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Example sentences for "ringworm"

Lexicographically close words:
ringmaster; rings; ringside; ringstraked; ringue; rink; rinks; rinnin; rinning; rins
  1. Ringworm is an affection of the skin, caused by a vegetable parasite.

  2. This form of ringworm has a peculiar odor, resembling that of mice or musty straw.

  3. The author is familiar with one case in which pure juglone was applied to a persistent ringworm infection.

  4. Ringworm on any other part of the body is effectually treated by applying tincture of iodine.

  5. The disease may be mistaken for dandruff, but dandruff covers a large area of the scalp, while ringworm is limited and sharply defined.

  6. Ringworm is always curable, provided the patient is watched and treatment carried out thoroughly.

  7. Every child with ringworm of the scalp should wear a cap of muslin or one lined with paper, so that others may not be infected.

  8. If a mother discovers scaly patches in the scalp, with loss of hair, ringworm should be immediately suspected.

  9. It should be painted on every day until the skin begins to peel, when the ringworm will disappear with the skin.

  10. The first thing to do is to cut the hair as close to the scalp as possible, wherever the ringworm is, and for about an inch outside, and all around it.

  11. Dandruff may cause a loss of hair; if it does, the hairs come out clean, while in ringworm they break off near the scalp.

  12. In tinea sycosis, or ringworm sycosis, the history of the case is different.

  13. The superficial type of ringworm sycosis is readily distinguished by the ring-like character of the patches.

  14. How would you treat ringworm of the general surface?

  15. It is much more common in children than in those past the age of puberty, ringworm of the scalp being limited to the former (rare exceptions), and tinea sycosis being a disease of the male adult.

  16. Describe the symptoms of ringworm as it occurs upon non-hairy portions of the body.

  17. Is ringworm of these several parts treated with the same remedies?

  18. From ringworm by the crusting and the atrophy.

  19. On the same general plan and with the same remedies (excepting chrysarobin) as in ringworm of the scalp.

  20. In ringworm of the nails (tinea trichophytina unguium) these structures become soft or brittle, yellowish, opaque and thickened the changes taking place mainly about the free borders.

  21. Describe the symptoms of ringworm as it occurs upon the scalp.

  22. Ringworm of the bearded region is due to the trichophyton.

  23. Does ringworm of the scalp ever occur in adults?

  24. The plaques of alopecia areata are smooth, often completely devoid of hair, and free from scales; while those of ringworm show numerous broken hairs and stumps, desquamation, and usually symptoms of mild inflammatory action.

  25. Ringworm on the scalp is hard to treat and medical help should be secured, for, in spite of all that can be done, the disease often runs its course, leaving round bald spots over the head.

  26. Ringworm of the face, taken early, is helped by carefully painting with tincture of iodine.

  27. The mother should constantly bear in mind that ringworm is a "catching" disease, so that all handkerchiefs, towels, and clothes are to be kept separate.

  28. Another pustule has appeared on chin and also ringworm on forehead (right side); feel very well to-day.

  29. Caustics were applied to destroy lupous tubercles by direct action, and furthermore recourse has been taken to the so-called mechanical treatment, in which the ringworm was scraped out.

  30. In ringworm of the scalp, and to destroy pediculi.

  31. An excellent application to piles, either alone or mixed with an equal quantity of zinc ointment; also highly useful in ringworm of the scalp.

  32. Used in ringworm and several other skin diseases, made into an ointment with lard.

  33. Ringworm of the scalp occurs as a circular, scaly patch of a dusty-gray or pale-red color on which there are stubs of broken hairs pointing in different directions, and readily pulled out.

  34. The disease on the body and scalp is caused by the same parasite, but ringworm of the body may attack adults as well as children, and is readily cured; ringworm of the scalp is a disease confined to children, and is difficult of cure.

  35. On the body, ringworm attacks the face, neck, and hands.

  36. There may be several patches of ringworm near each other and they may run together, or there may be only one patch of the disease.

  37. The application of pure tincture of iodine or carbolic acid to the spots with a camel's-hair brush, on one or two occasions, will usually cure ringworm on the skin.

  38. If untreated, ringworm is likely to last indefinitely.

  39. Spit on the ground the first thing in the morning, mix the spittle with the mould, and then anoint the ringworm with this mixture.

  40. Hold an axe over the fire until it perspires, and then anoint the ringworm with the sweat.

  41. Turner in his annual report of the Samoan Medical Mission, dated October, 1869, refers to the recent introduction of the Tokelau Ringworm amongst the Samoan Islanders as the introduction of a new disease.

  42. To the partial decoloration of the skin in Tokelau ringworm and to the bronzing of the skin in Addison's disease, these remarks equally apply.

  43. From the previous remarks on the distribution of Tokelau Ringworm it may be inferred that in New Guinea and in the islands of the Malay Archipelago we have the home of the disease.

  44. The particular form of the disease to which the name Tokelau Ringworm should be applied has a very wide distribution.

  45. Ringworm can be readily transferred from one dog to another, or to animals of different species, and the converse.

  46. Ringworm is a kind of tinea, and it is caused by various mould fungi.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ringworm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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