Stirred by these heroic recollections, he hummed in his quavering old voice the ballad in which Ivizan sailors had celebrated the triumph, verses in Castilian, for greater solemnity, whose words TÃo Ventolera mispronounced.
When Hale lay down he could hear the old man quavering out a hymn or two on the porch outside: and when, worn out with the day, he went to sleep, the Red Fox was reading his Bible by the light of a tallow dip.
On the quay the song of a drunken man died quavering away in the distance, 'When Cupid.
Then his voice broke into quavering rage as he went on.
As he did so, a painted savage leaped from behind a tree and raised a hand to his mouth to produce the quavering of a triumphant war-whoop.
The fierce war-whoop came quavering over the water, and in a moment the dreadful truth was known.
When it was over he thanked God in a loud but slightly quavering voice.
I stared at him; and then he said softly, but quavering like, 'Ghysbrecht, look at me closer.
Bambo, in his hoarse, quavering voice, at the same time drawing the child still closer to his side.
The long quavering cry, the Indian yell rose and died again and in the black forest, still for aught else, it was weird and unearthly.
Then rose the fierce quavering war cry poured from hundreds of throats, and the savage horde, springing out of the forests and thickets, rushed upon them.
From the forest came a wild quavering yell of triumph, full of the most merciless menace.
The old man had a sickly hollow voice and an asthmatic quavering lisp.
For hours he had heard nothing but the monotonous rushing of the water close at hand, or now and then the shrill, quavering cry of a distant screech-owl, or the almost noiseless flapping of a bat's wings as they swept by him.
As she sat absorbed in these wholly unnecessary and exhausting speculations, the door opened and she heard Robinson's quavering voice make the delicious announcement, "Mrs. Dashwood!
Then the start, with which he had been recalled, extended itself in a long fit of nervous trembling, and it was with a weak and quavering voice that he responded to his visitor's salutation.
There was a note of appeal in the quavering voice.
It was not York Macpherson, but the little, fuzzy, shabby figure of old Fishin' Teddy who shuffled inside and closed the door, demanding in a quavering squeak to be heard.
The reg'lar train's busted through a culbert out yander," the high, quavering voice persisted.
His hands let go of the table's edge and fitted knuckle into palm as he asked, in a quavering voice: "Be you really Jim Swaim's girl who used to live up in that there Winnowoc country back yander in Pennsylvany?
Ruth's voice came sharply, quavering with the passion she had been suppressing until now.
The girl drew a long, quavering breath and leaned back against the wall of the bunk, closing her eyes.
Meaning that I'm a liar, I suppose," he said, his voicequavering with sudden passion.
The women flocked out into the streets, uttering their long andquavering cries of welcome.
They are as warlike as their husbands, and encourage them, when they go out to battle, with their applause and curious quavering cries.
His eyes closed as if in fear, and in a weak, quavering voice he said three words-- "Lord help me!
He sent a long call quavering between the lonely mountains.
A shrill, quavering neigh, like the whinney of a galloping horse, rang from beyond the house, and Vic saw the black stallion racing up and down his corral.
As he came under the windows, he heard a thin, quavering voice singing lines very dear and familiar to him: Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take!
Then he stood still, spoke to them in his quavering voice, and took up his song again.
Then we are superfluous," he said, in a quavering voice.
In Stone Street he heard a hoarse, quavering voice singing in the central courtyard of one of the houses.
The good God will repay it to you," said Lasse, with a quavering voice.
Then came that awful cry, rising in a high thin scream, and trailing off as before in a quavering wail of despair.
Then it came--the wild quavering yell for which the boy waited.
Romanticism shouted with quavering voice into the Waldeinsamkeit (forest solitude), and echo returned quavering answers.