A canal over five leagues of hilly ground would still remain to be cut.
The pretty little salon into which he conducted her looked out upon the Grand Canal and past the church of Santa Maria della Salute upon the Lido.
One sunny day, as he was sailing in the Grand Canal in a gondola with Stella, he pointed to a beautiful old palazzo.
No small amount of commerce which now goes elsewhere would, we are told, pass at once through an Isthmian canal to the haven of Peiraieus.
New cells to repair tissue waste are built up from the nutriment which the blood carries from the alimentary canal after the process of food digestion is accomplished.
Alcohol itself being one of the toxic substances which reach the liver from the alimentary canal is at once attacked by the liver, and if the oncoming tide of alcohol is not too great it will practically all be oxidized.
There are some cases of great constriction of the uterine canal which have reflex irritability in the stomach.
Withhold milk until nature has had time to rid the alimentary canal of the poison-producing germs.
Dana has called attention to the probable role played by ptomaines produced in the alimentary canal in the development of organic disease of the central nervous system.
A novelty in canal boats lies in Charles River, near the foot of Chestnut street, which is calculated to attract considerable attention.
It is called a pneumatic canal boat and was built at Wiscasset, Me.
The banks of the canal were then luxuriantly wooded.
In a few moments we had reached the mouth of the ravine, of which the Mountain of the Birds forms one of the sides, and through which the scanty canal from the Nile flows.
To a short distance from the river this canal still exists, but, soon after having passed through the defile, its scanty waters disappear altogether, and are lost under the sands.
The course of this canal to the river was not direct, but ascending in a south-easterly direction towards the Said; and in calms, or with adverse winds, the passage was tedious.
I am trying to get the Chinese substituted for canal hosses.
Won't they be bang up with their cues hitcht to a canal bote snakin' it along at the rate of a mile inside of 2 hours.
He pointed down a narrow street which led, as I could see, to a canal wharf.
On the other side of the canalwas a huge East Indiaman, with her lower yards cockbilled, loading all three hatches at once.
Burgundy Street and acrossCanal Street toward the convention, carrying an American flag.
A long and perfectly straight object, if found on our earth, might be a canal or it might be a road; it might be a railway or a terrace of some kind; but assuredly no one would expect it to be a natural object.
Sidenote: Canal Street] On a line with the present Canal Street, a stream ran from the Fresh Water Pond to the Hudson River, at the upper edge of Lispenard's Meadows.
A project, widely and favorably considered in 1825, but which came to nothing, advocated the extension of Canal Street, as a canal, from river to river.
Sidenote: Chapel Place] West Broadway was originally a lane which wound from far away Canal Street to the Chapel of Columbia College, and was called Chapel Place.
Not until 1803 were the streets from Warren to Canal laid out.
At the northern edge of the improved waste lived Leonard Lispenard, in a farm house which was then in a northern suburb of the city, bounded by what is Hudson, Canal and Vestry Streets.
The one bit of the meadows that remains is the tiny park at the foot of Canal Street on the west side.
South of Canal Street, west of Broadway, was a marshy tract known as Lispenard's Meadows.
The southern and northern lines were approximately the present Reade and Canal Streets.
This deep body of water took up, approximately, the space between the present Baxter, Elm, Canal and Pearl Streets.
When the Island of Manhattan was first inhabited, a swamp stretched in a wide belt across it from where Roosevelt Slip is now to the end of Canal Street on the west side.
At a time near the close of the eighteenth century a drain was cut from the Collect to the North River, on a line with the present Canal Street.
The region through which the canal ran was at that time mostly wilderness, and for some years packets carrying passengers as well as freight were drawn through the canal by horses travelling the tow-path along the bank.
After leaving West's studio Fulton still remained in England, and although continuing to paint he gave much thought also to the development of canal systems.
It cost ten dollars before the canal was dug to carry a barrel of flour from Buffalo to Albany; now it costs thirty cents.
Illustration: Erie Canal on the Right and Aqueduct over the Mohawk River, New York.
But he did not stop because of criticism, and in 1825 the canalwas finished.
On the other Hand, the Canal which leads from this Town to Leyden, is one of the most disagreeable in the Province, there being scarce any Thing upon its Banks but Meadows and Downs.
The Canal which carried me to Amsterdam presents a thousand agreeable Objects to View, being diversified all the Way with fine Country-houses, magnificent Gardens, Meadows and Villages.
Another Canal goes to Ostend, which is but three Leagues off, and carries Ships to Bruges of four hundred Tons.
I went in the Bark along the Canal from Ghent to Bruges, which is the most commodious and agreeable way of Travelling in the World.
So we went for a walk round by the canaland she told me she was a slavey in a house in Baggot Street.
I hid my books in the long grass near the ashpit at the end of the garden where nobody ever came and hurried along the canal bank.
We were to meet at ten in the morning on the Canal Bridge.
The company are seated in the boat under a canopy; while slaves, or at least menials, walk along the bank and drag it after them, in a way similar to ourcanal navigation.
To reduce to a level, or to an evenly progressive ascent, as the line of a canal or road.
The throat; the gullet; the canal by which food passes to the stomach.
A ventral canal or groove, in which the males of some diœcious trematodes carry the female.
Without stating his motive to any one, although it is supposed he intended to converse with them, and, if possible, find out their orders in regard to us, he walked from the gate up the street along the canal to the bridge.
Immediately in the foreground lie the stagnant waters of the canaland piles of reeking filth.
The foul and stagnant water in the canal and the filth in its bed are plainly shown.
Across the canal are to be seen the straggling buildings of a Tartar village.
To the left is the encircling canal, with its stagnant water and accumulations of filth; under a corner of the wall near the bend of the canal may be seen a caravan.
The canal running under my Lady's dressing room chamber window, is full of carps and fowl, which come and are fed there.
The cascade at the end of the canal turns a cornmill that provides the family, and raises water for the fountains and offices.
The canal was now digging, and the vineyard planted.
This done 21st, I accompanied Mr. Howard to his villa at Albury, where I designed for him the plot of his canal and garden, with a crypt through the hill.
Following the completion of the Suez Canal in 1869, Egypt became an important world transportation hub, but also fell heavily into debt.
The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 cost the island its importance as a stopover on the East Indies trade route.
It seemed evident that the Germans, having failed in their attempt to cross the Yser canal near us, were making a fresh effort further to the north.
On either side of the canal the dark silhouettes of tall trees stood out against the sky.
S-shaped curvature in the canal afforded us shelter from the current.
In the afternoon we entered the Canal of Fitzroy, where we encountered a strong current from the northward (i.
Both shores of the canal are low, and formed of alluvial soil, of which the crumbling banks in places exhibited good sections.
He had an American commission to inspect the canals of Europe on the part of a company formed to buy out the Sound line of steamers and dig a ship-canal from Boston to Providence.
The canal must stop, if it cannot be constructed without “forced labor.
Tom had just heard that he was to go on duty at the front trench again, when passing along by the canal towards one of the officers' dug-outs he saw a staff officer talking with the major of his own battalion.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.