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Example sentences for "pneumonia"

Lexicographically close words:
pneumatical; pneumatics; pneumatos; pneumococcus; pneumogastric; pneumonic; pneumothorax; poach; poached
  1. The end of our case is then either a gangrenous pneumonia or complications induced by a condition of widespread pyƦmia.

  2. Enteritis, lymphangitis, or pneumonia he knows to be often heralded in the same manner.

  3. Only in this way is pneumonia as a sequel sometimes prevented.

  4. Tip's paws were like ice and he was shivering violently, the first symptom of the pneumonia that killed mockers so quickly.

  5. Now Harry has been having pneumonia and is ordered to southern France for a while, and he wants to know if the child can come to us.

  6. He couldn't help having pneumonia and going away; but I do wish they had left that out.

  7. Although pleuro-pneumonia is not produced by the action of anyone of these circumstances alone, [referring to noxious effluvia, &c.

  8. The least obstruction to universal vital action will produce pneumonia in some animals, while in others it may result in disease of the bowels.

  9. It is, however, unfortunate that the causes of pleuro-pneumonia have not as yet been satisfactorily explained.

  10. The primary symptoms of pleuro-pneumonia are generally obscure, and too often excite but little attention or anxiety.

  11. But in this respect pleuro-pneumonia is not peculiar: it is but one of an extensive class which embraces most epidemic and epizooetic diseases.

  12. Sixty-eight and two-tenths per cent of all deaths from broncho-pneumonia occur in children under 5 years of age, a time of life when measles is most apt to occur.

  13. While all of the severe cases may not be as grave as the one which was cited above, it must be admitted, nevertheless, that broncho-pneumonia is the great menace of measles.

  14. Two years ago this very night, I wept so hard that I nearly gave my roommate pneumonia from the dampness.

  15. The feet should be kept warm by external heat, while the physician in charge may order additional attention to the chest, such as a pneumonia jacket, etc.

  16. In fact, during very early infancy, pneumonia heads the list of infant deaths, only to be displaced a few months later by that most dreaded summer disease--diarrhea.

  17. Its tendency to pass into pneumonia renders it a disease for skilled hands to treat--a disorder hardly safe for even the well-meaning mother to undertake to manage without medical advice and help.

  18. No mother should think of attempting to carry her baby through an attack of bronchitis or pneumonia without the best medical help available.

  19. A baby whose nose is much obstructed or who has pneumonia can nurse but for a moment, and then has to let the nipple go in order to breathe more satisfactorily.

  20. Another bath which is effectual at the onset of grippe or pneumonia is the sweating bath.

  21. Pneumonia complicating labor is usually the result of carelessness and exposure.

  22. Care should be taken to guard against "catching cold," for bronchitis or pneumonia is quite likely to develop in many cases of measles.

  23. Bubonic plague and small-pox were raging, while dysentery and pneumonia were reducing the population, and the railroad was raging worst of all.

  24. As an application, pneumonia is too much dirt in the wheels of the lungs, if so we must wash out; no where can we go to a better place for water than to the lymphatics.

  25. Pneumonia begins by its oedematous accumulations of dead atoms, even to the death of the whole body, all having found a start in atoms only.

  26. Mr. Schreiner describes an epidemic of pleuro-pneumonia which destroyed many flocks of Angora goats in South Africa.

  27. Verminous pneumonia of sheep may also occur in goats.

  28. Anthrax, tuberculosis, pleuro-pneumonia and meningitis, will affect goats, but these diseases are very rare.

  29. Crowds of refugees are already attacked by pneumonia and the germs of typhus pervade both air and water.

  30. There had been pneumonia on the hill, but only a few cases.

  31. I came upon a pneumonia scourge which bids fair to do for a number of the escaped victims what the flood could not.

  32. If there is a case of real Asiatic cholera or a case of double pneumonia they don't call in a doctor though there is a very capable and learned medical man within a mile.

  33. He had an attack of cold which subsequently developed into pneumonia and after a lingering illness of 8 days he died at about 8 o'clock one morning.

  34. Is it true that Carl got pneumonia from straying out in the graveyard that wet night for a dare?

  35. Half an hour later a wire was sent to town for a trained nurse, and all the Glen knew that Carl Meredith was very ill with pneumonia and that Dr.

  36. When the blood change is an established fact, it is only a question as to which is the weak organ, and the organism of the individual will decide whether it will be a simple sick-headache or the beginning of a pneumonia ending in phthisis.

  37. The girl was in danger of contracting pneumonia from exposure.

  38. In March and April, 1906, when there was no flood, there were fourteen cases of pneumonia and forty-eight of typhoid fever.

  39. Similarly, the death rate from pneumonia and bronchitis is suspiciously high.

  40. The effect of the flood in increasing certain kinds of disease is shown by a comparison of the pneumonia and typhoid records in the flooded wards of Pittsburgh.

  41. The respiratory tract is particularly susceptible, pneumonia constituting the most common cause of death.

  42. Pneumonia is a frequent complication and edema a terminal event.

  43. Pneumonia is met with very frequently and constitutes a common terminal infection.

  44. An individual may suffer from an attack of pneumonia that so weakens the disease-resisting powers of the lungs as to result in a tubercular infection of these organs.

  45. It may be present at the beginning of an attack of pneumonia or pleurisy.

  46. The success in the treatment of pneumonia depends largely on the care.

  47. In case pneumonia occurs secondarily, the earliest symptoms are confounded with those of the primary disease.

  48. The treatment recommended in pneumonia is indicated in this disease.

  49. The symptoms of verminous bronchitis and pneumonia are quite characteristic.

  50. The curative treatment is the same as recommended for the treatment of simple pneumonia and pleurisy.

  51. The symptoms are those commonly seen at the beginning of an attack of simple pneumonia and pleurisy.

  52. He was suffering from broncho-pneumonia following measles.

  53. I could not think at first who he was: then I remembered I had attended him in Turkestan for double pneumonia when he was very dangerously ill.

  54. Musk: in the delirium of low fever, and in ataxic pneumonia of drunkards with severe nervous symptoms.

  55. Gelsemium: in malarial and sthenic fevers, especially in pneumonia and pleurisy.

  56. This second attack of pneumonia was relentless.

  57. It seemed the more likely because Laddie, always fragile, had suffered a severe attack of pneumonia at the farmhouse, and came back to the Sisters looking more like a white spirit than ever.

  58. Her father was worse; pneumonia had set in; the doctor was anxious; they were trying to secure a trained nurse; perhaps Claudia would like to return as soon as she got the letter.

  59. She knew that pneumonia often claimed its victims swiftly; she might reach home too late.

  60. He was not long in spending nearly all of her fortune, but he really was considerate enough to contract pneumonia and die before he obtained possession of her house, which fortunately was in her name and unmortgaged.

  61. Your ma said in her letter to me that you'd had pneumonia twice since you got back," said Mrs. Vick.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pneumonia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ague; anthrax; asthma; bronchitis; cholera; cold; croup; diphtheria; dysentery; emphysema; grippe; hepatitis; herpes; hookworm; hydrophobia; influenza; laryngitis; leprosy; lockjaw; madness; malaria; measles; meningitis; mumps; pleurisy; pneumonia; quinsy; rabies; rheum; ringworm; shingles; smallpox; tetanus; thrush; tonsilitis; tuberculosis; typhus; yaws