as herpes zoster, which closely follows the destruction of certain nerves.
Raynaud compared the microscopic spores in his case to the microphyte of tinea tonsurans or that of herpes circinatus.
Now and then the hyperaesthetic {78} areas become anaesthetic, and even patches of herpes may form in the course of the nerve, when doubt can no longer remain.
Herpes of the anus occurs similar to herpes at the other mucous outlets of the body, and is usually symptomatic of slight disorder of digestion.
Sometimes labial herpes or similar ulcerations follow, which are likewise sore and painful.
Neuralgia may last, after herpes zoster, for any time from a few days to many weeks, and I have known it so agonizingly severe and so persistent as actually to kill an aged woman from sheer exhaustion.
In one remarkable example it was produced as a reflex effect of severe herpes preputialis.
A most plentiful crop of herpes was an intercurrent phenomenon in this case, or rather, was plainly dependent on the same cause which produced the neuralgia.
Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson records several cases in which neuralgic herpes zoster of the face was attended with iritis, with serious or even irremediable damage to the organ.
From the age of puberty to the end of life, the tendency of herpes to be complicated with neuralgia becomes progressively stronger.
A less common but very remarkable variety of intercostal neuralgia than that just mentioned, is the kind of pain which attends a good many cases of herpes zoster, or shingles.
In one of the early cases in the American literature Fruitnight reported a case withherpes in a girl five years of age.
Herpes has been described in connection with both adult and infantile scurvy.
It is attended with great pain and high temperature, and is believed to be analogous to herpes zoster (Güterbock).
It is an excellent local remedy for the itch, for herpes and especially for pityriasis versicolor, used alone or emulsified with lemon juice.
Gibson states that he knows of no plant in the vegetable kingdom possessing more notable curative properties in itch, herpes and other cutaneous diseases than the plant under consideration.
The activity of this plant in herpes is due to the chrysophanic acid contained in it.
Herpes of the lips sometimes occurs in the commencement of the disease.
Herpes labialis occasionally occurs toward the end of the attack; it is then a favorable indication.
Bärensprung mentions especially the occurrence of herpes labialis in cases of irregular relapsing fever which bore considerable resemblance to typhus.
Frequently an eruption of herpes is observed upon the lips and upon other parts of the face, from which circumstance the disease is sometimes called herpetic fever.
An outbreak of herpes about the lips is occasionally seen.
The origin and distribution of herpes zoster, the occurrence of sympathetic ophthalmia and symmetrical gangrene, suggest a predominant disturbance of innervation as the exciting cause.
The head and hands became covered with suppurating nodules and small exuding herpetic spots, which became confluent and itched terribly, a most classic picture of the herpes of the ancients.
I still have "Itching, with an eruption resembling at timesherpes zoster below the left scapula.
That variety of herpes which occurs on the side of the trunk is called herpes zoster or shingles.
Defn: A kind of herpes (Herpes zoster) which spreads half way around the body like a girdle, and is usually attended with violent neuralgic pain.
Repeated attacks of herpes preputialis and some consequent point of induration are looked upon by Petit-Radel, Chauvin, and Bernard as frequent starting-points for the cancerous affection of the prepuce.
Difference of duration of the individual rings, usually slight, tends to give the patch variegated coloration; as, for example, in erythema iris andherpes iris.
From herpes iris, the bullous syphiloderm, impetigo contagiosa and dermatitis herpetiformis.
In herpesabout the genitalia cleanliness is of first importance.
They are herpetic in that they show little disposition to spontaneous rupture, occur in groups, and are usually seated upon erythematous or inflammatory skin--in some respects similar to the groups of simple herpes and herpes zoster.
Herpes facialis is often observed in association with colds and febrile and lung diseases.
Pregnancy and the parturient state are factors in some instances (so-called herpes gestationis).
In doubtful cases, an observation of several weeks will always suffice to distinguish it from eczema, erythema multiforme, herpes iris and pemphigus, diseases to which it at times bears strong resemblance.
Compare, for example, such a case as that of Case 210, with herpes zoster and segmentary symptoms.
A herpes or the graying-out of hair overnight can suggest organic changes.
I have been down these seven weeks with an atrocious and apparently absolutely endless attack of "Shingles"--herpes zonalis, you see I know!